Prom queen?

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Sophie's pov
" almost time,  how do look, "I say as my two best friends lookup, "you look stunning,  really you did a great job on these "brig says, "yeah you look great and if he doesn't kiss you by midnight I'll personally kill him, "Alya says, "don't hurt my cousin Alya,  don't worry I'll talk to him if he doesn't by midnight trust me "brig says

Sophie's pov" almost time,  how do look, "I say as my two best friends lookup, "you look stunning,  really you did a great job on these "brig says, "yeah you look great and if he doesn't kiss you by midnight I'll personally kill him, "Alya says, "...

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Sophies dress paired with black heels

Brigitte dress,  paired with a black heel again (jewel belt thing from brigs mum)

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Brigitte dress,  paired with a black heel again (jewel belt thing from brigs mum)

Brigitte dress,  paired with a black heel again (jewel belt thing from brigs mum)

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Alyas dress,  paired with a nude heel

"loving the belt you added, "Alya says, "thanks mum gave it to me "brig says "yeah it's really pretty, "I say,  "well we should get going,  the boys are picking us up soon," Alya says " yeah,  come on well wait downstairs, "I say as I hear mum saying the boys are here "well there here now, "brig says "coming mum,  just them in, "I say as we walk downstairs " thanks Mrs fu, "Nino says "du-de they look amazing, "luka says "yeah I think ninos broken, "Felix says "hey,  you ready to go, "I say "yeah,  come on or we're gonna be late, "luka says linking his arm with brigs

*they head outside and go into a carriage type thing even though it's only a 5mins walk, you don't wanna ruin the dresses so* "well we're here,  who wants to go out first "I say "I will  come on nino "Alya says getting out and walking the mini red carpet " I'll go,  come on Felix "I say going out with Felix and walking the mini red carpet also

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