Chapter 34: laurens pregancy

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The air was cold, the dirty yellow and orange leaves scattered on the ground. People stepping on them as the air knocks them under their feet, the hard crunching sounds on the heals of their boots echos and distant sounds of traffic fill the air the buzzing and roaring from the exhaust rumble. The sky was dark, in the distance the Paris monument in perfect view of the hotel room above the people wearing heavy coats as their feet continued to crunch the fallen leaves.


"What? Baby what's wrong?" Natasha came running in, throwing the bathroom door open.

"Nat.. I.. I'm.. I'm p- I'm pregnant" the younger girl smiled wide showing the pregnancy test on the counter. "We did it!"

"O-oh my god, your not joking right? This is happening right?" Natasha's eyes filled with tears as she embraced her wife. After a long tear filled hug the pair stepped apart smiling wide they shared a deep kiss, afterwards they jumped into the shower having an inmate moment or two.

3 months later telling the family

"Ok everyone please sit down" Natasha yelled as loud as she could the Cimorelli house was always loud and chaotic.

As the noise started settling Lauren walked up to her wife placing a hand behind her head and one on her back "Do you have the camera hidden?"She whispered in her wife's ear, placing a chased kiss on her jaw as Natasha nodded lightly.

"Alright we wanted to play Pictionary, no cameras just the family as a whole. When was the last time we did this?" Lauren smiled talking to her family.

As soon as she finished her sentence they were picking teams. "Alright Cristina and Nick is one team captain and since this was Lauren's idea I think she should be the other one and naturally I'll be a on her team, mr and mrs Cimorelli would you like to be on our team?"

The older couples smiled and nodded moving to that side of the couch, they decided three teams would be good enough Lauren and Natasha volunteered to go last planning to tell the news at the very end of the game.

~2 hours later~
"Ok last round Lauren and Natasha you need this to win!" Lisa smiled being excited about the game.

"Football with a bite taken out of it?"
"Yes, keep going"
"Oh uh uh half"
"Bottle with water?"
"Half ink?"
"Oh having, I having.. I'm having"

"Finish the lyric."

"Hey, I just met you and this is crazy
But here's my number, so call me maybe
It's hard to look right at you ___"

"BABY! Your having a baby?!" Lisa screamed out so fast no one fully understand what was happening.

"Wait everyone shut up! You're.. you're pregnant?" Dani and Christina cried together it took a an extra minute or two for it to fully register but when Amy repeated the question Lauren's mother was in tears and everyone surrounded the couple hugging them.

"Ok don't squish the baby" Natasha Joked. Pulling out the camera showing everyone laughing and smiling "babe come here."

"Ok guys you heard it we're finally pregnant! So let's say goodbye and go talk about it.. everyone say bye"
Lauren smiled everyone signed off and the camera cut.

The next day~

"Alright" Natasha huffed sitting down in front of the camera.

"You ready?" Lauren smiled kissing her wife's cheek, a small smile crept on to her lips, her eyes closed enjoying the moment.

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