Snow you stuff

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Briggites pov
*its now morning and brig wakes up to it snowing outside* "oh cool it's snowing "I say quietly hopefully not waking up luka " hey brig,  do you have any food "Myst says "yeah here and where's Lukas Kwami hell need food "I say very quiet " he doesn't know who mystic magic is but he's over there " Myst says as I get up and walk over to viper " hey viper,  you need any food "I say as quietly as possible "how do you know about me "viper says "I'm mystic magic so I know Lukas king viperion "I say "were not suposed to know who out owners are but I'll let it off this time "viper says "Ok,  what food do you like, I've only got plain bread for Myst "I say "I'll have that,  thank you so much and I won't tell master about this either "viper says "ok,  I won't either and Myst can keep you company just stay put of sight "I say walking over to my bag and getting clothes out for the day " how are you already awake brig" I hear luka say "morning and I just am "I say going over to him "is it snowing yet "he says "yeah it looks so cool "I say " you're gonna have to wear lots of layers "he says "well I'm not entirely ready yet,  I just have my inside outfit on and what I'm gonna wear under the coat "I say *shes wearing :

Briggites pov*its now morning and brig wakes up to it snowing outside* "oh cool it's snowing "I say quietly hopefully not waking up luka " hey brig,  do you have any food "Myst says "yeah here and where's Lukas Kwami hell need food "I say very qui...

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, the coat is for later and shoes,  she has black socks on right now but later she'll be wearing the full outfit* "ok love the shirt,  very you "he says "thanks,  you should get dressed it's almost 8 and breakfast is at 8:30 "I say as he gets up and he's wearing just sweatpants for pjs so I stare at him funny  *he has abs but not like almost there* "what,  I couldn't be bothered putting a shirt on"he says "I wasn't complaining I just forgot you didn't have one on "I say "oh Ok" he says putting some clothes on " I might wear a necklace today for a change *puts on a necklace with B♡L* "I say " where did you get that "he says "you gave it to me on our 6 month anniversary "I say "oh right I forgot "he says "well you're smart "I say softly laying my head on his shoulder " don't fall asleep on me,  literally "he says "I'll try not to "I say *after awhile they decide to leave*

*once they arrive at the food hall,  there's almost everyone there apart from a few people and they go sit with Felix,  soph, Alya and nino* "morning guys "soph says " morning "I say " how'd you sleep "Alya says "average,  but the snow this morning was cool "I say sitting down , so does luka " it's not that interesting after awhile "Felix says " well I've never seen it in person ok,  I'm not as lucky to have grown up here "I say "but Australia seems so cool "nino says "it is but it's kinda bad like seeing the Eiffel Tower everyday,  yeah it's cool the first few times but it gets boring and I love my country but seeing the samethings all the time , made me want to leave and live with all my family,  not just my mum who wasn't home much and seeing my friends at school who are amazing and I wanna call them later,  but I like it here "I say " you should call after breakfast "soph says "I can message them now in our group chat since it's 3pm there "I say getting my phone out and messaging them 'hey guys,  you wanna face time later,  you can meet my friends and I haven't seen you all in months,  love brig' *after breakfast they get a break to get ready for ice skating at 1pm so they all hang out in brigs cabin*

" ok,  I'll call them now since they replied saying I can "I say calling them *answers* "hey Brigitte,  how's it been " faith (random name I thought of) says "hey faith,  I'm here at a snow camp with my classmates,  you wanna meet some of them,  they're annoying me right now but pulling faces "I say "sure *they come in fram* , hey brigittes friends "she says "hey faith "they say " how's everyone else "I say "busy,  since schools over they've all been packing and had no time and get this one of the guys from our class, you know chad (again made up) , has a crush on you and he acted like a jerk to look cool but the others weren't hiding anything but at least you have us and your friends there "she says "really chad of all people,  wow he was annoying but I'm taken by a great guy right now so don't go stealing him off me "I say "ooooo whats his name "she says " oh luka,  he's behind me, blue hair "I say "he's cute "she says " really no wonder you've dated Every guy in our year since you are the only good looking one out of all of us and there's 6 "I say "well those boys were not that great and I was stupid but the others are all taken,  guess who it's obvious for some " faith says " um they all got with there crushes didn't they "I say "how'd you know "she says "they all told me they were gonna ask them out didn't think they'd say yes "I say "yeah but the guys there with still hate you for being a liar as they didn't like the fact you are an agreste and daughter of every girl in our class idol and every girls dream guys daughter "she says "wow I'll have to go back for a bit,  but flights are expensive so I might have to bring luka and that's it "I say "all cool with me,  when do you plan on it "she says "um after our graduation ceremony and after a few weeks break and I'll be there,  I'll call you when I arrive and I can surprise the others "I say "ok,  text me the dates later and I'll see you then,  I gotta go, we have our formal thing,  I'll send pics "she says "ok see you "I say ending the call "she seems nice "Alya says "yeah she is "I say " you'll prove those bikes wrong one day " Felix says "yeah I'll get there "I say *few hours past and they talk then it's take to go ice-skating* "ok you all ready " soph says "yeah,  where do we meet everyone "I say " at the frozen lake near the main cabins " luka says "ok let's go "I say as everyone leaves with me

*once they get there they all get their skates on and head to the ice* "can you help me please Felix "soph says "yeah just stand straight and glide and private, here hold my hand "Felix says "ok *slips on ice* dam it "I say "need a hand "luka says "yeah thanks "I say "nino come here you big wuss "Alya says "I'm coming and don't call me that "Nino says "well stop being one then" Alya says "snow me your stuff brig"luka says "really puns,  very punny, bear with me,  I'll snow you" I say " punderful brig "luka says

*after a few hours of skating and bad snow jokes they head back to warm up*  " I could use some hot chocolate right about now " I say "I think everyone could "soph says " I'm going to make some back at my cabin and hang around there for a while so if you excuse me I'll be leaving now "I say walking away "why don't we join you it'll be boring alone " Felix says "sure "I say


OK done for now,  sorry for the bad puns,  hope you liked and yeah bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Feb 1/2/2020

April 26th edit: Sup! I hope you all aren't cringing at how bad this is 😅, as I've said before this is prewritten and once I've finished with this and another book I've prewritten I'm moving onto writing part then publishing that same week so it's less cringe for me to briefly edit and then publish. Remember stay safe and stay home💜. Another64wordsforallthat.

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