The triple threat part 1

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Brigitte's pov
It's been a week since I got to Paris and started school here,  so far it's been great, i get to be a Paris superhero with blue raven and chat vert and we go on patrol every night at 8pm to 10pm and I've met some great friends like Sophie who I visit alot since we almost always hang out like a second bff,  Alya , she's so funny and she runs an awesome blog called the ravenblog,  nino, he's an amazing dj and really funny,  Felix , way different to what you think a rich boy would act like,  he's kind , considorate and really fun to be around and I think Sophie likes him 😨 but you never heard anything from me ;), and luka,  new really talented with music and knows just how you feel with  a simple tune on his guitar and he's pretty cute too I mean I wouldn't date him or anything.......... and now I have school just great well at least I'll have my friends there with me and not liela around since I kinda roasted her twice but I said even if she has a bad past doesn't mean she needs to act mean *at the front of the school* "hey guys,  whatcha talking about "I say "well we were thinking that we could go on a double date but a triple date like me and nino,  Felix and Sophie and you and luka "Alya says "I get you and nino but me and Luka and Sophie and Felix,  yeah it would be couple goals in a friend group but it would be weird wouldn't it "I say "SeE I told you,  at least Brigitte agrees with me "Sophie says "I'm guessing you're still talking about the date thing "Luka says "no wonder I heard Sophie raise her voice *laughs a bit*"Felix says "oh be quiet you "Sophie says jokingly "woah me-owch sassy "Felix says laughing his head off "that's was a bad pun mate funny but bad "I say

Alyas pov
I have got to get these two pairs of clueless dorks together

Felix's pov
"Luka was my pun,  punderful?" I say with pride because that pun was a master piece" yeah it was bad I'm sorry dude, but it was funny as Brigitte said, "he says "whatever it was great to me, "I say highly affended "I don't like puns so don't even try me, "Sophie says "and I thought you liked them, "I say "ok enough we should be heading to class now, "Alya says "yes mum, "we all say as a joke "be quite or I'll have to ground you, "she says joking *we all head to class laughing our heads off* *during class* 'Ok everyone I'm going to put you into groups of 2 people for a project on the history of the eiffel tower (I think I spelt that right idk ) and I'll be choosing the groups so ivan&mylne, lila&sabrina, kagami &max, Alya&nino,alix&kim, nathaniel&marc and lastly Felix&sophie and luka&brigitte, "the teacher says "BuT mIsS I ShOuLd Be WiTh FeLiX, "LiLa SaYs "no I've already decided no changing, "the teacher says
*after school, Sophie and Felix are outside talking*

Sophie's pov
I'm so nervous to work with Felix,  yeah I can talk to him as friends but I still stutter sometimes but I'm excited at the same time since its Felix Agreste  son of my idol Gabriel Agreste "do you want to work at mine or yours "Felix says "mine, since my parents are away visiting family and needed me to look after the bakery "I say "ok I'll come at 4 pm "he says "don't you have any photoshoots "I say confused since he always has photoshoots "I've done time all for today so I'm free "he says "ok I'll see you then "I say

Brigitte's pov
"hey Luka,  are you free to work on the project today, "I ask "yeah I'm not doing anything,  mine or yours, "he says "maybe yours since I've never been, "I say "really you haven't, "he says "no only you at mine with the others, "I say "ok around 5 pm maybe, "he says "sure,  but I'll need your address, "I say "oh yeah,  that might be important, "he says *gives Adress*"you live on a houseboat,  cool, "I say excited "yeah my mum is kinda like a pirate but it's cool, my sister and I like it, "he says "your sister? "I say "you know Juelika (idk how to spell it)"he say "oh she's your sister , I don't mean that it's bad way "I say "then what do you mean "he says "I honestly don't know *both laugh * "I say "well I gotta go,  so I'll see you then "he says " ok,  see you "I say walking over to sophie who has just finished talking to Felix "hey soph"i say "hey, sooooo how's having Luka as you partner for the project "she says "it's cool,  I get to finally go to his house since I've never been "I say "I was expecting something else like you asking him out,  it's oblivious you like him "she says "well then,  ask out Felix since you like him so much "I say "maybe but I know he doesn't like me but I'm positive luka likes you "she says "just try ok and I'll try today too if I'm brave enough "I say "ok deal,  well text tonight,  heres my number "she says "ok , here's mine "I say as I leave to go to the limo that takes me home *once she's home,  she gets ready to go to lukas* "did you finally ask him out "Myst says "no,  we have a project at school about Paris history and I need all the help I can get "I say "oh but are you gonna ask him out he seems so nice and his hair is the same colour as me"myst says "true that, now I gotta get going otherwise I will be late , come on Myst unless you wanna stay "I say "ok I'm coming "Myst says flying into my bag and I head out the door* *in the limo*."can you take me to this address please"i ask the driver "sure but you'll have to walk the rest since I can't get the limo in that area "he says "it's ok , I'll manage "I say *drives to Lukas house and once there Brigitte thanks the driver and walks the rest of the way and once there sees luka on the top deck* "hey luka "I say

Lukas pov
"hey Brigitte,  please hop on bored, "I say "thanks, "she says and walks into the boat "watch out for the step," I say warning her "wha- *trips* whoops *laughs* I think I'm too clumsy for my own liking," she says "have a nice trip,  don't get a post card, "I say "well I got home before I thought of it, "she says as we both crack up laughing "Ok let's head inside, " I say she's so cute when she laughs

Brigitte's pov
*once inside I notice a older lady who looks to be Lukas mum*" hey mum,  this is Brigitte, the one I said who was doing the project for class with "he says "oh I thought it was ye girlfriend but do what you came here for and nice to meet you brigitte,  I'm agatha (idk her actual name so Agatha it is😂) "she says "nice to meet you "I say "woah she's got an accent , she's a keeper lad " she says " really mum,  sorry about her Brigitte "he says whist I'm slightly blushing "it's Ok really and I'm still getting used to people saying I have an accent since I'm used to being around people who have the same accent as me " I say "alright well let's get started then "he says "yes let's "I say *after while it's 8pm* "I need to go now but we got a good start and I learnt about Paris a bit more "I say "yeah you did,  when do you wanna do more to finish it "he asks nows your chance ask him out "maybe we could do some at school in the library on Wednesday *it's Monday now* if that's fine with you or at my place or at a cafe "I say "maybe Wednesday in the library but we can do that  triple date thing at a cafe if you want or just a normal 2 person date "he says "are. you asking me out ?"I say "maybe, you are really pretty and you are an extraordinary girl Brigitte,  clear as a musical note,  sincere as a melody. you are the song I hear in my thoughts ever since we met "(I think that's different from the silencer one but close enough) he says "I uh really and yes I would love to go out with you,  Saturday maybe and the triple date maybe next week "I say "sure,  I didn't think you'd say yes "he says "well I proved you wrong didn't I "I say as I'm leaving the boat "thanks for everything today *kisses his cheek*, see ya" I said blushing as I walk away "wow she's amazing "he says

*with our Sophie or sopeix couple a few hours before*


another chapter done,  sorry it was about long the second part will be out tomorrow sometime

💜~Bleep out~💜
Jan 18/1/2020

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