We're Family?

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Brigitte pov
"what did you want to talk to me for "dad says "well, my and friends and I were talking and Felix here said he might be related to us because his mum might be grandmas younger sister (I don't think I mentioned that, woops sorry)  , Amalie "I say " I know my mum had a younger sister but I never knew her son , if he's related,  could look like me when I was younger "he says "wait so we are related because I've been thinking KS by my mum that I have a great uncle Gabriel agreste or something and I'm confused "Felix says "that's so cool you might be related "Sophie says "that doesn't help much soph,  but yeah it is cool "I say "wait here,  I just remembered I need to go to the air port to get someone "he says "really dad,  now "I say "yes now,  I'll be back and this person can help I guess "he says "ok go on then "I say as he leaves "still can't believe your dad might be my uncle "Felix says "well we might be cousins , anyways,  can I talk to soph for a minute "I say grabing her arm "ok ok I'm coming "she says

*outside her room*"what did you want to talk about "she says "I need advice because I don't know what me and luka are since our date went really well but he never asked me to date him so I'm not sure "I say "just go on another date but like a movie one since cafes can be boring sometimes "she says "I guess,  I'll ask him after all this "I say *they go back inside to the others playing truth or dare*"oh you're back,  wanna play "luka says "sure,  soph"i say "yeah not too crazy though "she says "ok,  who's go is it "I say "um Felix's "Alya says "ok,  truth or dare Sophie "Felix says "um truth "soph says "ok,  do you like anyone in this room,  who's not already dating someone "he says "um yes but I'm not saying who even though is kinda obvious "soph says "ok,  um Sophie it's your turn now "felix says "ok truth or dare brig"soph says "um truth "I say "ok not that interesting but do you like K-pop "she says "YES I've been putting off saying something so much from a certain group "I say "what groups "she says "so far there's 5 so bts,  stray kids aka the one I've been putting off the reference from and theres one from bts too ,anyways ,  blackpink, twice and Txt which I'm still new too "I say "can you say the Refrence since I think I know the one since Iiaten to all those same groups "she says "ok but it might not be as funny but I feel the need to actually make it for the person "I say "maybe if we have dinner here you can make it and do it "she says "ok looks like your staying for dinner "I say "sweet free food"nino says "now let's continue, brig,  your turn "luka says "ok um,  luka since you reminded me,  you get asked, so truth or dare "I say "dare"he says "brave mate, um I dare you to confess something to someone doesn't matter who "I say "like tell a secret to "he says "yeah basically that "I say "well Felix talk outside"luka says "you have to say it in here like to face with the person type thing "I say "no it's not doing the dare,  I just need to talk to him"luka says "oh Ok, go then "I say

*outside*"what did you wanna talk about, "Felix says "um I want to ask Brigitte out again but I'm not sure how and I really like her so help me please, "he says "well from experience puns and flirting don't work so just be yourself don't be someone you shouldn't just to impress her, "Felix says (all guys should do that and if there's any reading please do that and not be an idiot and try to be someone your not otherwise you're never gonna get them) "alright I'll try something later thanks dude, "luka says " all good man, "Felix says as they walk back inside "took your sweet time, "I say "ok now I guess I have to tell a secret to someone,  out loud or whisper, "luka says "whisper but if someone hears, it's your own fault you whispered too loud, "I say

Lukas pov
"ok, um Brigitte-"I say getting interrupted "I'm back,  and I brought someone with me,  m'lady come in, "Adrien says "mum you're back, "Brigitte says running up to huger "I've missed you so much, "her mum says "aren't you going to introduce us brig, "Alya says "oh right ok everyone this is my mum marinate, mum this is Alya *points to*, Felix *points to*, Nino *points to*, Sophie *points to* and luka *points to*," brig says "so nice to meet you all, "she says "can I talk to you for a minute,  with Brigitte, "Adrien says "yeah,  come on the brig, "Mari says

*outside*"what did you wanna talk about" Brigitte says "well Mari you know about mums younger sister , Amalie,  well she might be that boy Felix's mum if so we are related "Adrien says "oh yeah her last names de graham now right,  I knew she had a son but I never knew his name "Mari says " so we are related then "brig says "yes since his last name is De graham "Mari says "cool so I do have family here "brig says "yes now go tell him and we need to catch up kitty "Mari says "I never did get why you call eachother , but it reminds of the Paris hero calling blue raven his lady "brig says "it doesn't matter why but how would you know that he calls her that "Mari says "the ravenblog similer to the old ladyblog run by Alyas mum and Alya runs the ravenblog"brig say walking back inside "wow so old nicknames do last kitty,  it's been so long, we never did defeat him did we "Mari says "yeah but we had to give them back because we moved away to have her , I hope tikkis ok and plagg"adrien says (they aren't needed since there's no need for them since the others are more powerful and they had to give them up since no villains in Australia so no Hero's and master fu wanted to keep tikki and Plagg safe but they aren't in use anymore)

*back inside*" so luka you were saying something to me before, "brig says "oh that um *moves closer* *whispers* I really like you a lot,  wanna go on another date maybe movies, "I say "I really like you too so yes,  maybe next week since school night tomorrow, "she says "ok it's a date, "I say moving away "Ok what did he say, "Alya says "you don't need to know, "she says "OK my turn now," I say

*after a few hours they get hungry*"ok who wants noodles or Raman,  same thing different name "brig says "yes please "everyone says "ok I'll be right back" brig says *after 10mins* "here you go "she says slowly one by one handing out the Raman "mmm smells so good"i say

Sophie's pov
" oI fElIx CoMe HeRe BrO,  hErEs YoUr RaMoN " brig says with me laughing "seriously, stray kids very funny, but thanks brig," he says "all good mate wait you know them," she says "yeah there great and I listen to the others you mentioned too, "he says "YASSSS FOUND OTHER ARMY," I say " bit loud soph "brig says "well I'm sorry,  but I just found another Army so, "I say, "whatever "brig says *after a few hours they talk some more and then they all leave apart from luka*

Brigitte's pov
"you should go luka,  it's late, "I say "before I go um did you really mean what you said before that you like me, "he says turning red"well *leans in and kisses him for a while then breaks it* I do a lot and I meant it, "i say "will you be my girlfriend, "he says "yes a million times yes, "I say kissing him again "I should go,  I'll see you later," he says "see you, "I say


OK another part done,  hope you liked it,  sorry I had to use the reference,  too hard not to 😂 and I Stan all these groups mentioned,  I'm open to suggestions and yeah bye for now💜

~Bleep out~
Jan 27/1/2020

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