New school, New crush?

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Sophie's pov
" I can't wait to see brigitte again,  I hope she gets to school ok" I say to my Kwami sparks or sparkle but I just call her sparks "she'll be fine now let's not be late again "sparks says "ok,  I'm almost there "I say walking up to the school and seeing Alya there waiting with her bf nino and ~Felix~ why is he so perfect and Luka "hey girl , you're early , are you ok "she says jokingly "hey now calm down,  I just wanted to meet brigitte before school starts but she's now here yet "I say "I see a limo,  it might be her since shes the mayor's daughter "Alya says "no she's not like that but its a high chance because Felix would be the only one who would come in a limo if he had too " I say *brigitte comes out the limo and walks out and everyone is staring* "take a picture, it'll last longer , geez mate "she says "hey Brigitte , why the limo to school "I say "dad insisted on it I wanted to catch the bus but nope "she says "sup dudette "nino says "hey girl "Alya says "hey "Felix says "hey Brigitte 'luka says "hey everyone, it's nice to have people greet me and it not be some random person who only knows me from my famous mother "she says "I loved the comeback before,  probably the best I've heard,  I gotta use that "Felix says "Oh that,  it's just me being stupid but some people actually do it,  it's hilarious "she says

*bell rings*
Alyas pov
"oh better get to class,  do you know which room to go to " I say "um the teacher is madam bustier,  how do people pronounce that "she says "oh that's our class apart from Luka he's in the grade above us " Sophie says "come on,  we don't want to be late "Felix says *they go to class and tell the teacher there's a new student* "OK class,  we have a new student,  please welcome her, come in and introduce yourself "she says "ok hi everyone,  um I'm Brigitte heart and I hope we can all get along "she says "what's with the accent it's sounds so bad *laughs* "Lila says "yeah she sounds so weird "Sabrina says "leave her alone you too,  OK Brigitte,  go sit next to alya and Sophie ,  raise your hands please "teacher says

Brigitte's pov
"thanks" I say walking to Alya "ignore those two brats, they're just jealous they don't have an awesome accent like you "she says "yeah just ignore them and they'll leave you alone "sophie says "ok noted,  thanks you two"i say *after class everyone is gathered around Brigitte since new students get a lot of attention*"calm your farm everyone I'm not that interesting "I say "but we don't have farms "Kim says "it's just a saying Ok,it's not literal "I say "hey you need help getting out of here "Luka says "yes please I can take this much attention "I say *they get out of the school and meet the others outside*"there you are,  definitely miss popular "Alya says "yeah definitely,  hey anyone wanna come over to mine since I'm lonely most the time and it'll be nice to hang with people and get to know all of you "I say "yeah sure "they say "OK let's go "I say starting to walk "can't we take a bus or something "Sophie says "ah fine I'll get the limo but don't go crazy on lollies please the ones I like are hard to find here "I say "lollies, she means candy right "nino says "yes she means candy "Felix says *the limo arrives and they pile in and head to the heart estate*

Felix's pov
"wow this is amazing "Sophie says "yeah it's so pretty here "Luka says "Ok let's go up to my room and play truth or dare since I'm sure you know that game "Brigitte says "Brigitte we're not that uneducated "I say *everyone laughs* *they head to her room and dump there stuff and pile into her bed*"OK who's first "Alya says "I'll go first " Sophie says "oooh risk taker in my experience going first is never fun because everyone has great ideas that don't last long "Brigitte says "well everyone be warned "Sophie says " oh so scary "Brigitte says sarcastically "ok truth or dare Luka "Sophie says "well I choose truth "Luka says "good choice "nino says "well tell me a secret that no one else knows about like who's your crush type thing "Sophie says "well I like this girl but I don't know her that well but I can already tell she's a great person and fun to be around "Luka says " ok now that's cute,  anyways who's next "Brigitte says "usually the person who was truthed/dared goes next "I say "OK,  Luka your go "nino says "ok um Felix truth or dare "Lula says "truth"i say "who do you like,  you can name names but describe her "Luka says "well very brave,  hates puns, very smart,  very funny and very cute but I doubt she'll ever notice me "I say "sounds like blue raven since she fits all of those even the puns "Alya says "isn't she a Paris super hero "Brigitte says "yeah she works with chat vert "I say "*laughs* vert that's a funny name *silence* did I say something wrong or.... "Brigitte says "it means green in french "nino says "oh so green cat got it "Brigitte says *they continue for awhile awhile until it reaches 9pm*

Ninos pov
"well it's getting late and I should be getting to sleep since new time zone to get used to "Brigitte says "what was your old one "I say " 7hours ahead of Paris so it would be *does quick math* 4am give or take "Brigitte says "wow that's something to get used to "Felix says "yeah well I should get going,  come one nino you can be a good boyfriend and walk me home "Alya says "ok I'll be good *kisses her cheek*"I say "see you tomorrow " Alya and I say "see you "everyone else says

Lukas pov
"well I need to go to, my father doesn't like me up and away this late "Felix says "ok see you later then and Sophie need to talk asap "Brigitte says "o-k bye Felix "Sophie says stuttering "should I leave or stay longer since I don't live far "I say "you ca-n stay just let me talk to Miss sophie here first "brigitte says "OK do as you please "I say

Sophie's pov
"what did you wanna talk about "I say "well I can see when someone has a crush on someone from a mile away OK mate,  now how long have you fancied Felix agreste here "she says "since the start of 10th grade/year  (there in 12tth now so around 17-18 ages) I say "wow that long, now you should ask him out when you're ready but do it before we graduate "she says "but he likes blue raven and last time I checked I'm not her "I say lying "well she's a super hero so it would be hard to date her anyways "she says "I guess anyway I should get going "I say "OK I'll see you later bye "she says

Bridgette's pov
"sorry that took so long and what did you wanna do since I'm going to go to sleep in like half an hour so "I say "well I never got to ask you much in truth or dare so truth or dare Brigitte "he says "um truth "I say "Ok, do you think you'll ever go back to Australia "Luka says "no as much as I love my country it's not as interesting as Paris and all I ever did was never see my mum much,  go to school and sleep and eat etc and I've always wanted to go to Paris so now I have the chance to and there's better looking boys here trust me all the ones I know are just not my type and all surfer dudes and most are already dating someone and the ones left are not my type anyway "I say "ok but why wouldn't anyone date you,  to me you're a dateable person "he says "well I'm not that popular even with my famous mum and dad only because they don't get me and I only ever had a group of friends around 6-8of us but they ditched me as soon as they found out about my famous parents since I didn't want anyone to know and yeah from there only my bff stayed with me , we talk alot,  as in we called this morning "I say "wow there no good friends apart from your bff,  well as much as I want to stay I need to go,  so see you "he says "Ok see you tomorrow "I say *he walks up to her and kisses her cheek*" later,  have a good sleep"he says leaving "O-k s-e-e you to-muh-ra I mean to-morrow "I say turning red *leaves*"oooh someone likes luka "Myst says "what ever we just met yesterday "i say heading to the shower *after* "Ok, goodnight myst"i say hopping into bed "night brigi (do we like the nick name,  I need a shorter way to type her name since its fairly long,  leave suggestions on short names of brigitte or cute names I.e princess,  heart etc)

OK I hope you like this chapter and it looks like we some love coming 😏😏😏😏😏

~Bleep out~
~jan 16/1/2020~
Yes I pre write chapters so this may have been written on this date but it won't be up for awhile,  just a heads up if the dates are weird💜

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