Will you go with me?

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Bigittes pov
So it's been a few weeks and prom is next week and Alya has a date with nino, Sophie and I haven't yet and I feel bad because I have someone to go with if he asks me and Sophie doesn't  but I'm sure she'll get one *at school during lunch on wednesday* "hey,  soph "I say "hey,  have you got a date yet "she says "no haven't gotten asked "I say "really because I haven't yet and everyone has someone and then there's me "she says "well I know Felix doesn't have on yet,  so ask him,  I'm sure he'll  say yes since its a bit lame if you're the only girl in our year who doesn't have a date and he doesn't ask you "I say "yeah maybe I'll ask him since I can talk to him better now "she says as the others come to our table, "hey girls "Alya says "hey "Felix says "sup dudettes "nino says "hey, Felix, you got a date yet "I say "no since the person I want to ask I can't so I just won't go "he says "don't day that,  theres plenty of girls who haven't got dates yet "I say

"no most of the girls in our year have a date," he says " the only ones left are me and sophie but it would be weird going with a family member so Sophie's your last choice, "I say " yeah she's your last choice to not be the only one without a date, "Alya says "don't pressure him into asking me,  I can just stay home and I need to make  dresses anyways so," she says "but haven't you finished your dress already, "I say "yeah,  I can wear it to something else since it's not that fancy," she says " now I feel bad,  Sophie do you wanna go with me,  you don't have to,  if it's too weird, "he says "yeah sure and no it won't be too weird, "she says completely screaming inside "cool I'll pick you up at 7 since its starts at 7:15pm, "he says "ok,  sounds good," she says "hey brig can I talk to you for a minute, "luka says "sure,  I'll be back, "I say leaving with luka

*outside the lunch area* "what did you wanna talk about,  is something wrong "I say worried "no it's not that,  it's just I still feel bad for missing your birthday since I wasn't well and I wanna make it up to you "he says " you don't have to,  yeah it was an 18th but I don't care as along as I'm with you I'm happy even if I'm taking care of you if you're sick or injured "I say "really you don't mind " he says (this sounds sooooo cheesy 😂) "no,  I love you too much, luka "I say " I love you too and do you wanna go on a date maybe this Saturday night "he says pulling me close "yeah sure,  I'd love to, what time" I say "I'll pick you up at 6:30 pm "he says "ok, I'll tell my parents then "I say " we should go back to the others "he says " ok, but it's nice spending time with you "I say "we can do that once we've finished school "he says walking me back to the lunch area

*Back with the others* "the bells gonna go soon,  you too sure were talking for a while " Alya says "yeah so" I say sitting back down *fast forward to Saturday since school boring and yeah* " I'm going to be late,  what am I going to wear "I say looking though my clothes "what about this" Myst says holding up one of Lukas shirts he left " maybe but it's not really date clothing " I say "what about this "Myst says holding up an outfit "yes that's amazing but different shoes and it'll be great "I say grabbing the items and going to my bathroom and showering then getting  dressed "how do I look "I say walking out the bathroom wearing a dark  blue tie-died shirt and black jeans and black ankle boots

*Back with the others* "the bells gonna go soon,  you too sure were talking for a while " Alya says "yeah so" I say sitting back down *fast forward to Saturday since school boring and yeah* " I'm going to be late,  what am I going to wear "I say l...

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"looks amazing and maybe a bag to go with it, "Myst says "ok *grabs the favourite bag,  mint green with a b on it for Brigitte*, does this look good, "I say "yes,  now let's go, "Myst says going into my bag and heading out the door to meet luka "hey,  you look amazing, "he says kissing me softly "thanks,  it took long enough to find, "I say holding his hand as we walk to the restaurant *once there they find a good spot and decide what to order*, "I think I might get a chicken burger,  want about you, "he says "I might get a chicken salad, "I say "ok,  I'll go order, "he says leaving to order

*after a few mins* " it shouldn't take long now "he says putting order number on the table " cool and are you planning on going to prom in 2 weeks or you staying home "I say (please note she's not expecting for him to ask her even if they are dating since it's like cliche to do that but I might 😏) " I'm not sure yet *i might ask her after dinner* "he says "ok,  I might since sophs making me a dress and I did make her kinda go since you don't want to be the only one without a date but she's going with Felix "I say *the foods arrives* "this looks amazing, but I feel bad for making you pay for it,  are you sure I can't pay you back "I say "it's my treat ok , I did get sick on your birthday and not be able to do anything with you "he says " I did say it was ok for you not coming, I didn't even throw a big party,  only Felix,  Sophie, Alya and nino came for a movie night then they left in the afternoon the next day "I say "  sounds like fun,  but I'm happy to be spending time with you now "he says being all cute "you're too cute "I say

Lukas pov
*after they eat,  they go for a late-night walk in the park* "it's so pretty at night, I never realised "she says looking around " yeah it's pretty" I say as I lead her to the arch garden (simpler to this but not on a lake/river and yes this is from princess and the frog since I don't know what these are called)

"hey brig, since we've been together for 10months (let's just say school stared in like Jan on the 5th,  yes that's not true but it doesn't work with the time line I've confused myself with and they got together on the 20th Jan or something like t...

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"hey brig, since we've been together for 10months (let's just say school stared in like Jan on the 5th,  yes that's not true but it doesn't work with the time line I've confused myself with and they got together on the 20th Jan or something like that, yes I'm being realreallyfusing but I hope it kinda makes sense now if it doesn't I'm sorry I don't know how to explain my thinking any better) now and I've loved every minute of it with you and *pulls out a box (it's not a ring, I'm not going that fast geez😂)* I was hoping you'd go to prom with me, "I say opening the box that has a necklace with her name on it "aw luka it's beautiful,  yes I'll go to prom with you, "she says jumping on me and kissing me "I'm glad you liked it and I was hoping you'd say yes, "I say "I love you so so so so much, "she says "and I love you too, "I say


I bet you thought it was a proposal  until I said it wasn't 😂 , I hope you liked this chapter,  yes it was a lot of the same ship but Felix and Sophie moment is coming soon don't worry I'm not that mean ok, bye for now💜

~Bleep out~
Jan 30/1/2020

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