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Brigitte pov
We only have 1 more day here and I don't want to leave,  I've learnt how to ice skate kinda,  had a snowball fight and I built a snowman "hey brig, you wanna head out for a bit "luka says "yeah,  where to,  it's snowing a lot right now "I say " the cafe near the front cabin "luka says "sure, let me put a jumper on otherwise I'll be frozen solid "I say walking over to my bag and getting a jacket out "you ready "luka says "yeah,  let's go "I say leaving with luka holding his hand

*once there they find a good seat and decide what to order* "what did you want to order "luka says "um I'll get a hot chocolate and a muffin "I say "ok,  I'll just get a coffee,  I'll go up and order "he says getting up "I feel bad for making you pay all the time,  let me help for once "I say "ok,  shouldn't be much though "he says as  I hand him €5 (I think that's essentially $5 , tell me if I'm wrong,  I'm not good with currency things)  "here it'll pay for some, now go order "I say as he leaves to order *after awhile he comes back and sits down* "shouldn't be too long and I did ask for lactose free milk for your drink "he says "thanks,  i forgot to mention it "I say "it's ok,  I know you forgot so I asked and when we get back home,  OK going to apply for a collage for my music study "he says "really that's so cool and I hope to apply somewhere to but my coarse won't be long like a year or 2 not longer , isn't a music one like 3 or 4 years "I say "it's 2 and you get to stay in a dorm room with a roommate "he says "cool,  how many collages are in Paris "I say "3 only 1 does a music coarse and it's the Francis le de Paris collage (is that a thing, Idk it's made up to me😂) "he says "oh I think that's the same one mum said has the same coarse I'm wanting to do since they have a good beauty coarse and are known for the designing coarse my mum took "I say "so she went there "he says "yeah and I've heard the lecturers (teachers) are nice "I say *drinks arrive* "thank you"he says " yay I got a marshmallow,*he chuckles a bit* what "I say "you're too adorable,  getting excited over a marshmallow "he says "whatever,  did you want some muffin,  I can't eat all of it myself "I say cutting it in half "sure *give him a piece* this is good "he says "yeah, it is "I say *the drink there drinks and eat the muffin then leave*

*once they get back to there cabin they decide to pack up most there things so they are ready to go* "have you seen my glasses,  I took then off to clean them and now I can't find them "I walking around trying to look " um I'm not sure,  maybe where you left them or did they fall down somewhere "luka says " I'll try looking over in the bathroom "I say walking over "can you still see alright " he says 'i'm not that blind,  just short sighted(can't see things far away, I actually have that, it's annoying but I live)  and a lazy eye "I say "oh right, wait I think I found them"he says coming over to me "thanks so much luka,  good thing you found them otherwise I would've had to get new ones "I say putting them on " all good,  had to make sure you can see probably "he says "I think I've got everything packed now,  you done yet"i say "no but I'm almost there "he says grabbing some more if his clothes " after the graduation ceremony we'll be done "I say "and done,  after the ceremony there's a party and a dinner "he says "I can't believe I'm almost finished school like feels as if yesterday I started school and met my bff and graduated primary school (or elementary)  and started highschool (middle school grade 7-9 I think ) then moved here,  met you , everyone else and had my first kiss and boyfriend "I say "well before you I had a girlfriend but she was different from you,  she was not as trustworthy as you,  she cheated on me after 5 months together in grade /year 9 and moved to America and then I never wanted to date again after that, but then I met you and knew I liked you a lot more then I thought "he says 'you're sweet, and I want to do so many more things with you and travel,  see friends and settle down after collage if we're going amazing still and start a life "I say "I hope we can to and I want to stay in Paris since mine and your family is here and I don't see us anywhere else "he says as I kiss him deeply " I love you "I say as he holds me tight in a hug "I love you too, brig "he says

*after awhile they decide to go to the wishing well,  it's not frozen since its heated for winter to have anyone wish on things* " what did you want to wish on" he says "not saying otherwise it won't come true * I wish to have a great future with luka or whoever I end up with weather that be luka or someone else, If so with not luka I hope he has a great future as well* "I say throwing the coin in the well "my turn *i wish to marry brig one day and have us both successful careers in life and if we don't end up together I hope we both end up happy*"  he says throwing the coin in the well "  we're leaving tomorrow morning right "I say "yeah,  why "he says " maybe we could have dinner just us on our last night here somewhere "I say " where would we go "he says " I could make something,  I did cooking at school yr7-11 but yr7 was trashy cooking but the rest was great and wise words from princess and the frog 'a way to a man's heart is through his stomach' so let me make you something "I say "ready you'd do that,  well can you make  something I've never tried before "he says "something you've never tried,  um it'll be something Aussie since you've never tried most the food there,  so bangers and mash but sweet potato since normal is gross and more healthier "I say "translate please I got mash but not bangers "he says "sausages and mash and gravy "I say "how are we gonna cook all this "he says "theres a kitchen in here so if there's a store near by we can go buy the ingredients "I say "yeah there's a small store near here,  we can walk "he says "OK let's go "I say as we start walking there

*once there they go inside and grab everything they need and pay them to walk back* "ok it's a bit early for dinner just yet so can we play never have I ever, "I say "really you wanna play that,  isn't that a bit childish, "he says " well if we're asking stupid questions, yes but if it's things like have you lost your virginity or something lie that but not that question just more our age ones, "I say"ok, we can do that, "he says "ok never have I ever liked two poeple at the same time, "I say keeping all my fingers down and he lifts one up " I liked two people but then didn't anymore, "he says "ok your go "I say "ok,  never have I ever thought about for me a girl,  you a guy,  in a sexual way,  includes you "he says as we both keep fingers down " yeah not my thing,  it's kinda gross but people are like that "I say "you now "he says " never have I ever liked my best friend "I say still keeping fingers down " does liking you count,  since your like my best friend "he says " I guess "I say

*they play for a while until a difficult one comes up* "never have I ever kept something from someone like if I stole some of there money or something " he says " no,  I would replace anything I'd steal from someone and say the truth for the most part " I say " ok,  you now "he says " never have I ever not wanted to be around you all the time "I say "you got me,  *puts up another finger,  she does as well* "he says


Well at least we know they might get married 😏😂 Idk,  I'll see a there night be heartbreak 😼 you never know OK bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~ 
Feb 2/2/2020

May 3rd edit: Geez this is cringe 😅 and I made an update in my book of whatever for this book and another book that I've pre-written (check it out if you want ( I've ssaid it a few times so I thought I needed to put it as an update ). Stay safe and stay home💜. Anextra59wordsforallthat😅.

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