The new girl

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Brigiites pov
Finally here,  in Paris, my new home since mum is always busy, I thought I might as well come to Paris to see dad since he's the mayor , yeah he might be very wealthy but I  don't act like a spoiled brat and I'm planning on living here for awhile and going to the school here and I heard there's heros here too (pronounced in full Aussie he-a,  I'm Aussie hence why this is me as an oc and something interesting as a mayors daughter since I'm poseing as chole since she doesn't exist in this) and i hope I can make some friends since I left mine at home in Australia

*i walk off the plane and into the airport to find my dad with a sign*"dad you're here! "I say hugging him "yeah I couldn't let you find your own way without getting lost and how as the flight "he says "good , food was alright "I say *we walk out to the limo that takes us back to the house which is like a mansion* "oh geez mate thats something "I say walking inside to be greeted by some of the maids,  bulters etc "aurdry,  please show her to her room and help with luggage "he says "yes sir,  please follow me " she says *once we get to my room* "oh wow that's a huge bed and nice view "i say(the room is the same as choles in the show but mint green colour Sceem (I think that's the right word) bedding and black couches and carpet) "now what,  maybe I'll walk around town and I think I saw a bakery)"I say getting my bag and leaving

Sophie's pov
"just another day working at the bakery "I say to myself *someone walks in* "hey how can I help you today"i say seeing a girl who looks like me but brown short hair and black underling with mint swirls and the same black glasses as me and black pants "um I'm new here and could I get some macarons, I hope I said that right "she says in a strong accent that I've never heard before "sure,  my names Sophie  fu and where about are you from "I say "thanks and my names Brigitte heart and I'm from Australia,  I'm living here with my dad since my mum is busy with her new fashion line she's releasing soon "she says "as in mayor Adrien &marinette(only names I could think of 😂) hearts  daughter "I say in shock "yeah , and thanks for the macarons "she says "sure anytime and I'm guessing you'll be attending Francis dupois school "I say "yeah and can we hang out sometime since i have no friends here and it would be nice to have someone show me around who isn't my personal bodyguard " she says "sure and later me and my friends are meeting at the park,  wanna join "I say"yeah that would be great " she says "OK see you later "I say "yep see you later "she says (later pronunced latea since we don't pronounce things correctly 😂).

*later at the park*
Brigittes pov
"I'm so late,  they're gonna hate me "I say to myself,  then I hear an older man on the ground asking for help so I run towards him and help him"thanks so much miss"he says "no problem "I say starting to run  towards the park and then I see Sophie "hey Sophie "I say out of breath from running "hey,  you ok"she says "yeah I'm find just got caught up with stuff "I say "well lets join the others and I'll introduce you"she says "ok sounds good "I say walking with her to a small group of people "hey Sophie,  whose your friend there "a young boy who has green emerald eyes and blonde hair says "bri-gitte th-is is Fe-lix , Fel-ix this is brigit-te "she stutters out "hey nice to meet you "I say "woah cool accent , where you from and nice to meet you too "he  says "thanks and I'm Australian "I say "Ok let's introduce you to more people "she says *after a lot of "cool accents" later* "haha you have it with butter not my the spoonful or by itself in thick layers "I say "oh that explains the bad taste "nino says "ha offended Vegemite is amazing wine eaten right "I say "try telling that to everyone in the world "Alya says "yeah then there would be none left "luka says (it's only Alya, nino, Felix,  Sophie and Brigitte at the park)  "true that "I say thinking hes kinda cute, way better looking than the dudes from my school (that's actually true , the guys in my year are not that cute like i wouldn't date any of them)  *i check my phone*" oh time fly's when your having fun, I gotta go nice to meet you all and I'll see you at school tomorrow "I say "see you "everyone says (it's Sunday so school on the Monday through to friday)

*With Brigitte in her room, she notices a small box on net desk so she picks it up and opens it*"huh why is it glowing *myst apears* woah what are you"i say to the grey flying thing "hi I'm mysterry or Myst for short and I'm a Kwami who can give you the power of magic and to transform into mystic magic with the earrings as your miraculous so don't let anyone take them and don't take them off unless needed to and you and the other hero's of Paris chat vert and blue raven to stop hawkmoth from getting the cat miraculous of destruction and raven miraculous of hypnosis and my favourite food is anything savory from plain bread to buttered croisonts  (I think that's spelt right) "Myst says "ok I'm a hero now cool and what do I say to transform "I say "you say mysterry magic on or mysterry transform me " Myst says "Ok I think I got it , can I try it now " I say "sure just make sure no one can see you and don't worry about cameras us Kwamis can't be filmed or photographed "Myst says "Ok mysterry magic on "I say transfroming into mystic magic "wow I look so cool "I say looking at my grey suit with mint green spots and a wand  "wow cool now what,  wait *pocks up wand and presses a button saying "help"* *turns into a yo-yo and has a help guide on everything* OK that helps "I say reading everything *after awhile*"mysterry magic off"i say detransforming "did you figure everything out "Myst says "yes thanks to the help guide and it's late so I'm gong to bed and do you want a pillow or something "I say "a spot on one of your pillows should be fine "Myst says "OK goodnight Myst and my names Brigitte heart btw.... "I say falling asleep"ok night brigitte "Myst says falling sleep on a pillow


Well that was the first chapter of my new oc book and I hope you enjoyed, and the next part will be out sometime within the next week

💜~Bleep out ~💜
Jan 16/1/2020

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