Chapter 21: Vocal Appointment

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(This takes place about 3 months after they get engaged, I thought it'd be too confusing to put this in in the middle of "planning", this was supposed to go in before "wedding ceremony" but I thought you all might like a bit of a surprise)

I went to the doctors for my normal vocal check up ~
It's Monday morning, and I'm on my way for another vocal check up. After parking and checking in with the very nice receptionist who always signs and speaks so i can understand her, i sat down in the overly comfortable chairs and waited for dr. Adams. Not long after i sat down her-medical assistant Megan came and got me, per usual we greeted one another fallowed by walking silently to the room before she proceeded to ask me the usual questions:

"how have you been feeling" her voice sweet and calming.

ok, sometimes i can still feel like I'm talking even if no sound comes out

"that's normal. Can you feel any pain what so ever in your throat?" She said filling the empty clinical room.

some times i feel it right around here, pointing at a part of my throat next to where the glass got lodged in.

Sounds of the keyboard clicking fill the air, "ok, have you gotten sore throats where you feel that scratchy feeling?"

no not recently

"ok I think that's all we have today, oh where is your fiancé?"

she had business to attend to and so she couldn't make it.

"oh well dr. Adams had news she thought you both would enjoy hearing" sadness echoes from her before a mischievous grin appears on her face.

news? What news?

"ill go get dr. Adams now she'll be here in a minute" with that she leaves the room without another word.

but wait. I sign uselessly, fallowed by a sigh

I sat on the bed pouting till dr Adams came in which wasn't too long.

"hello Natasha how are you feeling today?" I had gotten very used to her voice the calmness of it all, I saw her at least twice a month.

ok, ive gotten scratchy feeling right about the here lately, however today i feel fine. Pointing at the same spot I showed Meghan.

"ok well i will still take a look if you'd like." She skoots her chair closer to me.

Meghan mentions some news you have for me

"oh yes well get to that shortly."

I nod and we do the normal routine of me attempting to make noise and hurting myself from trying to hard, her rolling her eyes at me. Her checking how my breathing sounds in 3 different spots, looking at my damaged vocal chords, although this time she smiled instead of sighed.

"ok now for your Bad news.. your vocal chords how they are will probably never improve. And your good news.. you qualify for new vocal chords" Her voice cheery.

I couldn't help it i started crying a little.

"i had the receptionist look into it, and your insurance will cover 95% of the cost, i unfortunately wont be preforming the surgery on them but Dr. Frankenstein will, yes his name is Frankenstein but i assure you he isn't as mad as his name claims he is." She chuckles at my widen eyes

I smiled since i still cant laugh. I kept thanking her over and over again, while i reached for my phone to tell Lauren. Then got an idea.

"would you like me to call Lauren for you?" She smiled wide reaching for her office phone.

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