cOmE tO aUsTrAiLa YoU mIgHt AcCiDeNtLy GeT kIlLeD

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Brigitte's pov
So it's been a few weeks and me and luka are ready to go to Austaila for a week "ok our flight is at 1:00pm and we won't get there until 8:00am since it's a 12hr flight so 1am Paris time but we can sleep a bit when faith picks us up "I say in the car driving to the airport " ok not too bad,  you'll have to show me around " he says " definitely,  you're not going there and not seeing places and trying things "I say as we arrive at the airport *they get everything they need out so under luggage and their carry on and go to the reception to get the tickets* " here you are,   enjoy your flight " receptionist says "thank you"i say walking away to go sit down for a bit before we leave " ok so once we get there we need to call faith and get her to pick us up" luka says "she knows ok,  if she forgets I'll call her and if she's busy I'll get a taxi to get us to her house "I say "ok sorted "he says "flight to Perth Australia boreding now " speaker says ( I don't live in Perth but I don't want to use my actual city name but I've been to Perth plenty times and there's no flight directly from where I live you have to go to Melbourne and go from there )"ok let's go "I say grabbing our things and walking to the boreding desk to scan our tickets "tickets please *scans* thank you and is any of that under caridge " lady says "yes just theses 2 suit cases and the rest carry on "I say "ok I'll take those and you can bored ,have a nice flight "she says as we leave to bored *once on the plane they get there seats and get comfy since they are in business class* "I've never been in this one before "luka says "I have once , this is my second "I say "must be nice , is it summer there "he says "yeah like 30-40 degrees so no jumpers,  wear shirts and shorts and lots of sunscreen "I say "ok mum "he says mocking me " I'm your girlfriend,  I'm just looking out for you "I say "and I appreciate it a lot "he says "it's OK just looking out for you "I say *after the 12hours pasted they get off the plane and grab their luggage and meet faith there* " faith,  you made it "I say hugging her tight " I missed you so much "she says " faith this is my boyfriend luka,  luka this is my second best friend faith "I say as they shake hands " nice to meet you faith "he says " nice to meet you too,  now come on,  don't be lazy and come with "she says as we grab our things and follow her to her car "now let's go to mine to drop off your things and then you two can go around town , borrow my car since I gotta work today so I'll get ready and then you can drop me off "she says driving to her house *once there they dump there things and drop faith off at work and then they go to town*

"ok,  now for me to be the tour guide,  this is the foreshore like a beach and there's a trashy water park there, don't drink the water is recycled and kids pee in there a lot, over here is dome,  a cafe/restaurant place great for dinner or lunch,  here's our version of a mall,  and that's about it really, "I say "all look so put together and cute,  can we meet your other friends now, "he says "yeah, I'll go to shines first since she's my number one bestie, "I say driving to her house *after 10mins* "Here we are,  come on she doesn't bite, "I say getting kit the car and walking up to the door " anyone home *door opens* shine home? "I say "yeah,  nice to see you " her mum says (Shes moving out soon but for now is with her parents) "nice to see you too,  *shine appears* hey,  been awhile "I say hugging her "I've missed you so much and who's this cutie "she says "this is my boyfriend,  luka "I say "hey,  nice to meet you "he says " brought a foreigner down under mate,  nice to meet you too "she says shaking his hand " um I'm staying at faiths place but since we've all finished school I thought since we promised we'd all hang out including the idiot boys,  for a last time until our 10yr reunion "I say "yeah,  I can get a hold of a few but we have a meet up thing tonight at school so come with "she says "ok , what time "I say " um 4:00pm for like an hour "she says "ok sounds good,  now we gotta go,  I need to go to woolies quickly "I say "ok have fun,  I'll see you tonight "she says "ok bye"i say going to my car "what's wollies "he says "Woolworths,  Shopping Centre or just a shop really like groceries "I say "oh right "he says as we pull into the parking "ok come on let's go "I say grabbing bags and leaving "what do we need "he says as we walk in "well,  I was thinking maybe getting some shapes and maybe Vegemite since I've missed it a lot "I say "ok, explain shapes "he says as we walk into the aisle " here,  they are a flavoured savoury biscuit and theres a lot of flavours but chicken crimpys the best , and now Vegemite "I say grabbing a box of shapes and going into the spreads " um there's a lot here "he says "hers Vegemite,  I might get a tube since I can bring that back "I say grabbing it" ok is that all"he says "yeah unless you wanna try boring lollies or candy as you know them"i say "it's fine,  we can go"he says "OK we can come back before we leave "I say going to the self checkout and , scanning then paying and then we leave *once they get back they make some lunch and lay around for a bit before picking faith up from work* "how was your day "she says " good,  got some tubed Vegemite since it's so hard to find and I'm hoping to bring it back "I say " OK,  you enjoy yourself luka "she says "yeah it was good,  different from back home "he says "yeah very,  now shine told there's a meet up at school tonight at 4:00pm for an hour , is that true or was she lying since she might hate me for leaving her still "I say "not lt's true , I'll take you "she says " we have to get ready first and we showered after we got back from town "I say "ok, go get ready "she says as we walk to our room


OK they're in Australia,  sorry it's kinda boring so far,  there are not many great things where I'm basing this,  which is where live in Australia but not Perth (it's the capital of Western Australia,  like 4-5hrs away  south from me ) aNyWaYs I hope you enjoyed and bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Feb 5/2/2020

May 17th edit: Idk anymore honestly, this book is flopping so bad 😭 and I know it's not that great and really old but I'd appreciate it if I got some feedback or something. Anextra35wordsforallthat.

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