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Lukas pov
I wake up to see my beautiful girlfriend asleep next to me cuddling my arm *note he got hot and took his shirt off* "cute *kisses her head* "I say trying to put a pillow in my arms place and Succeeding but still stuck in bed "mmmm"she groans as she slowly wakes up "morning sleepy head "I say "mm morning sexy "she says not knowing what she said "what did you say "I say confused and blushing red " *realises what she said* so-r-ry  I-i didn't mean to it sliped out "she sash red as anything " I liked it,  but I'm surprised you said that "I say hugging her close " we should get up,  our flights in the afternoon "she says "but that's in the afternoon,  not now "I say with this face 😏 "stop whatever you're thinking,  it's not happening "she says more red " I didn't say anything "I say acting innocent " you seemed like you knew what you were doing "she says unimpressed at my attempt " eh I tried, but failed "I say unproud of my attempt "don't be like that,  but do you want breakfast since faith should be awake now "she says " yeah,  but i don't want to move "I say being lazy " you are,  no matter what "she says flopping herself on me *chest touching chest type thing* " really , that's not helping anyone here "I say not annoyed "well your chest is soft so I'm staying right here "she says laying her head on me " don't even try me *picks her up and places new to him* "I say pleased with myself " fine then,  I'll get up,  you have to also "she says " fine "I say slowly getting up "good,  you're up *wraps arms around his neck and looks into his eyes and they slowly lean in and then kiss* "she says then after breaks the kiss " you got me up for that "I say "why do I even try ,honestly "she says slightly annoyed " I didn't mean it like that, brig I'm sorry "I say " I know you didn't but it's fun messing with you "she says with an evil smile " you're gonna get it later,  trust me "I say with a playful evil smile "sure, doubt it but sure "she says with a simmer evil playful smile *they go have breakfast then they pack everything up and go around town for a bit and then at 2:40pm they head to the airport and get tickets then wait a bit , after bored the plane*

*after 12hrs*"hey brig, wake up "I say lightly tapping her shoulder whist she's asleep on my shoulder "I'm up,  we are back? "she says looking confused "yes now let's go before we get kicked off "I say as we grab our things and head off and then go inside wait for our things and then head to her house "mum,  dad you home "she says looking around for them " hey brig! You're back *hugs* did you have fun " Mari says "yes it was great,  saw everyone,  wasn't a great meet up for some since after all these years I finally snapped at them and faith is going out with Chad now "she says "really,  he was always not that nice but it seems he's the first to grow up and I'm happy you had fun "Mari says "thanks mum,  i bring something over from there since I missed them so much *takes out somethings* "brig says " I missed this,  thanks brig, now you two should get to sleep its late and I hope your mum doesn't mind you staying here for the night luka "Maris says " she shouldn't mind,  usually if I'm not home by 5 , I'm staying somewhere "I say "ok,  well you two should be getting to bed,  brig I put new blankets on your bed and sheets "Mari says "thanks mum,  goodnight "she says "night Mrs heart "I say following brig up to her room "goodnight you two "Mari says " ok,  I'm gonna have a shower and then relax for a bit,  feel free to after my shower,  have one "she says grabbing her things and heading to bed bathroom "ok, will do " I say getting myself comfortable on her couch

*after they both showered it was 8:40 pm, they got home at 8:00 pm, I got the times wrong so leave me be😂* " well it's a bit late to watch a movie,  so what did you wanna do "she says " um I'm not sure,  maybe just talk Idk "I say "ok I guess we'll talk but there's really nothing to talk about "she says "there's us both starting college soon "I say seeing her surprised face as I didn't tell her I got in " you got in!  *hugs* was it the one you wanted "she says "yeah, it was *insert name since I'm smart and forgot it, yes I know I'm real smart😂* "I say "same as me,  and I think the others got in too, actually to the same college so we'll have to hang out after hours of we are not dorm mates "she says "yeah,  but we don't find out until we start next week I think "I say "we start on the 3rd of Feb so we have 3weeks "she says "how did you know "I say " google and I remember looking at my calendar before "she says " smart "I say "you're too nice "she says " I hope we get a dorm together and the others  as well "I say "same but hey,  it's college you can't get why you want "she says keeping everything positive as normal "true that "I say

Brigitte's pov
*they talk for a bit and then both eventually fall asleep*  *in the morning* "morning sleepy head "luka says as I start to wake up "morning dork "I say half asleep still " you really are going there aren't you "he says "maybe, maybe not "I say booping his nose " hey stop that, leave me be its saturday" he says " I'm too tired to try and get a decent reason why they make sense,  so why don't we have breakfast and figure out what we're gonna do "I say slowly but surely getting up " why you leaving me "he says dragging me back down to him " I might be your girlfriend but I'm not really owned by you like you haven't brought me "I say "stop being so logically correct "he says in a husky tried voice and then I kiss him lightly but he makes it more and turns it into a French kiss " I love you and I promise I'll never leave you "I say after breaking it "same here, so much "he says holding me tight *after awhile they decide to go down for breakfast and then hang around*


OK since this is literally going nowhere, I'm going to try and make another 5 parts and then move to another book like collage life or something maybe not I'm not sure yet but I'm hoping for another 5parts,  prepared for 10 if needed and yeah bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Feb 7/2/2020

May 30th 2020 edit: Welp this book is a flop and there's only 4 more parts after this and then a cringe book and as I've said a million times, I'll be trying to work on newer content and hopefully won't flop and thanks for 63 reads on here even if most are from the first that basically profiles OCS my ocs. Anextra65wordsforallthat.

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