Chapter 17: the video

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This chapter is literally only going to be what was in the video Natasha was watching. Play music if you can read while the music plays.

The video starts with a song lauren wrote for Natasha awhile back before they confessed each other's feeling for one another, "I'm a mess", then Lauren speaks.

"Natasha I could go on and on about all the ways I love you, I could describe every feature that makes you special to me, but I think the impact you've made on my family speaks volumes even without anyone actually speaking"

Hi Natasha, Lauren came up with this idea a few months back, when she realized how important you became to her, since we were all already learning how to communicate with you, she thought what a better way to show you how loved you are by your second family, then by us communicating with you the only way you can.

Ok now that I got her speech she wanted me to say out of the way. I love you so freaking much, you've already become another sister to me in a non creepy way, you're such a big part of our family and I don't think you even realize how important you have become to all of us but myself especially, your just as weird as I am and the amount of inside jokes we have goes on forever. I love you, if it was up to me your already a Cimorelli you just need to change your name. Lisa finished her speech, winking before kissing her palm and blowing at the camera.

Hi Natasha! You're such a beautiful soul and beautiful person we're all so lucky to have had the time to spend with you over the last year, you brighten every room you step into and you don't even have to talk. A lot of people would have been able to stay so calm and positive during what you went through, but you did, it shows what kind of person you are. Amy waved the camera and it flashed to the next screen.

Hey Tasha, I thank god everyday for putting you in all of our lives especially Lauren's you've helped her in ways you'll never understand, also you're so smart, kind, funny, and unbelievably talented I'm amazed your not a famous speaker. And yes I saw some of the songs you had written they're really good even if some are kinda sad. You've got a good heart and I know you won't break Lauren's heart and she wouldn't break yours. Kath finished as Natasha started crying.

Hey rat! "Owe hey Lauren!"

"We'll be nice you said you would"

"Alright alright" this got a giggle out of Natasha, a large smile a crossed her face

Hey Natasha, since I can't say rat. I love you like your another one of my big sisters, when Lauren told me she had this idea I was so happy, I had a feeling I on how happy It'd make you also between us Lauren is kinda whipped for you. But it's a good thing it means she loves you.

When you told me how hurt you were by Lauren not spending time with you for 3 months it broke all of our hearts because we were all helping trying to finish this video in time for your guys second anniversary, it took way longer then expected since we'd keep messing up, but I hope not spending that time with her is ok now that you know what she was doing that whole time. We love you Nat. Dani finished whipping a tear away blowing a single kiss at the screen.

Fitting that the first person in our family besides Lauren you meet, is the last person to tell you what a wonderfully perfect addition to our family you make. Like they've all said before we love you so much Nat you really have become another sister and I hope you know you've got 10 more brothers and sisters by your side if you ever need us, I know you make Lauren happy and that not only makes me like you that much more, it makes us all happy so with that I think Lauren has something to say. Chris finishes as the screen turns to the next scene

The next scene appeared it was Lauren in the same out fit in the same spot kneeling down with a box in her hand.

They literally took all the words out of my mouth, your perfect to me in every way, I love you so much, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

The image changed to show the 5 of them sitting next to each other.

Lisa and Amy: will
Kathrine and Dani: you
Christina: Marry

"Me?" Lauren spoke at the very end

words 'turn around gorgeous' now appearing on the screen.

Word count: 815

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