The science project

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Brigitte's pov
*Fast forward to the Friday in science class* "Ok we are going to be doing a project on biology so there will have to be girls with guys maybe some same gender groups since there are all of the females to males "Mrs says "I wonder if you'll be with family kid soph" I say as she turns red "leave me alone,  it's the same with you and luka "she says "kinda "I say "OK the groups are ivan&mylen, Alya& nino,nathainel &marc, alix& kim, jueleka &rose, Lila &sabrina, felix& sophie and luka &brigitte  "Mrs m says "sweet same as the history groups we had "soph says "yeah but what type of biology,  like ecology or human "I say "I'm not sure,  miss what type of biology are we doing like human or ecology "soph says "human biology body systems "Mrs m says "there's your answer brig" soph says  "thanks "I say *bell rings for after school* "remember these are due next week so get started "Mrs m says

*outside of the school with our group of friends* "the human systems are fun,  my year/grade  8 class did them and I did the skeletal system  (actual fact we did that one but we didn't get a good grade since some of the people in my group did nothing) "I say "that's cool,  well get help from you if we need a bone to pick with someone "Felix says "really a pun,  then again you did have to get me back for the Raman thing so "I say " what system are we going to do "nino says " what's the easiest brig"alya says "what I remember it was red blood cells in think since most the people who did it had really good info"i say "done we're doing that one,  let's go nino"alya says "any other easy ones "soph says "um maybe the muscles and tendons I think but don't do the skeletons one it was hard to find basic things "I say "ok thanks,  i guess we're doing muscle and tendons "soph says "my house soph or yours "Felix says "yours I guess since there's more room and my parents won't annoy us this time "soph says "ok let's go "Felix says leaving with soph "what about us brig and when are we going to tell them about us "luka says " maybe respiritry (heart,  lungs etc from what I remember ) and I'm not sure maybe when we're ready "I say "why about reproductive system since I think everyone is doing the basic ones and no ones doing that one "he says "I guess since I know the most about it from health and stuff "I say "mine or yours "he says "mine and maybe I can finally tell my parents about us "I says holding his hand walking "haven't you told them, my mum figured I'd ask you sooner or later and Jules already figured it out so "he says "ok,  definitely should've told them already"i say *they walk to her house and go inside whist holding eachothers hands* "hey brig,  your hone later then usual , who did you bring with you "mum says "hey mum,  you've met luka before,  we have a science project to work on, so I'll see you later "I say walking up to my room "ok we should get started "he says "yeah the more we get done,  the less we have to do later "I say

Lukas pov
*A few hours later* "and done,  not as hard as I thought " she says "yeah thanks to your knowledge on the female part since I've only learnt a bit of it "I say "and you on the male part since I've only ever remembered the female part "she says "hey it's only 8 pm,  we should have dinner "I say "I think there's leftovers in the kitchen,  come on,  my parents are most likely asleep or working "she says as we walk to the kitchen "ok what do you have "I say "um cold pizza,  frozen spaghetti and that's all unless you want fruit or Vegemite on toast "she says "how old is the pizza "I say "last night "she says "we can have that "I say "sure it'll be 2 slices each and of your that hungry there that frozen solid spag bol (spaghetti ) "she says "huh? "I say "the spaghetti,  it's just slang "she says "you're amazing,  no wonder i fell for you "I say "aw your sweetness is a big part of why I love you so much "she says kissing my cheek and then heating up the pizza , then we walk back to her room and eat "this is so good,  I never knew pizza of all things could taste this good "I say " you must have never heated up left over pizza before but my favorite is cold pizza for breakfast it's the best sounds weird but tastes so good "she says "interesting, but you need to tell them about us otherwise they might get suspicious "I say "I will don't worry it's just they're busy now with work and stuff but they finish around 9 but I'm sure you will have to go home so "she says "I can stay,  I did tell mum I might be home in the morning so "I say "oh cool then you're staying , since I don't like you going home in the dark by yourself "she says as I kiss her cheek "you're so thoughtful "I say "well I'll go clean these and then I'll shower and we can watch a movie of you want or just go to sleep "she says "ok we can watch a movie "I say *after awhile she's showered and he's in the shower but she didn't know that so she walked in on him*

Brigitte's pov
"oh I'm so so sorry,  I didn't know you were in here, I'll leave now "I say blushing red seeing him with no clothes on "no stay I'm almost done *turns off water and puts s a towel around his waist* "he says walking up behind me kissing my neck and I turn around and kid his soft lips "you need to get dressed and then we can watch a movie ok"i say "ok I'll be out in a minute "he says as I walk out *shes wearing a oversized agreste shirt like Adriens signature one and grey shorts  and after a few mins he comes out in black sweatpants and a white shirt* "ok pick one out of tangled,  rise of the guardians and hercules "I say " rise of the guardians "he says "ok prepare for me to luagh alot at Easter Bunny,  he's played by an Aussie actor hugh Jackman and he's so funny "I say setting up the movie and getting blankets and pillows to put on my fold out bed couch *they watch the movie and after she falls asleep in Lukas arms and he loses her lips softly and takes her glasses off and falls asleep but little did he know her parents were watching him do it since they wanted to check on them so they looked through the small opening of the door and then closed it*


Another one done,  sorry if it was being but it was kinda cute Ok 😏 aNyWaYs hope you enjoyed and bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Jan 27/1/2020

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