Patrol with a viper ?

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Mystics pov
*that night at patrol* "hey guys, how's it been " I say "good, you "blue says "yeah alright, what about you chat"i say "yeah, just busy with things in my personal life" he says "when are we going to give king viperion his miraculous permonatly "blue says "I guess I could ask master fu and it would be nice to have another new hero to learn with since you two have been doing this for years "I say "yeah I guess it would be nice, but are we allowed to know who the new Heros are since then we can give them the miraculous if you're not here"blue says "I don't know, maybe but we should keep these secret even if I know who king viperion is "I say "yeah I agree but once we reveal, we are all , if we don't already know each other in normal life, going to the movies or something "blue says "yeah we should "I say "do you agree kitty "blue says "yeah it would be cool "he says " how long as hawkmoth been around "I say "for years, on and off and there was other Heros who had to retired since all evil vanished but then 14 years later it returns and we come and the original Heros miraculouss were kept with the Guardian in a secret place that only him and the old owners know where they are but we are here so we don't need those ones which which were the black cat of destruction and ladybug of creation and there was a fox of illusion, turtle of protection and bee of paralysing but they are long gone now " blue says "appartenly the civilian forms of them are still alive hence it only being almost 18 years since they were last seen "chat says "oh cool , would've loved to meet them "I say "yeah they seem so cool but you should give king viperion hid miraculous back, he will be useful "blue says "ok, should I give it now or"i say "maybe later then we can formally meet him at patrol next week " blue says "ok, well I need to go, I'll see you whenever I guess "I say going away

Blues pov
"don't you wonder why hawkmoth has been doing evil for all these years," I say "he's probably fairly old now, so he's gotta stop soon, he was around for 7yrs last time then left for 14 then came back for the last almost 4 or was it 5 "chat says "he came when I was 13, so 5 years, " I say "yeah that's true, but we have to figure out hawkmoths identity since he's probably not getting any younger and we are almost finished school "chat says "yeah but goods things come to those who wait and we have to fight to wait for as much as we want to just find him and get it over and done with, we can't we have to keep fighting and even if we end up going into our adult lives still fighting, we have to wait, "I say " well as inspiring as that was, I gotta go, my father will kill me for being missing for too long even if be doesn't know about me being a hero," he says leaving and I do as well

*another week passes and there an Akuma almost every day and the Heros are exhausted so they relax on this patrol* "so nice to just rest for once and not have to think of a lame excuse for leaving "mystic says " I second that "chat says "yeah same here, they weren't you gonna give the snake miraculous back "I say "oh I did but I said if you miss use it, I'm going to need it back and in miss using I mean just transfroming in front of a crowd or many people, using it for evil, showing people who he is too early etc" mystic says "fair enough "I say "is he gonna come tonight for patrol "chat says "I did invite him, I can't call him since you can't really use a violin to call so"mystic says "true, but since you know his identity,  maybe you should visit him "I say "I guess, I'll be back soon "she says leaving

Mystics pov
*once  she arrives she knocks on the door* "hello,  um is there trouble in this area "luka says "no I just wanted to remind you that we have patrol tonight and you didn't really show up "I say " I knew I forgot something,  sorry I'll transform "he says "not here,  come on "I say gesturing for him to follow me *they go into an ally way* "ok viper snake on! " he says transforming into king viper "ok let's go "I say *they arrive at the tower* "hey,  king " chat says "hey,  sorry I forgot it was tonight " he says "it's ok just glad you could come "blue says "what do we do exactly "he says "just go around Paris looking for trouble but we already did that so we're relaxing after a full week of villains "I say "ok sounds cool " he says *they just talk for awhile until it's late* "I guess we should go now,  I'll see you sometime " blue says leaving " yeah I gotta go,  bye "chat says "so just you and me then "he says "yeah but I need to go, so just a tip,  detransform in an ally way or somewhere hiden then go home and say you went for a walk or something "I say "ok thanks "he says as I leave

*he goes to an ally way close to his home and detransforms then heads home,  everyone's asleep so he gets away with it*

* over the next few months the Heros bond more as a team and find it easier to defeat akumas and now it's close to prom and as a class thru have to decide on what theme to do*

Sophie's pov
"ok class what theme are we going to do for the prom in a few weeks " miss bustier says "what about we think of ideas and vote on the one we like the best " brig says "good idea Brigitte,  everyone agree on that " miss says *everyone agrees* "ok it's sorted, well think of ideas,  anyone have some "miss says "what about a mascorde,  like wearing masks with a theme to them " Alix says *everyone gives ideas like an under the sea theme,  Disney theme,  early Christmas theme etc and they agree on a Christmas since its already snowing and then go use skating at a camp for a retreat type thing* "ok dress code is not too much skin showing as in girls not too much cleavage showing and stomachs and boys wear shirts don't come shirtless,  especially in winter "miss says "yes miss bustier "everyone says "the date will before the last week of school so a Friday night 27th November , then you'll have the last week to clean up all your things and then on the last day we'll have the graduation ceremony which is on the 4th December "miss says *bell goes* "you are dismissed " muss says as everyone leaves "wow prom is not far away "I say "yeah,  only 3 weeks , I wonder when I should get a dress "brig says " get in early otherwise they'll all be gone "Alya says "I can design them,  since it's only 3 of them and mine is basically done and I started last week "I say "really,  you would do that "brig says "yeah better then spending a lot of money on a dress you're gonna wear once " I say "thanks so much girl "Alya says "what colours , not too weird "I say "maybe orange and black "Alya says "um,  black and mint green accents "brig says "OK,  I'll draw some designs and you pick your fav but not too complicated,  then again I probably won't design one like that "I say "well I gotta go,  see you "Alya says walking with nino "yeah I should go too,  see you,  thanks again for doing this,  I'll pay you,  no matter what you say "brig says "really you don't have to "I say "no,  it's not everyday I get a friend to design and make a dress for me "brig says walking home "well I should head home too"i say walking home since it' s not far


OK another part done,  yes I skipped to early November since I didn't want random things and for this to be a million parts,  not that it's gonna be, but I don't want too many AnYwAys bye for now 💜

~Bleep out ~
Jan 30/1/2020

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