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Ok this might not sound like a big deal to anyone but myself, I just saw I have 1k reads!! When I published the first chapter I was so nervous, I never put anything out for anyone to read before, and when I saw I had 5 reads (I was too scared to look before I posted the 3rd chapter) my heart leapt out of my chest. the first favorite I got I actually shed a tear, I was so happy you all were enjoying my book even if it wasn't super accurate to the actual people depicted in it.

I just want to say thank you for those who like/love/look forward to this update every week, when I started writing this I never thought anyone would actually read it. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading and supporting this book!! We got 10 chapters left! ...which means I better go finish them... whoops-

Anyways thank you again for reading my book! Love you all with every ounce I can!


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