A new hero?

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Brigitte's pov
*Alarm goes off at 7:00am* "ah I gotta turn that off of I'm gonna wake up before my alarm "I say to myself "welp time to get ready" I say changing out of my Harry Potter oversized shirt and dark grey shorts and  into my everyday outfit of black shirt,  dark grey over jumper thing with black under lining with mint green swirls and black leggings and black flats *i walk out of my room and into the kitchen for breakfast* " morning sunshine "my dad says "morning, what's on the menu for breaky "I say (breaky=breakfast ,it's just slang really 😂) "whatever you like "dad says "um corn flakes with a bit of sugar on top "I say(idk how to explain cornflakes but they look similar to frosted flakes I guess but they taste bland so you need sugar on top) "sure "dad says *hands me the bowl of cereal* "thanks dad " I say "no problem,  now I gotta go,  have fun at school and the limo will be waiting outside to take you and pick you up after school "he says "Ok see ya"i say "see ya"he say leaving "ok you can come out now Myst,  you want something to eat "I say "ooo some bread would be nice "she says "sure *giving some bread* here and I'll put some in my bag if you get hungry later "I say "think you so much "she says "it's OK you need to regain Energy after a transformation"i say checking the time "well I need to go come on Myst *she fly's into my bag where there's a little pillow*"I say

*at the school with Felix, luka,  Alya, nino and sophie* *brigitte Arrives* "hey guys didn't think you'd be here so early "I say "well class starts at 9:00am and it's 8:30am so we can talk and show you around the school more "Alya says "yeah come on it'll take awhile so let's gets started now "Sophie says *they all walk around the school showing Brigitte everything*"oh cool there's a cafeteria,  we only had canteens no acting areas like this "I say "well let's show you the library since almost everyone studies in there and there's some great books there too" Alya says "sure but aren't all library's the same "I say "well that might be true but there's only high school aged books on here so no little kids books "Sophie says "oh cool,  so much better then any I've been to at schools or in the town library "I say *after the mini tour the bell rings and they head to class* "hey look it's trash senior,  trash  Junior and all there trashy friends *laughs*"Lila says " wow your insults are not good like for real reusing names yeah nah (essentially means no) mate maybe stop or comeback when you have something nicer or better to say " I say *everyone "ooooos" and says "RoAsTeD"*." you want some ice for that burn or"alya says "ok everyone settle down "teacher says *after class since school is boring*

No one's pov
"Ok you little brat,  you won't get away with what you said this morning , trust me I'll make your life miserable "Lila says "I've had worse and trust me you don't scare me,  I've seen more dangerous animals that can actually hurt me so cry yourself a river,  build a bridge and get over it and I'm not a mean person so take this with a grain of salt if you will , just don't annoy me or bully anyone else and yeah you might have a bad past that has made you this way but there's no excuse to just be mean to people just because" Brigitte says "I would never want to waste my precious time on you and your stupid accent anyway "Lila says walking away "wow impressive "Luka says "thanks "brig says (yeah I'm calling her brig it's easier to write) "yeah someone should've told her that along time ago "Sophie says *theres loud noise and people crying for help*"what's happening "brig says "it's an akuma attack we need the heros to save us "Sophie says "well I need to get this for my ravenblog so see you"alya says "I need to go to,  I need to help the bakery with the parents I mean parents with bakery "Sophie says running off to transform "same here my father expects me home straight after school because of photoshoots "Felix says "well it's just you , me and nino "brig says "well I'm going to get me and nino to safety,  you can join if you want "Luka says "nah I can make my way home but thanks for the offer "she says *brigitte runs off to an allyway to transform*"mysterry magic on"she says transforming into mystic magic

Mystics magics pov
"Ok now to find the others "I say to myself running on roof tops until I see a bright blue suit work grey knee high  "boots" on and a emerald green suit and cat ears "need any help "I say "woah who are you" cv says (chat vert,  pronounced ver or something like that google told me what green was in French so I'm assuming thats how you pronounce it after listening to it)  "I'm mystic magic your new partner "I say "are you sure she's not an ankuma like volpina was " blue raven says to cv "I'm not an akuma and I have no idea who volpina is "I say "ok welcome to the team but don't expect us to trust you too much since we just met "blue says "enough chit-Chat we have a CAT-astrophe here "cv says "really puns now kitty, anyway follow my lead and what power do you have "blue says "magic so i can Purfy akumas, have a magic charm thing appear to help and my wand can be a yoyo"I say "Ok that's better than having to cataclysm akumas now and mine are hypno so I can make anyone do why I want and my watch can be a yoyo as well "blue says *after the fight* "miraculous Mystic" I say throwing the item it in the air making everything normal and undamaged (blue raven can do the lucky charm thing too since she can have a yo-yo too but then she can't u see hypno so she rarely uses hypno)"pound it"everyone says bumping fists "well it was great meeting you and see you soon and see you at patrol m'lady "cv says to me and then blue "see you kitty and mystic magic feel free to come to patrol tonight 8pm Eiffel Tower and call me blue "blue says "ok I'll see you then and you can call me mystic "I say

*after they all go there separate ways and after a few hours it's time for patrol*
No one's pov
"well I hope you're well-rested because it's time for patrol and that might last a while, "brig says "yes thank you,  now transfrom or you're gonna be late, "Myst says "ok*transforms* time to go," she says *at patrol*"oh you're here,  now during patrol we go around the city separately and look for any trouble that might cause an Akuma, after 30mins we come back here and talk, "blue says "ok sounds good, "mystic says *after they finish there job, they talk about random things and they don't really notice the similarities between Brigitte and mystic since they think there could be more Australians in Paris and then they part their ways since there miraculous were beeping even though they never used any powers,  it's does ware (I think that's the right word) off after a few hours so they say their goodbyes and leave for the night* *once home they shower and go to bed*


Well another chapter done I hope you liked,  sorry it wasn't interesting and probably repetitive and yeah see you next chapter,  whenever I publish that 😂

~Bleep out~


an 17/1/2020

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