The bully returns part 2

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Brigitte's pov
*later that same day since valentines day ain't over yet* "hey what did you want to do tonight since we couldn't before "luka says "how about we watch a movie at yours, we can drop in at mine for me to get some things and we can have a dinner out and then head to yours "I say "looks like you've planned that out for a while "he says "well I've never liked Valentine's Day until I dated you so might as well do something special "I say "you are too cute,  now let's go "he says holding my hand and we start walking to my house from the school *once they get there,  brig packs a small overnight bag with all the essentials like spare clothes, pj's,  charger for her phone,  hairbrush, deodorant etc and extra things just in case then they leave to Lukas since its a bit early for dinner*

"hey brigitte, you here for more books of Lukas old ones "Jules says "no, but I need to see if there's any others but we're going to have a movie night"i say "don't worry Jules,  we won't disturb you or mum "he says "that's not what I meant but ok "Jules says "really jules,  I think you broke my girlfriend "he says as I'm blushing bright red " just go have fun dude "Jules says "ok thanks Jules "he says taking me to his room "sorry about her, now what did you want to do while we wait "he says "um I'm not sure any ideas "I say " maybe you could show me where you grew up "he says "ok,  I have some photos on my phone "I say getting my phone out "who's that in your background "he says "oh , that just my bff,  we've known eachother for years but she can't come here since she likes it back home and I like it here with my family and you,  my amazing boyfriend "I say kissing him softly "I wouldn't have it any other way "he says "now this is the house I grew up in , school I went to for kindy to year/grade 6 since you go to another school for upper,  the one I went to for a year,  hated it,  wasn't for me,  then the school I went to from year/grade 8-11 then I came here for the last year and everyone was annoyed especially my group of friends that I was leaving them but the whole year group decided for the 10yr reunion we would have a meet up at the school like we asked to book the hall 10yrs from now to have a reunion and we are so yeah after that I'll be flying back here since I feel better here and my parents etc are here "I say "what about me,  I've always wanted to go there "he says "I think we can bring our family's,  and I wouldn't leave you for more than a week "I say "aw thats sweet,  any photos of these friends "he says "we have a group chat, it's around 11pm (7hrs difference so it's 4pm right now) there right now but they'll see it later "I say "can we video chat them once it's a good time "he says "yeah sure "I say

"did you have a boyfriend before me or am I your first "he says "um I think I said this before but all the guys in my year,  I don't find dateble,  yeah I liked one for a few months back in yr/grade 8 then didn't anymore but I never dated anyone before you "I say " I feel privileged to be your first boyfriend "he says "and kiss "I say quickly "wait really "he says "yeah "I say "makes me love you even more "he says kissing my forehead " luka how long does school go for here since I'm used to it sectioned up in parts so feb-april is term one ,  then hols for Easter and Anzac day aka autumn hols then may-july is term 2 , the hols again for 3 weeks others 2 aka winter hols, aug-oct is term 3 , then hols for 2 weeks aka spring hols and then rest of oct-dec is term 4 but we finish around 11th then it's 6-7  weeks of hols aka summer hols , yr11 finishes in Nov for exams for atar which is hard school stuff,  it's hard to explain , yr12 finish Oct for wace exams which are there final atar ones for getting into university and passing school then the ball is after everything then they're done "I say "that's similar to ours (I'm guessing here ok,  i don't know how school works for other countries apart from Australia,  where I'm from so) but it's spring , summer,  autumn/fall and then winter other wise it's the same,  I feel bad you've never seen snow or had a white Christmas "he says "it's OK I can handle the heat unlike you but cold in not great at but I can live "I say "well we should get going since its 5pm now and we don't want to be late "he says "wow we talk for awhile "I say getting up "yeah but it's nice talking to you even if I don't understand some words "he says "well it's just slang that no one here understands, whatever we should go "I say "you ok , you seem sad"he says "I don't deserve you at all "I say sitting down on his bed "yes you do,  I need you to complete me "he says "there's another reason,  you're so caring "I say kissing him "you're amazing,  don't let anyone tell you,  that you aren't "he says "we should really go now, thanks luka"i say hugging him *they leave for dinner and go to a new restaurant that serves food from all over the world*

"what shepherds pie, "he says "it's basically a meat pie either beef or lamb,  traditionally lamb but most family's use beef,  no pastry,  gravy sauce and mash potatoes on top,  I personally hate it unless it's got sweet potato on it, "I say "ok it just sounds weird, "he says "escargot is snails right, "I say "yeah kinda gross to me, "he says "what about good old fish and chips, only good when it's fresh and not from a store where it's been sitting for weeks, "I say "sounds good, what type of fish, "he says "um sand snapper,  not the best but it's alright (yes I know fish types my pop catches it and it's so good,  not that store brought trash only good from like fish and chip shops since they usually get good fish)  "I say *after a while, it comes*

Lukas pov
"This is pretty good, "I say "yeah it's good,  I've had better but it's good for like restaurant quality,  better from just a straight fish and chip shop, "she says "they must have those everywhere, "I say "yeah,  mainly in beach areas since you can have chip sandwiches at the beach, *gives her a confused look* chips in bread, "she says "Oh OK," I say *after awhile they pay and leave and walk on the bridge with all the locks on it*


OK enough about food,  now I'm hungry 😂 , sorry if it was too like lovey-dovey,  it was Valentine's Day OK and the day was Thursday,  I don't think I mentioned that oops 😅😂bye for now 💜

~Bleep out ~
Jan 29/1/2020

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