Chapter 30: first wedding anniversary

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The night before was stormy and drury, the pair staying up throughout most of the night as thunder crashed above them, lightning lit up their room and the wind howled slamming the small peach tree against their bedroom window. The night passed slowly, however the couple eventually fell asleep for a few hours. The morning was nothing like the previous night, it was warm and sunny, birds were chirping as the light slowly crept through the window, bringing them to an easy awakening.

"Good morning my love." The once mute girl spoke, "today makes the one year anniversary of our marriage and the best surprise I ever pulled off." She finished placing feather light kisses on her wife's cheeks.

Her wife slowly opening her eyes smiled up at the girl leaning above her, pulling her down for a brief kiss before adding "and the best decision I ever made" she paused observing the confused expression on her wife, "asking you to marry me" she finished seeing the previous look being melted away by a tender smile and loving eyes.

"Happy anniversary my bride" She spoke so softly even if anyone else was in the room they wouldn't have heard her, afterwards she kissed her love one more time before laying down beside her wrapping her up in her arms. The two snuggled together so closely they looked like a single being, there they stayed till unfortunately an alarm went off causing the blissful morning events to come to a dramatic end.

Before they could even protest they heard a lot of commotion outside causing them to be forced out of bed. "One more month" Natasha spoke trying to soothe her wife's annoyed demeanor, "then our house will be finished" she smiled again wrapping her in a chased hug before getting ready for the day.

"Not soon enough mi amor" Lauren smiled as she proceeded to get ready for the day. Once the couple was showered, dressed they exited their room, seeing the commotion they were wishing to avoid.

"Dani! Hurry up I'm going to be late!" Lisa's voice echoed through the hallway as she was seen standing outside the bathroom banging on the locked door.

"Not my fault you over slept!" Dani's voice seemed to becoming from everywhere at once as it bounced off the walls of the bathroom and into the vent.

"Dani! Uhh- I'm moving out!" Lisa stormed out of the hallway and into her room ramming right past the couple.

"I thought she already had her own place?" Natasha asked quietly.

"She did Dani begged her to come back." Lauren replied seeing the sad expression on dani's face as she came out of the bathroom walking to Lisa's room.

Later that evening-

"Lauren?" Natasha searched the room, "love were going to be late."

"Can we spare 15?" She asked stepping out in a red lace lingerie two piece and leaning on the door frame.

"Uh-" Natasha's jaw dropped to the ground as she scanned her wife's body the lace didn't leave room for imagination either, as Lauren spun around Natasha collapsed to her knees jaw still hung open, drool slowly falling out of her mouth.

"Is that a yes?" She smiled, Lauren didn't tease her wife very often mainly cause she enjoyed seeing her like this.

"Huh? Mmh Laur" she smirked crawling the few feet to her wife who fallowed and knelt on the ground moving together.

"We should get going" Lauren said just before they touched.

"Yea-" Lauren smirked she had Natasha in a trance and full control over the situation "wait no get back here" Natasha finally said abruptly coming to her wits- what little is left.

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