The bully returns part 1

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Sophie's pov
*The next day, the Sunday at the time of soph going to Felix's* "you gotta go now Sophie other wise you'll be late "sparks say "thanks sparks, come on "I say as she flies into my bag and I leave *at Felix's* *rings door bell* "hello who is it "natile says "um Jr's Sophie, I'm here to do a project with Felix "I say "ok come in"natile says as I walk in "let me show you to his room "Natile says "OK thank you "I say walking behind her and entering Felix's room "Felix you have a guest" natile says " ok coming "he says walking out his bathroom "hey Felix "I say "hey Soph, we should be alright now, thanks natile "he says "ok I'll go tell your father, she's here "natile says leaving "ok what do we need to finish "he says "only the bibliography and putting it all on the poster "I say "ok let's get started" he says

*after 1hr they finish* "ok and done "I say "didn't take as long as I thought "he says "well we didn't have much left "I say "hey, you know how I said I was going to ask the girl I like out"he says " yeah, did she say yes"i say "no, she said not exactly but her response was , I accept it but I like someone else but I hope someone out there can make you happy , I'm sorry "he says almost word for word what I said "wait I said something similar to someone who I know likes me and it was yesterday "I say "did someone say they love you and you rejected them "he says "only because I like someone else and the dude could easily be brigittes dads best friend from all the puns he says "I say "who was it "he says "I don't want to say but I do feel bad for what I said, I think wait I know I really hurt him"i say "well looks like both of us need help "he says "yeah but when I see him, I'm going to say I'm sorry and I need to go since we've finished "I say standing up"ok I'll see you later "he says

*after a while it's Valentine's Day and a certain Kim is trying to get Lila's attention but fails* "leave me alone weirdo" Lila says strutting away "why can't she love me" Kim says "ah bit rejected by the one he loves *evilises an Akuma* fly away from my pretty Akuma and evilise this poor unfortunate soul "hawkmoth says sounding like Ursula (sorry had took 😂taken crying* huh"Kim says as the Akuma fly's into the broach "hello dark cupid, you've been hurt by the one you love, you can get revenge and make everyone never love again but I return I want the miraculous of the blue raven and green cat "hawkmoth says "yes hawkmoth"Kim says  turning into dark cupid "now no one will love again "he says flying off and shooting arrows

*at the school with Felix, Sophie, Brigitte and luka, Alya&nino left to go on a mini lunch date* "*hears screaming* what's that "I say "I think there's another Akuma, today of all days is just predictable "brig says "well let's try not to get hit because if you do, it turns you off anything you love into hate "Felix says "yeah good call" luka says "well I gotta get something from home so I gotta go "brig says leaving "I gotta go to the bathroom "Felix says leaving "sorry I gotta help my parents in the bakery, you should get home "I say leaving Luka

Brigitte's pov
"time to transform, mysterry magic on"i say transforming into mystic magic and going to the others "really valintines day of all the days"i say "yeah it's pretty unlucky, just don't get hit otherwise you'll hate all the people you love the most "blue says "noted, now where is that cat"i say "I don't know "blue says "right here, m'lady "he says as me kisses blues hand "enough kitty, we've got a city to save "blue says distracted and dark cupid almost hits her but chat saves her "oh no kitty "blue says "did I ever tell you I lov-loath you, get away from me! "he says "it's ok we'll sort this out ok"i say "I hope so "she says *after awhile they still haven't figured out how to defeat him* " lucky charm "I say (I think I did it was that I don't remember the words I used but it's basically the same power so) getting caramel apples " those are really sticky but no other use for them other then eating "blue says "maybe since the caramel is sticky, we can coat his arrow and hands and he won't be able to shoot anymore "I say "yeah so you jump off that building and break up the caramel and dump it on him and I'll sort out chat"blue says "ok but you do know that love defeats all hate so you need to do something like that "I say doing what we planned "shoot, I need to kiss him"blue says

Blue ravens pov
"Why are you still here, "chat says "well you did say you loved me so just a quick kiss to seal the deal, "I say "never, "he says *after awhile he pins her to the ground and she kisses him* "there feel better, "I say looking at a confused chat "what happened, "he says "nevermind but try to get his broach," I say "ok, "he says

*after a while they defeat him* "miraculous mystic "she says throwing the charms in the air and everything turning normal "any plans for Valentine's Day 'I say " none, but do your free m' lady "chat says winking at me "in your dreams kitty "I say "I might go out tonight but it depends on if my boyfriend is busy " mystic says "you have a boyfriend "I say "yeah, she does, how's it going for you "chat says "you knew "I say "I told him when be asked for how to ask you out even after asking some of his friends but it seems you didn't accept but I'm sure you'll come around one day, he's a nice guy blue "she says "see this is what you're missing m'lady "he says "I think I can love without the puns, for now, kitty and I'm sorry if I was too rude, I feel really bad"I say leaving

Mystics pov
"well you tried, did you tell your friends what happened, "I say "yeah I told one of them and she said she had a guy tell her he liked her and she said no but she felt bad same as m'lady did,  "he says "trust me she'll come around just like one of my friends who's a blind idiot for not seeing that one of my friends likes him, "I say "thanks mystic, but I can wait forever for her, so far it's been 4 years, hopefully, she'll come around, "he says "she will, now I gotta go, "I say leaving and seeing he does as well

*next day at school Lila's bulling another person as normal* "you're a waste of space, leave my presence "she says as the young girl runs away crying "hey, that wasn't very nice to say, no one should have to put up with you bully everyone and getting away with it, just because you the daughter of a famous movie director doesn't mean you can push around little kids let alone anyone like they are your slaves "I say standing up for everyone "well no one needs you and your stupid accent to stand up for them just because your the mayor's daughter and granddaughter to a famous fashion designer "she says "why did you say that, I would never over use that title just for popularity and fam, whatever just don't be a mean stuck up little person you are even if you've been treated badly doesn't mean you can do that to us let alone anyone "I say sitting down "you ok"luka says "yeah, I've wanted to take out my anger on bullies who've bullied me and others for years "I say "well now everyone knows you're the mayor's daughter, but the limos should've told that"he says " I just told them that I have access to one from family but I like not having to lie anymore even though I never wanted to keep it secret but then again I wanted to see how long "I say " well I would never date you just for money, I date you because you're amazing, kind and loving "he says "thank you luka"i say kissing him softly and quickly as the teacher come in


Well that was something, TBH I literally win fights with bullies from like 5 years ago so that felt good to write I guess, I'm not like that EVER unless I'm really annoyed like going to explode AnYwAyS bye for now 💜

~Bleep out ~
Jan 29/1/2020

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