Asking her

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No one pov
*after they have there ice-cream they hear screaming* " oh no another Akuma attack,  I gotta cover this for my ravenblog "Alya says running towards the scene "well we should all get to safety "soph says "yeah,  let's go"Nino says going back to his house "well we should all get back to our homes "Felix says going towards his house *the rest go to there houses and soph,  Felix and brig all transform and head to the scene*

Chat verts/Felix pov
OK now to ask her "hey m'lady,  what's the Villans name this time "I say "hey Kitty,  and I think it's timetravel,  he's got a similar power to time breaker and timetagger "blue says " who are they "mystic asks "old akuma victims,  all to do with time traveling and for timebreaker was going back in time only a few minutes at a time and timetagger was a future villain who can travel thought different years and times and with the help of bunixx, a future hero,  we defeated him and ourselves from the future but we never saw ourselves only my yoyo/watch and chats baton" blue says "Ok you could say those villains were ahead of there time "mystic says "have you been learning from chat "blue says "no,  I have a friend who says bad puns and my dad says the worst cat puns "mystic says "I would love you dad,  he's seems great "I say "well enough chit chat,  we got to save Paris "blue says *after awhile they finally defeat timetravel who was a young inventer ahead of his time in science* (sorry had to use that one again sorry not sorry 😂) "miraculous mystic " mystic says throwing the them in the air and repairing everything "hey m'lady can I talk to you for a minute "I say "sure,  what is it "she says "well um I really like you more then a friend and I know you don't like me back but I hope you can accept my confession and love me for the real me and not some hero who says bad puns "I say "aw kitty,  I accept it but I like someone else but I hope someone out there can make you happy , I'm sorry kitty "she says leaving because low on time "you ok "mystic says "yeah I'm fine but I've tried for years and I even got some of my friends to help me but I guess she really has the likes that for that guy "I say " I kinda know what you mean,  one if my friends likes this guy and he likes someone else whom we don't even know who it is and he asked me for help,  I have him the best advice I could then he asked the girl who likes him but he's blind to see it and he got the courage and who knows maybe he succeeded  we don't know hence the Vivian appearing"she says "you're really nice you know,  anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend or more "I say "I guess my friends are lucky and my boyfriend is really lucky "she says "you have a boyfriend "I say "yeah only recent but I should go and we're not supposed to say  much about personal lives so,  see you"she says leaving "yeah bye "I say leaving as well

*once he gets home he feeds plagg and has 5misssed calls from his dad* "what did he want now "I say "give me my cheese and none of your friends better not touch my cheese "he says "I'll make sure of it and I don't think any of them like Camembert "I say and Plagg hides as he hears footsteps "Felix , your father wishes to see you " natile says "sure "I say getting up and leaving with natile "he's here sir as you requested "she says "thanks natile,  now Felix (his dad is way nicer then Gabriel is but Gabriel is still hawkmoth in this)  your mother and I were (did I say his mum was dead? i'm bad at remembering,  because she isn't,  if I did then oops my bad)  thinking,  you need to take over the company sometime after you graduate and I'm going to make photoshoots on Sunday mornings 9:00am-10:30am and Chinese and fencing on Thursday's and Wednesday's for an hour so you can focus on school and studies "he says "thanks father "I say hugging him "it's alright my boy, now don't you have homework to do with that Sophie to do "he says "oh right we need to finish it still,  thanks father "I say leaving back to my room and calling Sophie "hey Sophie,  when did you want to finish the project for science "I ask "ok,  I'll meet you tomorrow afternoon,  ok I'll see you then"i say ending the call

Sophie's pov
"I feel so bad for rejecting chat,  maybe I should date him,  he is good looking but I still love Felix "I say "do what your heart feels like  is best to do"sparks says "thanks sparks,  I'll think about it I guess, "I say  *Phone rings* "oh lt's Felix, hey,  oh when ever you're free,  yeah sounds good,  see you then, "I say " what was that about, "sparks says "oh going to his place to finish the science project, "I say "oh ok,  *maybe I'll get to talk to plagg since I know his owner is Felix and I wonder how mysterry's doing with Brigitte and viper with luka part time* "sparks says "you seem down,  what's wrong sparks," I say "oh I just really want to see chat verts kwami,  it's been years since we last talked and mystics and king vipers "sparks says "why don't you visit them if you know who the owners are but be careful if you do," I say "maybe another time,  but thanks for saying I can, "sparks says "anytime sparks and now time for bed, night sparks, "I say, "night Sophie "sparks says


Not much happened this part but it goes with the flow,  don't worry they are just blind idiots 😂so yeah bye for now 💜

~Bleep out ~
Jan 28/1/2020

(If the dates are weird, it's because I pre-write, so I have chapters there to publish if I have no inspiration to write, just if you are still confused to why the dates are weird to the publish date)

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