I'm backkkkkk

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Brigitte's pov
" ok heres your drink soph"i say taking the last hot chocolate out the microwave and giving it to soph "thanks brig,  smells so good "she says taking a sip "taste good everyone "I say "yes thanks brig "Felix says " yeah,  I would've frozen if I didn't have something warm " nino says "it's ok,  I never get hot chocolate much since its never this cold but winter is my favourite season so best time for hot chocolate "I say sitting down on the couch with the others " hey,  how'd you all meet like as friends "I say "well on the first day of grade/Year 10 I was getting Bullied by lila as normal for seats in class since where I sat was supposedly her spot even though she's always sat where she did and alya being new,  Lila pointed out that I should join her so I did since she was annoying me and Alya I remember saying that  that all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing and we shared my last maracron and we were friends from there then I used that on her the next day and she lost it but i did something that made her mad but we got our seats and with Felix,  I thought he was putting gum in my seat but lila struck again and put it there causing me to hate Felix for awhile until he apologized and said lila did it and since it was raining he gave me his umbrella since he had a car to go in and I had to walk home "soph says "and I met nino when I first came to the school and then went on to meeting Alya then soph then we all became friends and luka came in when we formed a band called kitty section and the rest is history "Felix says

"wow,  I only met soph  because I wanted some baked goods after I arrived and then met all of you but I would've met you all though class anyway so "I say "if you never came here we would've never met "Luka says " I was never not going to come here since as I've said before mum wanted me with dad since she was away all the time then ended up coming back and I did get bullied for stupid things and they all still hate me except my friends there and now a guy in my year chad,  who is an idiot like no joke is an attention seeking person like farts in class to get attention on him "I say "wow that's guts,  do they all know you've moved here "luka says "yeah,  why wouldn't they,  I can't just not show up for a year anywhere,  I only told my friends then word got around and before I knew it everyone knew so they were talking about how life will be better without my lies etc but that's all gone now,  I have you all and my friends back home "I say " aren't you worried that they might find you here and annoy you " Felix says "if they do, good for them,  I honestly don't care that much if I see my bffs 5year crush with his 50th girlfriend,  like I haven't seen the dude in 6years and I had a crush on him for around 1nonth then came to my senses that I'm an idiot for liking him then I never did again "I say " what would you do if you saw anyone again " Alya says "as I said before I'll let them live there lives and just wave or say hi or have a small conversation but I'd never be there friends since I don't like them that much to be around them all the time "I say

Alyas pov
"well we should watch a movie since we have time before dinner at 6," I say "yeah,  what one though,  did anyone bring movies, "luka says "um yeah I did since why not,  so frozen or guardians of the galaxy " brig says, "frozen "brig,  Soph, Nino and I say "so frozen since its 4 to 2, "luka says, "frozen isn't that bad " brig says " for you, all those songs I don't mind some but love is an open door is cheesy, " luka says "true but the rest is fine,  let's just watch it and enjoy, " I say starting the movie

Brigs pov (yes I'm always this one but she's the main character type thing)
*after the movie they head down to the food hall for dinner* "what's for dinner tonight "nino says "I think pizza "alya says "sounds good I guess "I say *after dinner they all head to there cabins to hang out before going to sleep* " hey luka,  what did you wanna do after school,  for a job and life in general "I say getting out the bathroom from a shower "well I hope to stay in kitty section and be a musician and hopefully have a family with someone special to me , you? "he says as I join in him in the bed we are sharing (theres 2  beds in this cabin but they want to share) "well I'm not much of a designer like my parents but I love doing makeup, surprising to some since I don't wear it a lot but I did do Alyas, Sophs and mine makeup for the prom , and I hope to also have a family with someone special "I say "who would that special someone be "he says as I hug his waist and have my head in his chest " might sound weird since you're my first boyfriend but I hope it's you honestly I love you so much "I say "I love you a lot too and I hope my special someone is you also "he says kissing my head then I move up and kiss his soft lips gently "goodnight"i say slowly falling asleep"goodnight "he says falling asleep also

Sophs pov

*with our soph Felix couple earlier as they all head to there cabins* " did you want the first shower Felix "I say  as he flops on his bed "you can have the first one,  I'm just going to lay here "he says "ok,  have fun "I say as nino walks in since there's a door connecting the rooms " hey dude,  you have a spare phone charger,  mines busted and Alya is using hers "nino says " no but I think soph does,  I'll ask her after she gets out the shower "Felix says *after awhile she walks out *"hey soph you have a spare phone charger,  mines busted "nino says "yeah , apple or android phone "I say "apple "nino says "here *i hand him a cord* "I say "thanks dudette,  I'll return it when we leave "nino says leaving "ok, now you mister need to shower "I say walking over to Felix "no mum,  can't I sleep longer "Felix says "one, I'm not your mum,  two,  go have a shower "I say as he gets up and grabs his things and heads to the bathroom "yes mUm "he says "you're lucky I'm not the mean "I say *after he gets out , he goes to his bed* "night Soph "he says "night Felix "I say going to sleep,  he does as well


OK,  hope you liked, yes I always go in brigs pov,  since she's kinda the main character in this I guess,  I promise I'll do more ships apart from brig and Luka and I'll be less cheesy,   well I'll try😂 OK bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~ 
Feb 1/2/2020

May 2nd edit: Sorry if all that's are cringe, as I've said before I pre-wrote all of this like 3 months back and again as I've said before, after this bok and another one, I'll be writing a part a week and then publishing so it's not all old content. Stay safe and stay home💜.  58extrawordsforallthat😅.

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