Chapter 28: family trip

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6 months later- narrators pov

The tension between Lauren and Natasha was an uneasy feeling, everyone could feel it. They weren't arguing but it was clear they were having some sort of problem.

"Lauren?" Natasha's voice pierced the silence.

"What?" Her voice was distant and face was cold.

"Are you ready to go?" Her wife rested a hand lightly on her shoulder. "Common we have to or you'll get sick"

She nodded and quietly made her way to the car. They had gotten pregnant a few months ago but due to some complications the baby didn't make it.

I'll spare you the gore filled details..

"Love. I'm sorry this happened." Natasha's voice was sheepish and shaky at best.

Lauren looked at her wife reaching for her hand, "it's not your fault. These things happen, I'm just sad." Tears slipped down her face as she wiped some from her wife's eyes.

2 hours later-

"Do you Uh- do you want to go somewhere?" Lauren's voice broke the silence.

"Where?" Natasha voice cracked they had been crying, neither wanting to deal with the news they got.

"Bahamas? It's supposed to be a company retreat with my sisters but if I have to go alone after this I'm not going" they were sitting on the couch talking when Natasha turned looking at her with a half smile.

"Sure Laur, id love to go with you" leaning up she kissed her cheek. "When do we leave?" Lauren looked at the date her eyes growing wide.

"Uh tonight, in 5 hours." They both shot up, running to their room throwing clothes on the bed, grabbing passports, chargers anything and everything you'd need to leave for 10 days. Two backpacks filled with what they'd need on the flight and two suitcases with everything else.

"Tooth brush?" They we're going through a list they found online Of travel essentials.

"Check, hair bush, straightener?"

"Check, check, chargers? Laptop? Headphones?"

"Check, check, and no.. where are the headphones?"

"Uh nightstand." Natashas hand pointed next to her.

"Check, I think that's everything then." Lauren said looking at the list with everything crossed off except sunglasses and a hat that she added and quickly tossed in.

"Ok let's get an Uber and head to the airport" so they did, they had about 2 hours to spare before take off, while they waited Lauren's stomach was making noises. "Common Love, lets go get food" Natasha chuckled, Lauren's stomach was on a time schedule it made noises about the same time everyday.

After getting Lauren a small pizza, they wondered around trying to kill as much time as possible till they had to board.

45 minutes to boarding~

"Common laur we need to head to the gate." Natasha was standing guard next to the stall Lauren was using, some kid ran into her with a full cup of water and manage to run right into her crotch, so not only was she freezing cold but she looked like she wet her self.

"I'm going, can you get me another towel? Maybe I can salvage these socks." She said as she stepped out of her shoes wringing them out over the drain.

"Just throw them out if you want I'll get you a new pair, oh here's the pants and a pair of those boxers you always steal from me." As she reached over the door to hand her irritated wife dry clothes, Lisa and Dani walked in.

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