A new couple?

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Brigitte's pov
*On Monday* "morning mum, dad "I say getting my breakfast "morning,  did you have fun last night after we talked "mum says "yeah it was great but I forgot to tell Felix that he's related to me so I'll do that today "I say "well you better hurry if you want to get to school on time and not turn into your mother when she was your age "dad says "ok ok I'm leaving now,  I'll see you tonight "I say hugging them and then leaving *at school* "hey guys, can I borrow  Felix for a minute "I say "what for"alya says "we need to talk "I say leaving with Felix "what did you want to talk about "he says "well you know how we thought we were related well it looks like we are since my grandma has a younger sister named Amalie De and now is de graham and happens to be your mothers name so we are related "I say "cool so we're cousins then "he says "yes so every time we have Raman I'm going to do what I did on Saturday "I say "please don't "he says "it was funny,  but we should get back to the others "I say going back "soooo what'd you talk about "Sophie says " oh so you know how we thought we were related,  turns out we are so I guess he's my cousin "I say "that's so cool "Alya says "considering I've only been here for a month is pretty cool and I've gotten to see the Hero's of Paris on the blog  , speaking of Heros , there hasn't been any attacks "I say "no maybes he's up to something , you never know "soph says  "true but we should get to class "Alya says *they head to class

*Time skip because schools boring*
Lukas Pov
"hey brig, uh can I talk to you for a minute," I say "sure,  you guys go ahead I'll catch up, "she says "well um I was wondering maybe you would like to be my girlfriend since I know you like me and I do too but I know we've known each other for not long but I know we can be happy together, "I say "luka I-i w-" she says as I interrupt her"you don't, I knew i-*kisses him* mmmm," I say *breaks it*"I was going to say I would love to, "she says leaning into my chest hugging me "I love you so much, you know that, "I say "I love you too, "she says "we should get going,  the others will be waiting, "I say as I hear a loud bang "Akuma,  you should get to safety and I will too, "she says "ok, "I say as she runs off to her house and I run to mine

Sophie pov
"there's an Akuma,  we should all go, "I say "yep right on it dudette, "Nino says going with Alya "I need to go, later, "Felix says "ok  *runs to an alleyway* time to transform sparklle raven on!"I say transforming into a blue raven and heading to where the villain is

Brigitte's pov
"ok mysterry magic on!"I say transforming into mystic magic and going to join the others *with the others* "hey, so who's the villain now "I ask "so far they just turn people into stone-like gargoyles (idk how to spell that but think of a snake being able to turn people into stone statues) "chat says "ok so we shouldn't look into their eyes so maybe using a reflective surface to see what's happening and where we're doing"blue says " OK so I should use my power then "I say "yes,  it'll help us "chat says "lucky Myst "I say catching a Hawaiian shirt "that looks like master Fus shirt,  maybe go to him for help,  I'll tell you the way "blue says "ok so I'll detransfrom to go there,  got it "I say running off to masters place

*before she gets there, she detransfroms and then goes inside*"hello,  anyone there "I say "hello,  Mystic or should I say Brigitte "master says "so your master fu and that older man who I helped stand up" I say "well I'm guessing your lucky Myst led you here, so I'm guessing you need help" he says "I guess "I say as he goes up to a music box,  puts a code in and another box appears "Brigitte Agreste heart pick an ally you can trust to fight alongside you on this mission.  Choose wisely; such powers are meant to serve the greater good. Once the mission is over you will retrieve the miraculous from them"he says "um I need multiple chances,  is there one that does that "I say "the snake miraculous "he says "OK I choose that one "I say getting the snake bracelet and then leaving after the powers are explained and I transform "ok um oh I know luka he's trust worthy since I don't know anyone else better for the job "I say as I head to Lukas place "huh what was that "he says hearing a thud and walking up to the top"oh luka just who I was looking for "I say "who are you "he says "I'm mystic magic and I need you to help me with something very important,  you up for that "I say "yes anything to save Paris "he says "luka Coefine , this is the miraculous  of the snake,  it grants the power of second chance,  able to use many times to retry stratigies that may have not worked "I say handing the box to him " *opens box* woah what are you "he says "I'm your kwami viper and I am the Kwami of second chance and will transform you into king viperion by saying viper snake on(all I could think of) "vipe says "ok viper snake on! "he says tranforming into king viperion "OK let's go "I say

Blue ravens pov
"she needs to hurry up," I say as she appears with a new hero"this is king viperion,  he has the power of second chance, "she says "OK we can do this now activate your power, "I say "ok second chance!" he says "ok now you have infinite chances of defeating the villain, "she says "ok let's get started then, "he says *after a good hour they finally defeat the villain who turns out to be a person who studies Greek mythology like the gods and that there was a legend of a monster who once eyed locked you'd turn to stone but everyone thought she was crazy so she got alumatized* "another villain down, what should we do now since I have some time left, "mystic says "well we usually just talk for a bit then we leave, " I say, "ok we can do that but I need to get this miraculous back, "she says leaving with king viperion "m' lady do you want to go to the Eiffel Tower or stay here until she gets bac,k "chat says "we can wait here,  she shouldn't be too long," I say

Brigitte's/mystic magic pov
"OK to detransfrom you say is viper snake off, "I say "ok viper snake off, "he says detransfroming "thanks luka,  you did a great job, might do it again in the future, "I say "thanks for letting me use the miraculous,  but I need to check if my girlfriend is ok, so I need to go, "he says leaving "ok,  I'll see you around, "I say heading back to the others " ok I'm back,  but I need to go,  but I'll see you at patrol on Friday, "I say leaping away

Blues pov
"well it's just us now kitty, "I say "yeah I guess,  hey you know we might actually know each other in normal life right, "he says "don't even start kitty,  I doubt it and out of my friends group there's only 2 people you could be maybe one but there is a whole grade 12 class,  assuming you're the same age as me, "I say "yeah same age but I only know one person with blue hair in my friend group but she's too clumsy to be a hero,  no offence to her but I like whoever you are better, "he says completely flirting with me again "well I gotta go,  see ya kitty, "I say leaving "well I go too I guess, "he says leaving


Ooooooooo new couple alert 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏 nO I DoN'T sHiP mE As An Oc WiTh LuKa (I'm basically chole but nicer and a bit different but both have similar family things kinda like the whole mum working away thing ) AnYwAys I hope you liked this chapter sorry it's a bit long but Oh WeLl but bye for now💜

~Bleep out~
Jan 27/1/2020

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