Chapter 5: The kiss

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Natasha POV

We've been at the lake for probably and hour now, sitting in comfortable silence as the sounds of the lake filled our surroundings, I was leaning back on a blanket we had brought with us. The sun hadn't set yet, and stars yet to fill the sky. Lauren was resting her head on my chest, her left hand intertwined with my right, it was kinda cold for a late June night, but she kept me perfectly warm.

A content sigh escapes my lips causing her to look at me with her big dutiful brown eyes, "you ok?" Her voice soothing music to my ears.

"Yea" i smile reassuring her "actually no, Lauren, would you do me the pleasure of going on a second date with me?" She rolls her eyes before standing up and walking away.

I couldn't handle the silence that filled the air, I started rambling "I mean if it's too soon to ask I understand, I don't want you to ever feel uncomfortable. I just have these strong feelings for you and I think I could be someone you love later on. Oh my god like way later maybe a year or two down the road not now, Unless you're the type to fall quick in that case I wouldn't be mad if you fell in love with me sooner, oh my god I don't mean I would be mad if you didn't fall in love with me at all or that you have to fall in love with me I just mean I-"

i was hushed by her placing her hand over my mouth, then met with the most relaxing kiss I've ever experienced. I signed contently into the kiss fallowed by her doing the same. We stood near the lake our lips moving the same speed, when we paused for air i pulled back wanting to ask her but was cut off with her hand again "don't start rambling again please"

I laughed before asking "so is that a yes?"

She laughed nodding her head and kissing me again.

(A/N I don't know the right word for the next part but if you don't like details of making out skip ahead to the (>>>))

We made our way back to the blanket sitting face to face, She Had her arms wrapped around my neck tugging a little on the hair on my neck causing a slight moan escaping from me and she took full advantage of that by slipping her tongue in, instinctively i turned my head and our tongues danced around in each other's mouth. I bit on her lip a little and tugged on it, kissing her softly again before pulling away to get air.

i leaned in again and kissed her slowly wanting to feel every line in her lips, i think i might have gone a little to slowly at first because it wasn't long before she was sitting on my lap, groaning with annoyance that i was going so slowly.

"You're so breathtakingly beautiful" i say between kisses.

"Shut up" i hear annoyed with my compliments, still a smile was there and the kiss after beautiful was a little longer then the ones before.

"Make me" i smirk against her lips, that wasn't the smartest decision but damn that girl got me hooked.

Next thing I know she's got a grip on my hair and she yanks my head back, and starts to sucking and biting, stopping on the pulse on the right side of my neck and bitting harder when i finally let out a moan "oh fuck!"

I had my hand on the back off her head and when she started biting harder i pushed her head in, i could feel the grin forming on her lips as she made her way back up to my lips. She stopped and looked at me with this big grin on her face, pleased with herself.

"Oh you're screwed now!" I smirk

"Oh really now?" She says sassy

I pull her in and kiss her again before I turn and position her underneath me kissing down her jaw to her neck repeating what she just did to me, but damn this girl moaned at every kiss on her neck. I left probably 7 hickeys one one side of her neck, her legs were wrapped around my waist, after probably 10-15 minutes of sitting like that my knees gave out and my pelvis slammed into her, her response was addictive, she bit my lip hard almost drawing blood and moaned into my mouth. I couldn't help it and I did it again, she threw her head back and bit her own lip.

"Fuck your so hot, but if we don't stop now i wont be able to stop myself later" i said panting, she nodded her head in agreement


"Thank you, as much fun as that is and how amazing that felt i waited this long for marriage." She added. Looking a little sheepish she let herself get that close.

"I understand, and i mean if you want you have my number you can call me whenever and make out as long as you want" i smiled kissing her softly again.

She smiled against my lips and nodded. "Really thank you for stopping, i was so caught up in the moment i might of actually let you go that far."

"Don't thank me, I wouldn't have continued till i knew that's what you wanted." I smiled and kissed her cheek.

She smiled, turning her head after before kissed me softly again, running her tongue on my lips wanting in. i let her of course she wanted dominance again, i felt nice so i let her once she won i felt her tongue moving all around my mouth on my cheek, the roof, under my tongue, along my teeth. I giggled at that one, after a minute or two of letting her have her fun i flipped the top of my tongue over running it along hers.

She moaned as i did that, "do you like that?" I smirked and felt her nod a little. I did it again and she turned into putty in my hands.

"Beautiful" i mumbled into her mouth

"Y-y-yes?" She stuttered

"We. Need. To. Stop" i said between kisses

"Mmh. No. I. Don't. Want. Too"

"We need to go home." I said hesitantly, this girl is mesmerizing with those big beautiful brown eyes. I knew we needed to leave but i still laid back on the blanket, letting Lauren roll over resting her head on my chest. Turning off the music and letting the sounds of nature engulf us in our peaceful date.

Word count: 1116

I swear this is the last of the really short chapters. Also this was one of the first things I wrote when i started this book and I'm kinda happy i got it incorporated within the first 10 chapters.

~thanks for reading R.J.~

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