That night

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Brigitte's pov
"hey,  how about we do one of these locks "he says "well what do they do "I say "well they say that if two lovers pit one there,  their love with last for entirnity and you have to throw the key into the river "he says "cool,  are allowed to do it"i say "yeah,  they sell locks near here too "he says walking over to get one then comes back "cool so what do we do "I say "you have to kiss it and then lock it"he says "ok "I say as we both do it then lock it on the bridge then throw the key away "cool,  I've read about the locks but never thought I could do it "I say "well you did it "he says "let's head back to yours since its not far from here "I say "ok, but are your parents ok with it"he says "oh,  I'll call mum,  since dads always busy *dials* hey mum,  is it ok if I stay a Lukas tonight,  I already grabbed an overnight bag, ok, yep, no mum that's a weird question to ask but no,  ok I'll see you then,  ok bye"i say "so you can stay "he says "yeah but she was making sure if we did it to use protection which I'm not ready for and yes I'm 17 (I know I said 18 in character profile but she will be in Oct when her B-Day is,  same date as mine as she is based from me but different ages I'm 15 so )  but not happening "I say "wow,  you must be close with your mum for her to ask that but don't worry if definitely ask you first and make sure you're ready to "he says "thanks luka,  now let's go to your place "I say walking holding his hand *once they get there they get changed into comfy clothes and set up blankets on Lukas bed and watch frozen* "there's many dirty jokes in this movie but it's a favourite "I say "I know but yes it is great "he says *her head is on his arm and her arms holding his arm*

Lukas pov
*after the movie they watch brave*" I love this movie so much, I love all the Disney princess movies and other ones but mainly those "she says " why don't we make some popcorn "I say "sure "she says getting up and pausing the movie " as it was getting to a good part "I say annoyed " aw you're a big baby "she says trying to lift me up "finding it hard the brig "I say getting up "no, I was doing just fine "she says "we let's go make some popcorn then"I say going into the kitchen *after they make it they go back and lay down with their bowl of popcorn inbetween them* " Happy Valentine's Day brig "I say kissing her forehead "Happy Valentine's Day luka "she says kissing me (cheesy I know but I'm werid and like romantic things ) "I love you so much,  I know I've said that a lot but I really do "I say "I don't mind and I do too" she says laying back on my arm *after a few hours they both fall asleep in each other's arms*

*morning* "morning babe "I say "huh,  don't think you've called me that before "she says as I turn red "so-rry it just slipped out "I say embarrassed "no it's ok, I liked it and I feel like we need names for each other anyway "she says kissing my cheek "thanks brig,  what do you for breakfast and then we have to get ready for school "I say "um I'm going to shower since I didn't last night then I'll find some food "she says getting up and grabbing her back and heading to the bathroom "ok don't be too long "I say "I won't "she says *after 10mins she comes out* "you took awhile "I say "sorry had to brush my teeth and my hair and I did get dressed in there so "she says "you girls and taking forever "I say " well at least we smell nicer "she says " really now "I say walking up to her "yes but men's deodorant does smell nice but reeks when too much is used "she says " do you want breakfast still "I say as she cleans her glasses "huh, oh right,  yeah just let me pack all my things "she says "you look really pretty without glasses "I say "really,  I took them off last night and has them off this morning , didn't you notice "she says "yes but I didn't say anything"i say "ok,  come on I'm hungry and I want to go home for a bit too get somethings and to drop this bag off and get my school one "she says dragging  me "ok I'm coming "I say "you two sleep well "Jules says "yeah,  you "brig says "yeah,  oh can I talk to you for a minute brig "Jules says "sure "she says

Brigittes pov
"what did you wanna talk about, "I say " um I need help asking someone out and I don't want it to be awkward if they say no, "she says "who is it,  if you don't mind saying, "I say "you know rose, "she says (yes I ship since Nathaniel and Marc would sound weird with rose and Juleika and those two are like an official ship kinda but they don't deserve to be with Lila or some random person)  "aw cute, just be yourself, if you don't it's like she's with someone different from who you truly are, "I say "thanks brig and can we keep this a secret since I haven't really come out yet, "she says "sure, you can say when you're ready to, "I say walking back "we should get going,  otherwise you'll never get your school bag and in time, "he says "ok let's go then, thanks for having me on short notice, "I say, "all good lasie "anarka says

*they both leave and walk to brigs house and grab her bag and head to school* "hey you two,  how was your date "soph says "after the Akuma, it was good, did you do anything for yourself "I say " yeah I binged movies but that's it "she says "ok as long as you had fun "I say "yeah, I did a face mask and had a bath it was great" she says "sounds amazing "I say *bell goes and the rest arrive and they head to class*

*btw it's Friday,  Idk if I said the days, I'm forgetful,  I've been writing a lot of these today so don't mind me*

*after class* " so happy it's Friday "soph says "yeah same,  my mums planing on having a games night tonight or something since dad isn't working tonight "I say "sounds fun "luka says walking up to me and kissing me softly "you two are so cute "soph says fangirling "at least we look cute to soph "I say "yeah that's true "he says "well I gotta go,  see you later soph and I'll call you later ok, luka "I say "yeah,  see you "he says as I start walking home

Lukas pov
"you two sure spend a lot of time together, "soph says "yeah it's better than never seeing each other except at school, "I say "true, well I'll see you later, "soph says leaving and I head home as well


OK done for now and I hope you liked,  I'm going to do more Sophie and Felix ok I'm getting their ok bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Jan 29/1/2020

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