Chapter 12: Offical first date

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Laurens POV

"Nat, do you want to go on that date still? If you don't want to its ok we can stay in and watch movies" My voice cracking as i ask its been a tense hour.

I'm sorry I'd love to go on a date with you, I'm sorry i didn't mean to spew that information at you. She sighs and stands grabbing my hand trying to pull me to the door.

"Natasha, you don't need to apologize. Come here, what else is going on with you"

Can we talk about this later? Please I just want to go on a date with you and not have this night be ruined anymore. She's not even looking at me

"Fine, but you're talking to me when we get back!" I stick my pinky out motioning her to lock hers in with it.

Really a pinky promise? Are we 5? Laughing she still locks it and twisted it as if it made it a stronger thing

After touching up my make up and fixing my hair again, I walked down the steps to see my beautiful girlfriend standing by the door waiting for me. She was looking down at her phone not paying attention to me in the slightest. I got all the way down the steps and about 3 feet away from her, before I saw the grin on her face.

"Why are you so smiley?" Her head lifting up and her gorgeous hazel eyes resting on me softly as if she'd seen a puppy that she'd seen a million times before behind me. Her infectious smile forced me to loose composure, smiling widely before kissing her.

She shook her head after and opened the front door. "Thank you baby" I smiled at her act of chivalry.

After a comforting silent ride in the car, something I've become immensely used to, we arrived at a little old school diner. A bright red and blue neon sign out front read Arcade Restaurant, it looked run down like it should have been shut down in the 70's, gave off an old 60's vibe like the arcade out of that movie with the light bikes.

Walking towards the doors hand in hand, she takes a few larger steps forward to beat me to the door, with a large smile she opens it. As we walk in, we're greeted first with the classic oil smell like someone just made a fresh batch of fries, then a nice older woman with curly red hair tied back in a pony in a pair of dark blue jeans and vintage Nintendo shirt appeared from behind the counter.

"Howdy girls! Take a seat anywhere you'd like, I'll bring you a few menus in a moment." Her smile large and that sweet Tennessee charm out in front, as she walked back behind the counter lined with red and black bar stools and a scattered groups of people happy chattering or munching on food, we made our way down to a corner booth where no one was at and made ourselves comfortable.

"Here ya are you two, my name is Darla, I'll be your waitress. I'll give you two a moment to decide what you want to eat" the sound of a bell rang throughout the little space, fallowed by Darla walking away towards the counter pony bouncing behind her, picking up two hot plates and running off to wherever they belong.

I turned my attention back to by stunning date as she's studying the menu, do you have any idea what to eat?

I'd only been here once before and I was on a health kick so I only ate salad, "no I have no idea what to eat." My eyes left her gorgeous face for a few moments while I perused through the pages, waiting for something to catch my eye, they settled on something safe that the restaurant couldn't butcher 'chicken tenders'

This looks good she pointed to the bottom of the page, same thing and easy to order.

"do you want something to drink?" She smiled pointing to the last page under shakes

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