Chapter 14: sister bonds

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7 months later- January

Lauren's POV

Sitting at the island in our shared home warm cup of coffee in my hand, I couldn't help but think about everything that's happened over the last 11 & 1/2 months. I've completely fallen head over heals in love with a beautiful woman I get to call mine, I've learned another language/am still learning, she's practically living with me, we survived a deadly crash. It makes all the regular day to day activities seem insignificant..

Natasha is finally graduating from school with a bachelors degree! I'm so unbelievably proud of her, my sisters and I band has really taken off and we're releasing a new album soon called sad girls club, I cant believe how our lives are finally settling back to normalcy well.. Our new version on normalcy.

Lisa and Natasha have been spending more time together, as Lisa has been learning sign language to communicate with her, they seem to be growing close and I'm happy for them a lot of Natashas friends left her after the accident.

I was thinking hard for a while I didn't even notice Chris walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Laur. Nat not up yet?"

"Huh oh hi Chris. No she's still asleep, I mean it's only 8 she probably won't be up till about 9." I smiled thinking about my sleepy baby

"Oh, do you have any plans for the day with her?" Her tone was almost distant like she had a plan she wanted to talk about with me.

"No- I think her and Lisa are going out later why?"

"Oh no reason, hey why don't you come with me and get a mani pedi" ok she's up to something.

"Yea sure but let's go after Nat wakes up I don't want to deal with a grump today" I chuckle since I know how she gets if I leave before she's awake.

"Sure, I'm gonna meet nick for breakfast anyways" she smiled heading toward the door "I'll call you later and meet you there?"

"Sounds good Chris" I yell before heading upstairs to shower and get ready for the day.

-30 minutes later-

A knock on the door, "hey baby I'll be out in a minute" another tap, I dry and get dressed before opening the door to see Nat sleeping again, she must be tired.

"Hey beautiful do you wanna wake up?"

She shook her head, stretching her arms out and pulling me down to cuddle with her. "Good morning sleepy head." I coo as I kiss her cheek a few times, "common Lisa said you two were gonna go get your hair dyed today and grab lunch, you don't want to be late"

She lifts her head barely opening her eyes, but I wanna sleep more I'm so tired, she closes her eyes flopping back down onto the bed. I couldn't sleep, I had another dream about the accident, her breath hitched and tears threatening spilled out of the corner of her eyes.

"It's ok baby, we're safe and it's over. We never have to go though that day again" my hand lightly rubbing her back while the other wiped the tears away pulling her into me after. Those dreams also haunt me almost every night, most of the time I can shake them off which I assume she can to but this one is hitting differently, I don't want her crying all day or being late for Lisa and hers "date".

After she calmed down I picked her up carrying her to the bathroom so she could change and shower, I've seen her naked multiple times now, she's very clumsy and falls in the shower more then she should, but no sex I'm still adamant about waiting till marriage, but I've got to say her body is stunning! And that girl has an amazing ass I could drool over.

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