Snowfully Purrrrrfect

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Brigitte's pov
"OK students,  your cabin  numbers are OK this sheet of paper,  so ivan&mylene , Sabrina&max in cabin 1 , alix&kim , Nathaniel&marc in  cabin 2, Juleka&rose , lila cabin 3 , Alya&nino , Felix&sophie in cabin 4 and luka&brigitte in cabin 5 (kagami is in a different class so she's not around much and is friends with the others but since I'm lazy she's not around them much sorry to those who love her,  she's cool but I have alot of main characters so ) "miss bustier says "sweet a cabin to ourselves "luka says "don't get too happy,  miss might have to share with us "I say "I'll be staying in cabin 3 since there's an odd number "miss says " I thought Lila wasn't coming since she's always 'sick' " I say "well I am here brat so stay away from me and you might live "she says all sassy and annoying " she's just annoying all the time "I say "don't let her get to you "luka says "ok students you may grab your things and head to your cabins "miss says " here brig"luka says handing me my bag " thanks , I could've gotten it myself you know"i say "well I wanted to be nice "he says "you're always nice,  when are you ever not "I say " when I'm annoyed or when other guys are flirting with you "he says "don't mind them,  my best belongs to you and only you "I say

*once everyone is unpacked since they're staying for a week then going to school for the last few days, everyone goes to the campfire and makes smores* "I've never made smores, so help me " I say (I actually never have either only roasted marshmallows) "uncultured,  here let me show you " luka says " thanks *he hands a biscuit/cookie same thing really since here we call cookies biscuits so* so it's a plain biscuit and chocolate and a marshmallow "I say "yes and here we call them cookies "luka says "the same thing just cookies are bigger and sweater "I say as he makes me one and I eat it after its done "good? "he says "amazing,  babe,  you did a good job" I say "it's ok "he says *after awhile everyone heads inside to play truth or dare*

Sophie's pov
"Ok , truth or dare max"kim says "truth " max says " do you like Sabrina "kim says "n-o *turns red* uh yes "max says (yes I ship, don't judge me,  respect ships)  "really "sabrina says "yeah i know you don't since you hang around with Lila and think everyone is under class "max says "between you and me,  I really like you,  sorry I was ever mean to you,  I only did it since I had no other friends and wanted attention " Sabrina says 'then will you go out with me " mac says "yes totally "Sabrina says kissing max "new couple alert " Alix says " true that "Felix says "yeah they're cute together "I say "like us "Felix says "you're turning into luka "I say " I feel like that was an insult of some sorts on my boyfriend " brig says " just kidding brig chill "I say "ok,  just making sure "brig says "ok truth or dare alix"max says "dare "Alix says " ok,  I dare you to  take a shot of juice everytime a new couple happens for example me and Sabrina "max says "challenge accepted  ,ok truth or dare Nathaliel "Alix says " truth "Nathaniel says "ok,  what's your favorite part of making comics with Marc "Alix says " creating the idea,  story line and having fun while writing it "nath says "ok sounds cool "Alix says " truth or dare Ivan " nath says " dare "Ivan says " what's your favorite part about dating mylene "nath says " her personality,  and getting free shows from her dads miming act "Ivan says "his acts are amazing "nath says *after a few rounds it finally gets to Alya*

"truth or dare soph"alya says "truth "I say " why do you like Felix "Alya says "he's nice, kind,  caring,  funny and a great person to be around "I say making him turn red " now that's cute "brig says "my turn, Nino,  truth or dare "I say " dare "nino says " lady and the tramp it with a cookie with Alya "I say "ok not too hard "nino says doing the dare " cute "I say "my turn,  Felix,  truth or dare "nino says "dare "Felix says " kiss Sophie for a full minute,  you can have breaks to breath but you have to kiss for a minute "nino  says "ok"he says as me kisses me for a full minute "ok, truth or dare luka "Felix says " truth "luka says "why do you like Brigitte so much "Felix says " ok well she's funny,  has a cool accent,  fun to be around,  caring, loves to just lay down watching a movie weather it be anime,  Disney,  Harry Potter or an Australian classic , she's not what she seems coming from a well known family and I love her "luka says kissing her cheek " best one yet "I say " OK my turn,  Brigitte,  truth or dare "luka says "uh dare even thought I always choose truth"brig says " OK,  say a sentence in full Australian and translate after "luka says "alrighty darl,  you seen those flammin drop bears,  crikey mate they are somethin' else mate, geez and those pesky kookaburras in the mornings,  how does anyone have a good old cat nap here and don't get me started on those roos going dunny everywhere esspecially me patunas then you see them as road kill when ya in the car driving to the town 3-5 hrs away "brig says "translate please "luka says "ok so I basically said ok babe,  have you seen those koalas,  wow they are really something,  and those kookaburras in the mornings,  how does anyone get sleep here and don't get me on those kangaroos going to the toilet all over and on my flowers,  then you see them dead on the road as you're driving to the next town over like going from here to London "brig says (liieraly all true slang,  take it from an aussie) " wow , that's alot of slang "luka says "well you wanted me to go all Aussie mate,  be lucky I didn't make anyone try my favorite,  Vegemite the proper way "brig says "yeah the slang was funnier "I say "I guess,  but I heard it alot , maybe not crikey,  but the rest is normal "brig says "weren't you going to see your friends after you finished school here "luka says "my Aussie school friends,  when I want to,  but not now "brig says " why don't you skype them "I say " I guess,  but it's 5am there "brig says " tomorrow then "I say "yeah for sure "brig says

Brigs pov
*After a while they all get tired and head to bed after showers* "good night luka "I say cuddling him "night darl" he says laughing "wow,  mate wow,  I should just call you babe now or darl or music boy "I say "I only like babe,  sorry the rest is not for me "he says "whatever,  night "I say falling asleep "goodnight "he says falling asleep


OK you all learnt some real authentic Aussie slang 😂 , hope you liked,  last chapter written in Jan , yes it's not gonna be out for awhile but it's explained in my bio when you scroll down and yeah bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Jan 31/1/2020

April 25th edit: Thanks for 37 reads! even if all of them aren't read but I am grateful for the ones that are. Anextra24wordsforallthat

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