Chapter 18: planning

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Happy Easter to those who celebrate, here's a little Easter gift from me.

Lauren's POV

Her eyes were fixed on the screen, as it flashed to a black screen with the words 'turn around' plastered on the computer, she turned around to see the same image that was on the screen prior, looking down at me with hopeful eyes.


"Natasha your my one in a 6 billion love, id be stupid to let you go, I know it's soon but you mean more to me then anyone else in this entire world." I pulled out a small box, kneeling on the ground, slowly opened the black leather box, "Natasha Amelia Romanoff will you make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?" I had picked out a simple ring till she could pick one she liked more.

Her eyes filled with tears spilling down her face as she nodded reaching for me, yes a billion times yes, quickly I slipped on the ring and kissed her as she held me tight, light sobs coming from my very happy baby.

"When you calm down should we tell everyone?" Quickly she pulled away glaring at me.

Who knew about this! And didn't tell me?

"Only amber.. and my sisters.. Austin.. Nate.. D.." my voice quieted trailing off "OK EVERYONE KNEW.." I quickly screamed "I was to excited I couldn't not tell someone then out of no where everyone knew.." I dropped my head hoping she would stop glaring.

She lifted my head up still glaring, but the look faded quick as she closed her eyes kissing me softly. We posted a picture on my private Instagram that only friends and family were on (Natasha family too). It was filled by people liking the picture and commenting sweet things.

Day one of planning- ((Not a big fan of wedding planning so this chapter will be a bit sporadic and chaotic, sorry in advance, also this will be a very short chapter because I hate wedding planning so much))

"ok Lauren and Natasha" a blonde woman appears around the corner looking down at a binder and I'm assuming a tablet, her head slowly lifts "hi, I'm Rachel Greene" she extends her hand to each of us shaking ours. "You're Lauren?" She looks at me, I nod and smile "then you must be Natasha", Nat smile at her nodding. "So nice to meet you both, "ok I don't want to be rude but you did mention one of you is mute" her voice trembled, "I just would like to know if I can do anything to make this easier on that person."

"That would be Natasha." I smiled reaching for her hand to give it a gentle squeeze.

"Ok Natasha is there anything I can do for you?" She turned her attention to Nat then, Nat turned to me.

Not talk so damn loud, owe my ears! She giggled i don't know what she could do for me to begin with unless she learns sign. I nodded repeating it back to her except for the earlier comment.

"Well I can learn a little bit to try to help, so shall we begin?" Rachel asks, we simply nod beginning the long process.

I can't even explain how long we were looking at venues and visiting them, I'm exhausted. Our visits went something like; they didn't have enough space or it was way too big, then it was way to dirty, next the people were so unbelievably rude, then they didn't want to host a lesbian wedding, after that it didn't have a place to have the ceremony, it was like that for almost all of them, But I think we finally found one, outdoors but this was what sold it for us this view looking over the side of the property:

 Our visits went something like; they didn't have enough space or it was way too big, then it was way to dirty, next the people were so unbelievably rude, then they didn't want to host a lesbian wedding, after that it didn't have a place to have t...

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