Telling people

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Brigitte's pov
I woke up on my amazing boyfriends arms around me and the sun shining on his blue hair "morning "I say softly kissing his lips for a second "morning,  how'd you sleep "he says "good,  you "I say "good,  now what time is it "he says "um *checks phone* 8am "I say "it's Saturday,  I deserve to sleep more "he says "well,  I wake up early and this house is always up early so if your going to stay here,  you can't really sleep in "I say "ah fine I'm up "he says sitting up "I'm gong to go get dressed,  so feel free to watch tv or something I won't be long "I say getting up , grabbing my clothes and going into my bathroom "ok,  I'll find something "he says looking for the remote *few mins later comes out wearing black leggings and oversized agreste shirt (sane design as she wore to bed but a clean one) *"ok how about we go down for breakfast "I say seeing him watching tv "sure,  I'll get changed and then we can go"he says grabbing his clothes and going into my bathroom to change *after a few mins* "ok we can go now "he says wearing Blue Jeans and a jagged stone shirt *they walk down stairs and into the kitchen where Adrien and Mari are* "morning mum,  dad "I say "morning brig,  how'd you sleep "dad asks "good ,you "I say "yeah alright didn't get to sleep until later since I had meetings most the night"he says "ok as long as you slept "I say getting some toast and sitting down "did you want anything luka"mum asks " what is there "he says "theres toast and cereal "mum says "can I have some toast please "he says "yeah sure,  what would you like on it "mum says "do you have honey "Luka says "yeah sure,  won't take long "mum says getting the toast "nice shirt brig, I'm guessing you stole another of mine "dad says "it was mum this time,  not me "I say "you sure "dad says "yes,  I had no clean shirts so mum gave me 2 of yours since you have so many "I say "Ok just checking "dad says "what's that supposed to mean "I say "nothing "he says "ok but do you have work today "I say "yes and your mum too so don't get up to anything while we're gone "dad says "OK OK i won't oh and I need to tell you something "I say "what would that be "mum says handing luka his toast "um mum,  dad I forgot to tell you that luka here is my boyfriend and we've only been dating for a few days so I'm new to this so I did forget to say anything "I say "as its OK sweetie, I did notice last night that when j went to check on you,  you two were laying together hugging each other asleep so I figured there was something "mum says "really you don't mind "I say "he seems like a nice mannered young man but if you hurt her I'll be coming for you "dad says "he's kidding trust me,  he got that from my dad when we started dating "mum says

"ok I figured he was but thanks for clarifying "I say "now behave you two,  we'll be back around 4pm so don't break anything "dad says "I won't, if I do I'll tell you "I say "ok *hugs goodbye*"dad says "see you,  have fun but not too much "mum says "really mum,  just go to work "I say hugging her goodbye *they both leave* "now what "luka says "first you stole my line,  second since it's still early we'll just head back to my room and watch TV or something "I say pitting the dishes away and walking back to my room with luka *once in her room they just talk and watch tv* "I heard there was a new hero helping out the other day with the others "I say "oh yeah I heard about that "he says lying since I know he was the new hero I gave him the miraculous "I wonder what his name is,  his costume looked cool "I say "are you going to leave me for this new hero or something "he says joking "no never,  I don't even know who he is let alone his name "I say lying about knowing his name and who he is "ok just making sure "he says "you know I only love you *kissses his cheek*"I say "same to you, I'll never leave you "he says *they kiss* *phone rings*"sorry,  I'll get that "I say answering my phone "hello, Alya , yes, ok ok, I'll be there so just us girls but ah fine bit I need to tell you something ok no in person, see ya"i say "what was the about "he says "oh the girls invited me to the movies at 1 which is in 30mins but you can't come and I feel bad if you just rock up,  but I'm sure they won't mind"i say "no no I need to go home anyways go have your fun"he says "aw you're so sweet *kisses him* "I say *both get ready to leave then Lukas phone rings*"hello,  oh hey Felix,  yeah,  I'm free ok I'll be there soon "he says "I'm guessing the guys invited you out too "i say "yeah, the movies too but to see some movie that was made ages ago about gaming"he says "gaming you , you're more music aren't you "I say "yeah but it'll give me something to do before I go home "he says "ok,  we can walk together then since we're going to the same place "I say "sure,  lets go "he says holding my hand and we leave

No ones pov
*once they get there the kiss goodbye and leave to there groups hoping no one saw them* "hey guys , sorry I'm late "brig says "it's ok seeing as you arrived with luka 😏"soph says "be quiet,  but I do need to tell you all something,  so luka and I are together now "I say "really that's so good,  congrats girl "Alya says "now let's head in or we're going to miss the movie "soph says *they head inside and go to watch jamunji: the next level,  it's so funny I was dying of laughter 😂*

*with boys as luka arrives*"hey dude "nino says "hey guys, what movie we seeing " luka says " some movie about gaming,  that looks cool"felix says "like jamunji,  that about a game "luka says "but the dudettes are seeing that and we don't want to disterb them "nino says "so the second one was so funny and I'm sure this one will be "luka says "ah fine but we gotta be quick "Felix says *they get the tickets and sit near the back , and the girls are right at the back* "hey the boys are seeing the same movie as us "brig says whispering "why don't you get lukanti sit with you~ "Alya says fangirling "no I don't want to be annoying besides he spent the night at mine last night so he needs to have time to himself "brig says "oooooo did you do it"soph says "no way, my parents where home and we've only been dating for a few days and my parents only got told this morning "brig says "oh but you would've "Alya says "no,  I'm waiting until later for that,  thank you very much and be quite the movies starting "brig says

*with the boys*"so have you asked out Brigitte yet"felix says "wait he likes Brigitte "nino says surprised "yeah I did and we're dating now,  only a few days "luka says "wait you did,  I need tips since the girl I like doesn't care for my flirting "Felix says "sure but who would that be"luka says " um can't say but you would've heard if her "Felix says "ok but I have given you tips before but why don't you ask Sophie since she's a girl or Brigitte or Alya "luka says "I might ask soph since Brigitte's yours and Alyas ninos and it'll be less akward since sophs not taken,  that I know off"felix says "Ok good luck but be quiet movies starting "nino says

*after the movie they all meet up outside*"so you guys enjoy your movie that we also watched" brig says "it was great "Felix says "yeah definitely getting on DVD once it's out" soph says "same here "brig says "now who wants ice-cream from Andres "Alya says "he's hard to track isn't he"nino says "no he's over there, if that's the one you're talking about since I've only ever seen that one ice cream stand thing "brig says "yes thats the one , come on "Felix says *the quickly get to the stand* "oh hello,  Alya and nino my favorite couple,  (Imma just make up flavors since I don't remember the actual ones they got) chocolate for her hair, blueberry for sweetness and a Cherry on top "Andre says "thanks Andre "nino says "now looks like a new couple,  so blueberry for his hair and peach for her lips "Andre says "thanks Andre "brig says "now,  you another new couple " no not really,  just friends " soph says "Ok so peach for his lips, lemon for his hair and mint green for his eyes "andre says "oh three scoops,  thanks Andre "soph says "ok blue raspberry for her hair,  fairy floss (cotton candy)  for her sweetness and peach for her soft lips"andre says "thanks Andre "Felix says "anything for young lovebirds"andre says and they all go sit down "this is so good "brig says "are you alright with ice-cream "luka says " I'll regret it later but I'll only eat little along as I get the cone"brig says "deal"luka says " hey soph can I ask you something "Felix says "sure,  what is it "soph says

"ok this might sound pathetic but I need help asking out a girl I like "Felix says "ok,  have you tried anything "soph says "I flirt with her alot but she pushes it off and I try to get her attention but saying bad puns and calling her by nicknames,  but she does the same so she doesn't mind that "Felix says "have you tried being yourself , being nice,  kind and trustworthy "soph says "you think I'm all those things "Felix says "yeah,  you're an amazing friend  and you deserve someone to give all your love to "soph says "thanks soph I'll try as soon as I can "Felix says "anything that helps "soph says


OK hope you liked that part,  kinda causing heartbreak but not on purpose OK but doesn't know sophs blue raven so yeah,  bye for now💜

~Bleep out~
Jan 28/1/2020

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