The after party

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Sophie's pov
"Is there an after-party or something "brig says "remember that camp we planned,  it's basically that? "luka says  "when do we leave? "I say, "I think tomorrow and we should all get to sleep since it's 2 am " Felix says "yeah it is pretty late," I say starting to walk home "Hey soph can I stay with you since it's late and I don't want to disturb my father, "Felix says "sure,  I can set up a bed for you, "I say leaving with Felix

Brigs pov
"you and Alya should go to, "I say "yeah come on Nino, "Alya says leaving with Nino "I live too far away to walk at 2 am,  do you mind if I stay at yours, "I say "yeah but do you have spare clothes, "he says "um no, "I say "it's ok,  well sort something out, "he says holding my hand and walking to his house *once there they have a shower,  not together 😏, then they get ready to sleep* " I don't want to disturb Jules by asking her to get some of her clothes,  maybe just wear one of my shirts, "he says "yeah, that'll do since I can't sleep in just a prom dress, "I say "here,  go get changed,  "he says as I leave to the bathroom *she's in a towel right now since she just got out the shower and he had one before her so no walking in on each other this time..... * " ok , that'll do,  it's bit short but whatever "I say walking out to his room " never knew my shirt could look so good on you " he says "really,  I'm tired,  so don't make me stay up longer "I say sleepy "ok let's get you to bed " he says putting a bunch of pillows and blankets on a pull out bed in his room "thanks,  oh and do you having anything savory like bread or something "I say remembering I need to feed Myst "yeah,  in the kitchen,  I'll go get some, but why do want bread at 2:30am "he says "I just like bread , I guess "I say thinking that was a lame excuse "ok *leaves*"he says "thanks brig "Myst says from my bag "it's ok , i'm sorry ,I didn't have anything "I say "all good,  everyone forgets something once and a while "myst says "thanks "I say as Luka comes back "here,  did you need anything else "he says "um sleep,  but I can do that myself " I say "real funny "he says as I lay down on the bed "good night , my prince "I say as I'm falling asleep "good night my princess "he says going to sleep next to me

*in the morning, she wakes up to his arms around her still asleep* "aw, how cute "I say turning around and kissing him on the forehead "morning,  babe "he says "morning "I say planting a kiss on his lips "how'd you sleep "he says "yeah good,  I'm guessing you really didn't want to leave me to sleep alone" I say making him turn red " it was late,  and you looked so cute, so I had to sleep here with you "he says "thanks, but I need to get home to pack for the camp" I say "I've already packed and we don't leave until 11 am and it's 9 am now so you want help packing "he says "yeah,  I could use the company "I say  "ok let's have some breakfast and get going "he says "I should get dressed first since I'm not wearing pants *she is wearing a bra and underwear underneath ok I'm not that weird* "I say "I'll ask Jules if she has any pants for you to borrow "he says getting up and finding his sister

Lukas pov
"hey Jules,  do have any pants brig could wear since she wasn't planning on staying here after prom dance and didn't have time to go to her place, "I say "oh,  sure,  did you have fun since I left after the voting results came in, "she says "yeah it was great "I say "here,  she can keep them,  I don't wear them enough "she says "thanks Jules "I say leaving back to my room "here, she said you can keep them since she doesn't wear them enough "I say handing her the pants and she puts them on under the blanket even though her/my  shirt covers most of her "thanks luka,  Btw I'm claiming your shirt "she says with a cute smile " you always steal my shirts "I say rolling my eyes "you leave them there and you've only lost 3 my other larger shirts are my dads "she says "well we should go now "I say "ok let's go "she says spinning around showing off her outfit *just one of Lukas jagged stone white shirts and black jeans* "very nice "I say going her hand and walking out to the kitchen for breakfast

*they have breakfast and then leave to go to brigs house* *once there they tell her parents what happened at the prom they went up to her room and packed a bag* "so I need like a coat it something "I say "yeah like a snow coat if you have one "he says "I don't since it never snowed but I can ask mum if she has one before we leave but for now I'll use a hoodie "I say grabbing some hoodies,  leggings,  shirts and shoes and all the other essentials "I think that's all you need "he says " yeah but I'll bring some extra things just in case "I say going to my bathroom to grab somethings

"ok we should really go now if we wanna be on time, "he says zipping up my bag and walking out the door sigh me following him " you have everything brig "mum says "do you have a snow coat since we're going to a snow camp and it'll be cold and snowing, "I say, "I think so,  follow me, "she says *thry leave her things in the living room and go up to her parents wardrobe* " here,  it should fit, "mum says handing me a Gabriel agreste original snow collection coat "mum,  I don't need a designer brand coat,  everyone's just gonna think I'm showing off, "I say "it's ok you're not with anyone who will say that anymore,  you'll be fine but if it does happen,  just call me and I'll pick you up, "she says, "thanks mum oh and says goodbye to dad for me since we have to leave in 5mins, "I say "Ok have fun,  don't get into too much trouble, "she says as we leave

*once at the school they put their heavy bags under the bus and their carry-ons with them* " hey,  didn't think you'd make it on time brig " soph says " well I did thanks to luka making me be quick about packing "I say " your mum did tell you not to pack too much, yet you brought a lot of hoodies "luka says "don't judge me, I've been in snow before ok,  it all melted by the time it got to Australia" I say "because it was hot "luka says "yeah Nah mate it was freezing cold and the snow melted,  oblivious it was hot "I say "  come on students,  be seated wherever "miss bustier says as everyone goes onto the bus


Ok another done,  not much happened but things take time to happen so yeah bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Jan 31/1/2020

April 19th 2020 edit: how are you all going during this quarantine? I'm having to do online school. Sorry if this is cringe or bad, I wrote this months back and I've gotten a bit better so don't mind the bad writing skills 😅. 46extrawordsforallthat😂.

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