Chapter 33: youre joking right?

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"Lauren where do you think you're going" the couple had been fighting for hours, it unfortunately had become a regular occurrence.

"Wherever the fuck I want" Lauren yelled as she walked out of the room to the kitchen to get her things, She had picked up a bit of a swearing habit in the recent months.

"We not done talking about this" Natasha yelled fallowing her wife out of the room.

"Yes we are" she screamed grabbing her keys storming towards the front door.

"No were not, would you come back here so we can talk" Natasha was fed up with Lauren running away.

"No your not the same" that stopped both of them in their tracks, Lauren was within 5 feet of the front door, if she would of continued to walk Natasha would have been to shocked to chase after her.

"What" Natasha's voice cracked tears welling up she had heard that before and knew where this was going. Lauren promised she wouldn't do this to her, after all she said it in her vows, the idea of the one person leaving her who went through the most traumatic experience of her life along side her, just walking away. That broke Natasha's heart, she fought to keep the tears at bay, a battle she was quickly losing.

"You've changed" Lauren sighed turning to face her damaged wife. A large part of her heart broke when she saw the pain on her wife's face, she still loved her and never wanted to be the one to cause her pain. They have both been through so much pain ever since they meet and so many trails, she doesn't know if she could handle it anymore every turn or decision they make something breaks along the way, Lauren has started feeling lost and more uncertain then usual.

"What do you mean? of course I've changed we've been married for 3 years, if I stayed exactly the same you'd get bored and leave" she tried to hide the pain in her voice as it cracked more and more.

"I wouldn't get bored of you- it's you" she stated starting to pace, maybe she shouldn't of said anything, maybe she can take it back? No that won't work then she'll be mad and she'll say it again causing more confusion.

"Yes you would, it's the same as if you read a book and the characters don't experience some sort of growth or pain if it's stagnant no one would read especially you" a tear slipped down her face, the darkness was coming faster then she had anticipated.

"No it's not" she paused taking a deep breath before saying what she knew was going to destroy everything they had worked towards "I want a divorce" she said quietly, she didn't even really mean it she just wanted her to know how much she was hurting.

"Yes it- w-what? Y-You- you want a d-di-divorce?" Natasha's knees gave out under her, and as she fell on the floor tears spilling down her face, she didn't care how hard she was crying her heart hurt, she squeezed her chest the pain filling her body, she looked up helplessly at her wife confused and distraught.

"Your just so different now, your not the person I fell in love with" Lauren took a step towards her beaten wife extending a hand to help her up off the floor, if she's going to break her heart she's going to at least try to talk her down from doing something stupid.

"How?" There was no response "Explain to me how I've changed." She demanded "why are you saying I've changed what's wrong with me changing" her voice cracked anger filling her face from the silence, as she walked to sit on the couch.

"Your not the same person I fell I love with" she said it so bluntly not caring at this point if she ripped a hole in the woman's heart.

"And your not the person I fell in love with" Natasha retorted, wanting time cause pain but feeling bad once she said it.

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