Collage jitters

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Brigittes pov
*over the last 3weeks they just hang out and saw friends and went on a few dates and theres been a few Akumas here and there yes I'm not writing it since I don't want a lot more parts then I want AnYwAys it's Saturday Feb 1st and brig is on the phone to soph* " yes I will,  ok  pick me up at 9am then,  fine,  not happening ok,  why would he ask me that , it's barely been a year,  ok,  no promises,  OK bye "I say ending the call " hey you ok,  all packed up "dad says letting himself in " yeah everythings mostly packed unless it's theirs I want to stay here and I'm fine dad,  just a little nervous but not heaps "I say as i sit down on my bed " well at least you're being honest with me, if you need anything tell me , ok"he says "I will I promise "I say "ok well when is Sophie picking you up on Monday "he says "9am,  since class starts at 9:30am and we get to see our rooms before class starts and see who are dorm mates are "I say "ok  , well I've gotta get to work,  don't worry too much,  your mother and I will be back around 4pm so don't do anything bad,  ok"he says hugging me goodbye"ok , I'll see you then and don't be surprised if Lukas over it if there's a note or missed messages saying I'm at Lukas "I say as he leaves "I never am anymore,  he's here so much and your over his alot too , I wouldn't be surprised if he married you "he says as I turn red "I'm 18 dad! , that's too early "I say "just kidding but I'm not wrong "he says as he leaves for work "Myst do you think I'll get married to luka "I say asking my kwami " I can't predict the future but I think you will but you never know "she says "ok,  well how do you feel about going for a ice-cream from Andres "I say as Myst's eyes light up seeing as the only sweet thing she likes is his ice cream "yes please" she says like a 5 year old girl "  OK let's go then "I say grabbing my bag and heading out the door *once she found Andre she asks for sorbet since can't have normal ice cream* "thanks Andre,  I'll see you around "I say paying and leaving " all good for my favorite unique couples girl " Andre says "mmm this is good "I say sitting down by the river near Lukas house boat " can I try "Myst says "sure *gives a little* , you like it "I say " it's amazing "she says "well Andre does know good flavor combinations "I say eating it *after she finishes, she head to Lukas house since she's close* "hey is anyone here "I say walking inside and then bumping into someone "oh sorry,  I didn't see you there " the voice says "it's OK I don't either *looks up to see rose* , oh hey Rose,  how are you "I say "good,  I got into college for arts and crafts "she says "that's great,  I got in for beauty like makeup and I think skincares in there also "I say "well of you're looking for luka,  he's in his room , I'll see you around Brigitte "she says walking away "ok bye *walks to Lukas room* hey, stranger "I say making him look up "hey brig,  missed me so much from Wednesday,  you came back "he says standing up and hugging me " can't a girl see her boyfriend "I say " didn't say you couldn't , you all packed up for Monday "he says releasing the hug " yeah,  I left something's since i don't need them and I can pack them up when I eventually move out within the next Idk 5 years or something "I say " well at least you are packed up,  I haven't done much,  care to help me "he says "sure,  I have nothing to do so might as well "I say

*after they pack all his things up they go for a walk around the park* " if we don't end up as dorm mates,  we'll have to catch up like every week or something "I say "yeah if we're not busy that is "he says "true that,  hey look it's Liela "I say annoyed " why do you seem so unhappy "he says trying to comfort me " well she was never nice to me let alone anyone and it's been awhile since we saw her as we went away and school finished "I say "would you like to leave,  if that makes you feel better "he sat being a gentleman " really you'd do that "I say looking into his blue eyes " yes I would "he says quickly kissing my lips and then breaking " come on,  let's head back to yours "I say *they head back and end up looking at baby photos* "aw so cute,  is this your natural hair colour "I say looking at a black haired 5yr old luka "yes,  but I have blue tips and black roots "he says " it looks good, you must re dye it a lot "I say with my fingers going through his hair " not that much,  it lasts along time "he says removing my hands "ok,  *looks at another* so cute, how old here "I say " I think 7 in that one "he says " I was only cute from birth to 6years old then I lost all my cuteness "I say "no you didn't,  you are amazing and beautiful "he says cupping my cheek " really "I say "yes really *picks up another* woah,  not looking at that one "he says putting it back "what was it,  it couldn't of been that bad "I say "it was my ex and I a few years back "he says "oh,  can't I see what she looks like "I say " won't you get annoyed "he says "I wouldn't unless I know her and want to bear her up for leaving such a nice guy "I say as he shows me the picture " you know her?, her names Paris "he says " yes I do,  she played everyone like dated guys for no longer then a week or 2 , if you're lucky it'll be a month but she instantly gets bored after awhile and leaves the person or cheats on them breaking that person's heart "I say "I was with her for 1year (I think I said that last time,  I'm bad at remembering hence I write a lot of these so it's hard to remember)so she could've cheated on me heaps more then I caught her doing "he says "if she cheated on you so much,  why did you stay with her "I say " I broke up with her twice,  but she came back begging  forgiveness from me and I felt bad and couldn't turn her down "he says " oh well you should've because it would've hurt less catching her cheating but at least you know to break up the first time "I say "yeah,  i should've never got back together with her,  I feel stupid now "he says "you're not,  you learnt how it feels to have someone you care about cheat on you multiple times and learn to feel better after that much heartbreak and was able to find love again "I say "yeah that's true,  I did meet you and you make me feel better about myself and bring out the best of me "he says as I kiss his cheek " I'm glad I found you "I say "same here *picks up another photo* I think I was 12 here , I was at the start of puberty then "he says "really wow,  so young and innocent "I say " I still had black hair then and a baby face "he says chuckling to himself " you still have a baby face, but a defined jaw line "I say " I, don't,  you do "he says "I know I do,  at least I own up to it "I say " be quite you"he says


Yes he had black hair,  why idk it looks like he did 😅AnYwAys there should only be 4 parts left as I've planned well I guess& I think I'm gonna make the others appear in this more than normal since it's always the same povs so yeah bye for now💜

~Bleep out~
Feb 8/2/2020

May 31, 2020, edit: welp there's only 2 parts left actually so ignore me saying 4 months ago that it was 4 parts left, even tho honestly I could've concluded the end of this horrible thing in a few parts😅. Anextra42wordsforallthat.

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