Chapter 10: the break down

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The next morning-December

Natasha' POV

I woke up in a room that wasn't mine, in a bed that also wasn't mine, alone. *knock knock knock* where's lauren? I look around to see the light in the bathroom on, and hear the sink or shower running. *knock knock* on the bathroom door.

"Nat? if thats you knock again." Lauren yells so i do as i was told

"Sweet heart ill be out in a minute, amber dropped off some clean clothes for you earlier. If you want you can shower in a minute." I tap a few time to let her know i got the message and sat down to see a note, and check the time, its 9:37.

'My beautiful Natasha,

Good morning, its currently 7ish when I'm writing this. You seem really tired so I'm going to let you sleep, if you wake up before i come back i went downstairs to start some coffee and go for a run. If your worried or uncomfortable being here alone, don't worry ill be back by 8 at the latest. If you would like to, you can go get coffee there should still be enough for you to steal a cup before Lisa drinks it all.

You're so cute when your sleeping, I mean you're cute all the time but your extra cute when you're sleeping. I might have a surprise for you when I get back, but we'll see how the day goes.


I placed the note down smiling in contentment, by now the water had turned off and I was waiting on her to get dressed so I can take a quick shower. I was deep in thought when the door opened, I didn't even hear it or see her walk out *i wonder what surprise she has for la-*

"Nat? Are you ok" she sounds concerned

Yea I'm ok I was just thinking

"Good things I hope"

Always, I stand grabbing her damp face and bringing it closer for what was supposed to be a quick kiss, but of course it wasn't. I felt her moving closer to me but the only problem with that is she was basically walking through me so I stepped back, which she took as an opportunity to continue and the next thing I knew I was pinned against what I think was the door and the most beautiful girl in the whole world.

You're so beautiful, and even more so without make up.

She laughed then opened the door to the bathroom for me, I kinda fell backwards but she had me hand in hand. *when did she do that*

"Smooth talker, go shower so we can go on an adventure." She let go of my hand and I immediately felt empty.


"Oh right and here's your clothes" she hands them to me before pecking my lips and closing the door. I left it unlocked only because I was nervous I was going to slip, it might have been a bad idea because while I was under the warm water I heard the door creek open. I tried to get the soap off of my face as quickly as possible, bracing myself if someone was coming to hurt me.

I peaked out of the curtain and that's when I was face to face with... fucking Lauren trying to scare me

"Why was the door unlocked?"

I was afraid I was going to slip and get stuck with no way to contact anyone

"Oh baby, I have a key" she cooed showing the brass object.

I rolled my eyes in response, the better question why did you come in here and why were you trying to scare me

"I just wanted to see your cute butt" there's a smirk on her face as her eyes start gazing down my damp exposed body

Aye my eyes are up here, I snap shocking her. Can you let me finish showering now?

"Mmh I suppose I can do that" then with a quick kiss she leaves.

I finish showering and getting dressed drying off my hair some more. I leave the bathroom looking around for her but it's just me, *sigh* typical.

I sat on her bed not wanting to accidentally bump into her family, without being able to communicate. That's about when that feeling I've been fighting off since I woke up comes back, feeling useless and like a burden, I kinda just lay down and softly cry.

Lauren's POV

After my little interaction with Natasha in the shower, I went down to get us ready for our date, it's gotten pretty cold lately so I was getting blankets and a thermos of hot cocoa ready in my truck. I had gotten so carried away I didn't realize one nat wasn't out here yet and two it had been an hour since I last saw her.

"Nat?" I called outside, hoping she was just out of sight, nope. "Nat?" Walking into the house but I still don't see her, "nat?" I'm trying not to yell since my sisters like to sleep in a little bit. Finally I decided to go into my room and I see her sobbing into a pillow, shaking violently.

"Nat.. what's wrong love?" I try to stay as calm and quiet as possible, while pulling her arms away from her head. She shrugs her shoulders and half signs something I can't tell what she's saying. "Baby come on, you gotta turn over I don't know what you're saying."

I feel like a burden to you and my family, you all have to learn sign language just to understand me and now I think your sisters are going to because they don't know what I'm saying. Dakota barely said 2 words to me when I got home, Austin won't come near me cause he's 'afraid I'm going to break' Nate and amber barely look at me cause they can only stare at my neck. I'm useless and no one needs me here, I heard nurses saying I should of died in that crash and they don't know why I survived, I had no parents that I'm 'an orphan' no partner and my siblings didn't even visit me... is that true? Did they not come visit me?

"it's ok, we're doing this because we love you. And if my sisters do it's because they don't want you to feel like you have to rely on me to be able to talk to them. And you're not a burden to me. Baby I love you more then I've loved anyone and I only want you to be happy, I learned sign language so when you woke up I could talk to you and you wouldn't feel alone. Those nurses are jerks, and they did come see you not so much towards the end but when you first got admitted they were there almost everyday Austin used to read you stories and amber would watch your guys show with you, Dakota blames himself because he thinks the meeting you were supposed to have was more important then what you were doing then, and Nate he misses his best friend."

I reach my hand out to her and pull her into a tight hug, I could feel her shaking, letting her cry as long as she needs to, I can't imagine how she's feeling but I know she's hurting.

"Nat, can I take you on a date today?" I ask while kissing the top of her head.

That depends, when are we going and where?

"Well that's a surprise" I giggle "and as soon as your ready to go we'll leave"

Can we just lay here for a little while longer? Please?

"Of course" I smile pulling her down on to the bed, *god I've fallen so hard for this girl*.

Word count: 1286

This was originally supposed to be earlier in the story but I wanted the sisters in sooner so this got bumped with that the structuring on this chapter so it's a bit shorter.

~thanks for reading, R.J.~

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