You again........

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Brigites Pov
*they are on our way to the meet-up*" won't everyone still hate you "luka says " I hope not but I guess they will,  it's stupid honestly "I say "yeah,  your mums so pretty and your dad is cool "faith says as we arrive to the school "we are here,  come on,  let's go see everyone "faith says as we all get out "wow haven't been here in forever,  luka this is my school it's pretty cool apart from everyone in my year hating me since they never liked the idea of my parents being famous "I say "it's ok , I'm sure they'll get over it"luka says holding my hand as we walk to my friends "hey girls , I have someone here "faith says gesturing  to me "hey Brigitte, nice to see you again, who did you bring with you " Stephine (Idk random name,  more coming)  says "this is my boyfriend,  luka "I say "you finally have one,  took you forever " Nikki says "yeah but he's cool and amazing but what have you been up to "I say "not much but I think the boys have seen you,  be careful"faith says as they come up "look who it is,  Brigitte,  the liar,  who's this, your real daddy, softly come crawling back to bring daddy with you " Chris says being stupid "no Chris this here is my boyfriend and I wasn't ever lying,  you just couldn't resist bulling me for the most stupid,  ridiculous reasons that you did,  aw you scared that I finally decided to stick up for myself , well yes i'm the same as before but I've gotten better at looming after myself and putting up with idiots like you,  who bully me for again stupid things like for real,  it's my parents like why do they concern you , yes my mum never came to things why,  she was working, my dad working looking after Paris and a company soon to be CEO of after his father,  Gabriel agreste,  yes my last names heart but my dad wanted two so there you go and lease grow up and get over it,  maybe try crying yourself a river,  buliding a flaming bridge and get over it,  now if you excuse me I'd like to enjoy my tines here before I go again and you're not making it any better "I say really proud I did that

*they walk away like little kids* "you go brig "they all say "yeah,  you are amazing "luka says hugging me tight "awwww"they all say "just stop all of you,  save  your breath "I say jokingly "you two are too cute together and it was amazing you stuck up for yourself "faith says "yeah I needed to do that years ago,  trust me, but I did let out some at a girl who lied as much as she breathed but most on Chris "I say "well we should go to the others but I don't know how you'll go with Chris and the others " Nikki says "I'm sure I'll be fine "I say as we all walk to where everyone else is "I feel left out brig,  as much as you did on your first day"luka says "it's ok you'll get used to it,  and you have me with you "I say side hugging him with my arm around his waist and his around nine also " thanks brig"he says kissing my forehead " look who we have here,  first you leave then you come crawling back to us and humiliate my boyfriend in front of your lame friends " Mackenzie says " wow,  it's over something so stupid honesty why is everyone obsessed with knowing who my paraents are for real SOMEONE TELL ME  why and I didn't come here to yell or be defensive for myself over a stupid thing and yeah I may of hUmIlIaTeD your boyfriend but he called mine my dad like seriously,  mate that's too far and my friends aren't lame yeah they may hate me for leaving and all but they  ever from what I know thought I was lying and yes I have famous parents so what,  I'm no different from anyone else here so everyone as I've said a few times cry yourself a river,  bulid a bridge and get over it and if you have even treated bad in the past I'm sorry for you ,but it doesn't mean you need to let out all your anger on people ,yes it seems like i'm doing that now, but how else am I going to finally after years stick up for me,  myself,  no one else and lovemyelf for once and not hate on anyone,  we're young adults ok,  we're not primary school kids anymore,  we don't dob on people, we don't whine over stupid things ok,  i came here to meet my friends after leaving,  not to have to raise my voice and make my own boyfriend feel uncomfortable or anyone else for that matter and if you are all gonna act like little 5 year olds, then theres no point in anyone being here "I say feeling free and having weight lifted from my shoulders " I second that "Nikki says "same here "Stephanie says "yeah "faith says " no more "shine says "thanks girls,  but of she's gonna act like a little kid,  she can and I'm going to enjoy my night before we all meet again in 10yrs "I say "yeah,  live a life we will remember,  not one we will forget " luka says "you stole that from me "I say "nOoOoO"he says all innocent " you are too cute, OK let's all have some fun "I say

*after a few hours they all leave and agree to meet in 10yrs* "that was alright,  didn't think I'd go all raspy "I say "you did defend yourself twice "luka says giving me some water "thanks,   I'm going to sleep now, night "I say after getting into my pj's "ok,  night "he says also after getting into his pj's and joining me in bed


Kinda short kinda not,  yes I did like defend my main oc who,  as if you haven't heard me say a million times, is based from me but a few changes and obliviously I never got bullied for such a stupid reason like I made up since you know, it doesn't sound believable really,  and yes those stand-ups are real like when I got bullied I wish I stood up for myself even though they were stupid things and them manipulating (is that the right word idk)  me for stupid things aNyWaYs hope you liked and if you are having someone being mean to you as in bullying you don't be too mean standing up for yourself like don't punch them,  just tell them to stop (sounds stupid  I know) and say something like 'stop please, I don't need you saying stupid things like that to me or anyone for that matter ' and yeah (if I knew I would've said something like that) bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Feb 5/2/2020

May 23 2020 edit : welp this is cringe 😂 I really needa finish publishing this and another one so keep waiting for that then I'll do the normal thing and write a part a week as I've said a million times before. Anextra43wordsforallthat.

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