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Brigitte's pov
*arrives home* "hey mum, I'm home sorry I was late, I dropped luka off, "I say walking to the kitchen "hey brig, how was it, "mum says "great, the last night I made dinner and luka and I went on a few mini-dates, "I say "aw how sweet, what time did you want to get dropped off to graduation tomorrow, "she says "um starts at 5 pm ends at 6 pm then the after-party until 11 pm "I say "ok, I'll drop you off at 4:30 and pick up Luka as well, "she says "thanks mum," I say hugging her "your father will be back soon as he had a quick trip to London for work, "she says "ok, I gotta go unpack so come down later ok," I say leaving "ok have fun," she says as I head to my room and start unpacking

"hey brig, you should really give luka his shirt back, "Myst says " I might he did say I could have it, "I say "ok but aren't you gonna tell him you're picking him up tomorrow, "Myst says " oh right, I better call him *dials number* hey luka, in fine, you, that's good, um mum wanted me to let you know that we're picking you up at 4:30 pm for the ceremony since I thought you might need a lift, no it's ok, yeah, love you too bye *ends call*, "I say " well, what did he say, "Myst says " he's coming with us, now I gotta get you some food since it'll be a long night, "I say going to my mini fridge filled with iced tea, lemonade and mineral water (only a certain brand is good others are gross) and getting some bread "thanks brig, "Myst says "it's all fine, now I'm going to watch some movies then get ready later, "I say getting a movie disc and lifting it in the TV once I turned it on flopping on my bed

*after a few hours she decides to get ready* " this will do "I say wearing a black long sleeve blouse, dark navy jeans and a black coat paired with my bag and dark tanned wedges and grabbing my robes and hat " I love this brig, best one yet "Myst says "thanks , good thing I showered before since it's going to be a long night "I say finishing my makeup of a light spot covering/dark circles with concealer and some foundation powder to set and a peach gloss , mascara and a small wing and I head out to the kitchen "hey, your down early, haven't seen you on awhile "dad says " yeah, but it starts at 5 and we're picking up luka and it's great to see you too "I say hugging my dad " I'm sorry I couldn't be there this morning when you came back, I was at the airport, coming off from my flight from London "he says "it's ok, if you gotta work, you gotta work "I say releasing the embrace " your mum told me that you had a good time there, did you "he says "yeah it was great and are you gonna come tonight or are you busy "I say " in coming, you'll see me and your mother in the audience "he says "ok sounds good, well I gotta go, I'll see you later "I say leaving the house and meeting mum in the car to go pick up luka "hey you ready to go "mum says "yeah let's go "I say as the car leaves

*once at Lukas* "ok go get him since the car can't go down there "mum says "ok I'll be back *gets out the car and goes to his house boat* hey is anyone here "I say walking onto the boat "hey brig, I'll go get luka "Jules says "thanks "I say as she leaves *5 mins later* "hey brig, sorry I didn't hear you before "luka says "it's OK, cone let's go before we're late for graduation and you can come with us too Jules if you want "I say "I'm getting rose to pick me up but thansk for the offer " Jules says "ok I'll see you there then "I say leaving with luka *once in the car* "hey luka, how you going " mum says "good, you "luka says " I'm good , now where did you want me to drop you off "she says " just at the front and aren't you coming too"i say "I gotta get your father first"she says "oh yeah "I say *arrives and gets out the car* "I'll see you later, bye mum"i say waiting for luka to get out "thanks Mrs heart " luka says "just call me mari, no need for formal names "she says " let's go luka we'll be late "I say "ok I'm coming "he says *they enter and never there friends at their seats* "hey brig "soph says "hey soph "I say hugging soph then sitting down " hey girl, I can't believe we're graduating tonight "Alya says "yeah, it came so quick " I say " hey dude and dudettes "nino says " hey nino "I say "where's Felix soph "Alya says " he said he was coming but he might have a last minute photoshoot " soph says " right, I think I see him now " I say as Felix joins us "hey sorry I'm late, stuck in traffic " Felix says " it happens, now I think it's starting so be quite " soph says "good evening everyone, parents, students and staff members, we are here today to celebrate and say goodbye to our grade 12 students who have finished school and are ready to move on with life and one by one I'm going to call there names and hand them a certificate, so *says everyone's names* , I wish you all the best and I hope you all have great success in life and now I want our very first exchange student to say a few words, Brigitte "miss says " me OK, um *walks up* hey everyone, um I'm not good at speeches so I'm going to keep this short , coming here was such an experience even if it was for a year, it's been great, I've met some great people, some not so great, to be honest I was scared for my first day here since new country and on top of that new school but mostly everyone welcomed me nicely and I'm glade I came here, so I guess this is the grade 12 class signing off , thank you "I say as everyone claps and I go back to my spot "good job" luka whispers "thanks "I say also whispering "ok now, I officially get to announce you all graduated from school, you've done it, competed many years of school so now I say throw your hats up in joy "miss says as we all throw our hats "ok I hope you all have a great night thank you "miss says "so no more school, now where's my hat "I say looking for it "found it and mine "luka says handing me by hat "thanks, now what "I say "relax , we have to wait a bit to dance but honestly I only want to stay for a bit until like 9pm so I can be awake for applying to collage tomorrow "luka says " I might leave early too, if I get bored "I say

*after a few hours everyone slowly leaves and then then next day everyone comes to help clean up*


OK they be finished school nice, TBH I finish in 3 yrs (I'm in year/grade 10 and we've only just started school so it's 3 yrs) so that's fun AnYwAyS there will be drama and breakups since it'll make things more interesting and more fun to read since cliffhangers so yeah bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Feb 4/2/2020

May 10th update: Heya to the person reading this, I hope you like it even though it's really old (go to the book of whatever for updates on this and other books) and yeah stay home and stay safe💜. Anextra42wordsforallthat.

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