coming home

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Brigitte pov
We played never have I ever for awhile then I decided to do something else " hey, what did you wanna do now "I say "whatever floats your boat brig "he says "well we could do karaoke even though I can't sing "I say "sure what songs "he says " Disney since you wouldn't know K-pop ones inhere you've heard me play them "I say choosing a song *plays idol bts,  why not 😏😅* " you call me Artist you call me Idol *sings rest perfectly, not in tune but Lyrics on point* "I sing "really know that don't you,  now me "he says choosing a song " never never had had a a friend friend like like meeeeeeeeeeeeeee"he sings " legend mate"i say *after awhile they do part of your world, let it go,  some things never change and speechless* " we did pretty good even though I'm very out of tune when it comes to singing "I say flopping on the couch "you did good and it's 6pm now so did you wanna make dinner now "he says "sure can you help me get everything out "I say heading to the kitchen "sure thing "he says getting up helping me "thank you,  now don't be distracting whist I'm cooking "I say heating up the pan and chopping onions "I'll try not to "he says hugging me from behind and kissing my neck "that doesn't help,  as much as I love it,  I'm trying to cook here "I say "i don't care, I'm staying here "he says "ok *puts onions in pan and boils water for the potatos* "I say *after everything is done they sit down at the table and eat* "this is amazing brig "he says "thanks "I say *after they eat,  brig has a shower and forgets to lock the door so luka walks in on her by accident* "so so-rry I'll le-ave now "he says blushing red from seeing me in the shower "it's ok, it's not like you've been walked in before with me "I say "you sure,  I don't want anything awkward to happen "he says with his eyes closed "yeah it's fine *gets out and drys self then keeps towel on* , you can look now, I've got a towel on"i say "sorry again brig "he says "everyone makes mistakes"i say as he leaves and I get dressed into one of his shirts and wearing underwear no bra because wearing one during the day is annoying enough  but no pants since the shirt goes up to my knees " now what did you wanna do "he says as I sit down on the couch after washing the dishes "well,  *hears screams* looks like there's an akuma"i say wanting to go transform "well I'm going to go call my mum reminding her we're coming back tomorrow "he says leaving "ok he's gone now Myst,  time to transform mysterry magic on "I say transforming into mystic magic

Blue ravens pov
"been awhile kitty , who's the suspect today"i say "well so far it seems like stormy weather but stronger way stronger "chat says *mystic appears then king viperion*" hey guys,  bit stormy isn't it "she says " puns now,  really,  whatever it's someone similar to stormy weather who made the weather stormy hence her name but stronger like can change into volcanic weather "I say "well if it's the same as last time,  go for her umbrella "chat says "ok got it "I say as we all head to her and fight "lucky charm "mystic says getting a fan "I guess you could say I'm your biggest fan m'lady "chat says to me " wow kitty "I say rolling my eyes "I've got it *use to blow umbrella out of her hand and catches it,  breaks it and devises akuma* "miraculous mystic 'she says throwing it in the air restoring everything "pound it"we all say pounding fists "ok I gotta go,  bye " mystic says "same bye "king viperion says leaving as well " well m'lady,  I gotta go but before that *kisses me quickly* I still love you but I've got a girlfriend now but you'll always be in my heart "chat says  "I have a boyfriend now so I guess we both moved on "I say "yeah bye m'lady " he says as he leaves  me all red in the face from the kiss *goes back and detranaforms*

Brigs pov
*luka comes back* "hey,  sorry mum was talking for awhile " he says "it's OK I just watched TV "I say  "ok,  as long as you weren't hurt "he says sitting on the couch with me " I wasn't hurt,  I did see one of the new heros king viperion "I say "oh yeah I saw him too"he says " well we should get to sleep if we wanna be awake before we leave tomorrow " I say walking over to the bed "I'm gonna have a shower then I'll go to bed "he says heading to the bathroom "ok,  Myst do you think he's the one for me "I say "yeah he's cool and viper is pretty cool as well "she says " ok,  here have some bread "I say giving her some bread "thanks brig "she says flying back to her spot in my bag " I might call mum, she'll be awake *dials,  answers* hey mum,  yeah it's been great,  tomorrow,  with luka since it was an odd number,  no mum, ok I'll see you tomorrow,  bye love you "I say ending the call "did you call your mum "luka says walking to the bed and going under the covers "yeah,  I wanted to talk to her since it's been awhile since we talked "I say " we should get to sleep,  we've got a 2hr drive to get through tomorrow , night "he says getting comfy and closing his eyes "ok night "I say also getting comfy by laying next to him and playing with his soft hair *he puts his hand on her waist and pulls her close and they fall alseep*

*In the morning luka wakes up before brig and gets ready and then wakes her up with a kiss* "morning beautiful,  you should get ready "he says " fine,  I'll get up and morning love "I say getting up and getting ready *he walks behind her and hugs her from behind* " you shouldn't be so hugable *kisses her cheek*, now come on we've got to join everyone else and get good seats "he says grabbing his things and I do too "ok let's go,  do we have everything "I say "yes I checked this morning "he says "thanks "I say leaving and he follows and closes the door

*they walk to the main cabin and meet everyone else and put there heaver luggage under the bus then get seats in the bus and put there carry on bags near there feet* " why do you smel like men's cologne " luka says "oh I'm wearing one of my dad's old shirts and I guess it has cologne on it still "I say "ok as long as your not hugging other guys apart from me and your dad "he says "I would never,  unless I'm saying goodbye to them but on the regular I wouldn't "I say "ok just checking "he says *the bus leaves and after 2 hours they are back at the school* "ok students,  tomorrow night will be your graduation ceremony,  5-6 will be presentations and 6-11 will be the after party and you can leave whenever in the time frame and there will be no alcohol and we will be checking "miss says "yes miss "everyone says " I'm gonna call mum to get someone to pick me up,  I don't feel like walking "I say getting my phone out and dialing " can I hitch a ride "luka says "sure,  hey mum,  can I get a life from school,  I don't feel like walking,  yeah,  thanks mum "I say ending the call " is she coming "he asks "yeah she's getting the limo driver to pick me up,  it's one of the smaller ones that looks like a small car but isn't "I say "ok sounds cool"he says

*car arrives and picks them up*


OK they are back now,  hope you liked yes I know there's not much of everyone in this, I'll try to put more of everyone else in here and yeah bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Feb 2/2/2020

May 8th update: Heya peoples, I hope you are doing great and staying home and staying safe💜. Anextra19wordsforallthat. 

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