Chapter 15: the distraction

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1 year later-Natashas POV (big time skip for a reason)

Lauren has been really busy lately, working on random projects that don't seem that important, I miss her a lot.

"Natasha are you listening to me?" The voice calls from my right.

Oh yea I'm sorry I was just thinking

"What are you thinking about" they sound concerned but it's her sister, she'll tell her I'm upset and I don't want Lauren to think I resent her for working so much.

Uhm nothing, just a case at work, lying is much easier when you can't speak.

"Are you sure you're not thinking about Lauren, you look upset" her hand rest on my right shoulder, her green eyes looking at me with complete and undivided attention.

My body literally gave away what I was covering up as I shudder, though I attempt to keep up with my lie. Yes dani I'm fine, I just- never mind it's not important.

"Natasha you can trust me, what's wrong did Lauren do something to hurt you did she say something? If she did I will hurt her" her fist punching her other hand repeatedly.

I sigh giving up knowing dani won't drop it and honestly I want to talk to someone about it. It's not what she did it's what she didn't do, I miss her dani I haven't seen her but a few minutes for almost 10 months, I know you guys are all busy and Lauren is basically helping Christina plan your tour, I just miss her a lot but it's ok I'll get over it.

"Oh Nat I'm sorry, do you want me to talk to her?" Uck that sympathy tone the reason I didn't want to tell anyone.

No I understand you're all busy, I'm just confused, Lauren has basically work everyday for 10 months but I hang out with the rest of you once a week, why? My chest started to hurt, Does she not want to spend time with me? Tears filled my eyes, Did I do something wrong? The pain in my chest amplified as I said that, I had to stop to hold the spot above it, tears spilling down my face. I just don't understand, why doesn't she want to be around me? The pain intensified, there can't be that much work that she has to work 12 hours day 7 days a week. Does she not love me anymo-

Dani stopped me wrapping me in her arms letting me cry, I held my chest not realizing I was trying to hold my heart. "You can't really think she doesn't love you? Do you?"

Why else has she not even spent a day with me since I hung out with Lisa and dyed my hair blond? Is it because she hates the way I look I'll dye it back?! Is she mad I spent time with Lisa?

"Natasha stop! She's not mad at you for hanging out with Lisa, she asks us to spend time with you because she's got a full plate! she's not mad about your hair, are you kidding!? when she came to the meeting the next day she was going on and on about how hot she thought you were with blond hair, she's just really busy. I'll tell her she needs to take a break, I'll work on what she's doing tomorrow so she can spend the day with you ok?

No dani tomorrow is yours and Emmyn's anniversary, I'll be ok really. How long till you go in tour? Hopefully soon I thought. The memory of our awful anniversary crashed into my mind quickly, we were supposed to go to a nice restaurant and go to the lake but I got called into work, it being the first few months of me working there I how could tell them no.

I still cringe at the awful way it was handled, she begged me to stay but I had to go and I tried to make it up to her but I don't think it worked. We fought about it more then we should have, I messed up and made a huge mistake but I can't take it back now. Internal sigh clouds my mind, dani's voice disrupting my thoughts.

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