The triple threat part 2

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Sophie's pov
"Ahhhh Felix is going to be in MY room in 10mins I-I have to clean it "i say as I'm taking off the photos of him,  I got from magizines "relax a bit it's going to be fine "sparks says "thanks sparks *hears a doorbell* oh no he's here early "I say running down the stairs as sparks quickly takes the rest of the pictures down "I'm coming *opens door*, hey Felix,  come in "I say "hey Sophie,  nice hair,  I don't think I've seen you with it up in a style "he says "thanks,  I just wear it in since i'm working with baked goods most the time and it gets in the way when I'm designing "I say "really you design,  I know you sketch but I never knew it was designing outfits "he says "yeah and what I'm wearing is a Sophie original "I say "really that's so cool but Brigitte has a similar over jumper just in reverse underlining "he says "yeah I guess she got it made or something because I've only made this one "I say "ok we should get started on the project "he says  *they get started and have a few laughs about random things* " are you serious she always rejects you "I say it sounds like what I do to chat...."yeah she likes some other guy but one day she'll be mine " he says "she seems very lucky to have you like her but I'm sure she'll come around someday "I say "yeah I hope so "he says "we should get back to the project since we don't have much left "I say "that would be a good decision "he says *they go for around 1hr&30mins* "well I guess that makes us done"i say"i guess it does "he says looking down "what is it,  you look sad "I say "no it's just I need advice on how to ask out the person I like but I don't know how and she might reject me as she normal does and always Denys anything about me loving her "he says "well just get her in a private area or go out for coffee or something and talk to her and tell her you love her and she might end up loving you back after all "I say "that might actually work thanks so much soph,  I guess I'll see you tomorrow "he says leaving "so you and good luck "I say "thanks "he says *at 8:30pm Brigitte texts Sophie*
(yes it's simple but it's easier to write)
Brigitte= B
Sophie= S
B: hey Sophie,  guess what
S: hey and what do you wanna tell me😏
B: just guess 😏
S :  ah fine did you finally find some food from your homeland
B: pffffft 😂really is that all you can think of,  no it's not that, it involves want happened tonight
S: 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏 did he do what I think he did
B: depends on what you think but it does indeed involve him
S: did he finally ask you out
B: maybe 😏
B: Woah calm down and yes he did ask me out and made the most beautiful and amazing love confessing ever 😍*melts into a puddle of happiness*
S: awwwww so cute well Felix never said anything apart from asking for advice on asking out the girl he likes
B: oooooooooo 😏😏😏😏😏 it could be you ya know
S: idk maybe,  I gtg its late-night 💙
B: you never know and goodnight see you tomorrow 💜

*the next day*
"Sophie wakes up,  your alarm has been going off for 15 minutes," mum says "yeah Ok I'm up, I'm up, "I say getting up and feeding my Kwami sparks *gets dressed and goes downstairs for breakfast* "morning mum, "I say "morning, sweetie," she says "is dad still asleep from baking last night or just baking earlier than normal, "I say "he's downstairs making more cookies since they sell so well, "she says "Oh OK,  well I need to hurry and get to school so see you later mum, "I say "see you, sweetie,  now don't forget  your lunch before you go, "she says "I won't *grabbing the lunch from the counter*, see you," I say walking out the door and out to the street and walking to school *walks up to Alya,  Nino and Felix* "hey guys,  have you two finished the project yet, "I say

Felix's pov
"no, not yet but not much left,  you? " Alya says "we finished last night,  took a few hours but it's done, "Sophie says "that quickly,  you two work fast " Nino says " not exactly,  we talked for a while and then we kept working, "I say *brig arrives* "hey *out of breath* gu-ys, "she says "you Ok there," I say "yeah Nah, slept in,  had to rush to school, "she says "did you at least finish last night, "Sophie says "kinda,  we've got a bit more,  but I've learnt so much about Paris so it's been fun, "she says "hey brig, need. to talk. now  "Sophie says dragging her "ok, ok I'm coming,  geez mate, "she says

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