Be my dormmate?

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Brigitte pov
After awhile of luka and I looking at old baby photos of him we watched a movie,  had dinner , told my dad I was staying at Lukas,  then fell asleep,  now it's Sunday morning " morning luka "I say slowly waking up to luka next to me "morning babe,  how did you sleep" he says " good I guess, it's a bit early though "I say checking the time  ,it's 8:30am " we should get up "he says sitting up on the bed " fine,  I'll get up "I say also sitting up on the bed " you wanna get dressed in the bathroom "he says taking out his clothes and putting them on his bed " sure,  I'll grab some clothes from my bag "I say walking over to my bag and grabbing some clothes

My outfit once I'm dressed " ok what did you want to do on our last day of freedom of collage "he says "I'm not sure maybe just hang around and I should go home but I never did ask,  what happened to paris "I say curious "oh after I broke up with ...

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My outfit once I'm dressed " ok what did you want to do on our last day of freedom of collage "he says "I'm not sure maybe just hang around and I should go home but I never did ask,  what happened to paris "I say curious "oh after I broke up with her , she moved away and I don't know where she went but I don't care,  I have you and everyone else and she's not needed for me to be happy "he says "aw thanks and I only heard about her because she was a student at school in Australia for a month and dated every guy in my year , broke all there hearts and left , and I never saw her again "I say "oh wow,  how many guys in your year "he says " around 12-15 guys with 40 students all up so a lot of girls in each class, so she went around and she even tried dating us girls but failed since most of us where dating someone or not interested "I say "she was that desperate,  sounds like her " he says " well,  you wanna go back to your house since I've got not much to put in the car for tomorrow "he says " sure,  let's go "I say *once they get to brigs,  they talk to her parents and then hang around her room for a bit* "ok I might as well show you my baby photos of I can find any "I say looking for a photo album " you would let me see you as a child "he says with a huge smile on his stupidly cute face " yes I would,  don't be shocked if I look ugly in these "I say finally finding one and going to join luka on my couch "  what she where you here "he says picking up one "I think 5 , so before the cute went away and when I had blonde hair then it went brown a year later "I say "you had blonde hair "GE says shocked "yeah see *shows 3 year old brig* I was adorable,  not so much now but i can dream "I say putting that one back and getting another " now that's cute "he says looking at a 10year old brig " I wasn't cute when I was 10 , it was a bad time really like 2014 me was not great "I say " I think it's cute,  what about this "he says showing me a 13 year old me " ah no way,  start of highschool me well middle school but still, I don't like that one "I say " I like it,  you were cute,  still are "he says " thanks but this was before glasses *shows 5/6 year old* , I was cute before I got glasses,  but at least I can see "I say cleaning my glasses since why not " you look fine without glasses and with them "he says " really you like blind me, and I'm getting contacts because I don't want to poke my out everyday just so I can see,  I'd prefer glasses "I say " who's this with you "he says showing me " my bff  when we first met like age 5/6 "I say "really wow,  you've known her for awhile "he says "yeah,  hey this is my class photo for year 6 , a lot of annoying people there that I never saw again after that year " I say showing him " wow,  you were a lot different then,  but still cute "he says "the bulling started in yr 1 when I had to do a project on my parents and no-one belived me and then we had to do another on family in yr 9 and and it started again "I say " those people are idiots but at least you talked some sense into them "he says "yeah,  well I should move these boxes so I can get to them tomorrow and easier for putting into the car "I say "I'll never get over the way you pronounce things "he says " ok? , I just do, it's the way I am "I say moving the boxes *afyer awhile they're all moved and they relax for a bit* " who do you think will be your roommate " he says " hopefully one of our friends or you,  if not,  it's going to be interesting and hopefully good and not bad and no imitating of my voice "I say " it's not that noticeable once you get used to it "he says " for you,  for everyone else,  it's going to be a surprise,  especially sharing a dorm with me "I say " it's going to be fine "he says pulling me into a hug " I hope nothing bad happens between us,  I would hate not being around you all the time "I say kissing him softly " same here " he says in between kisses " well it's 4:00pm now so maybe we should start making dinner,  I'm thinking stir fry "I say  after breaking the kiss " sure,  sounds good,  you have everything for  4 people "he says " dad is working until 10 pm and mum is also working until 10 pm so it'll just be us,  but I can make some for them and leave a note "I say "you are too kind "he says " I know "I say smiling *after they make dinner and clean up etc,  they watch Tinker Bell because it's amazing 😊 and then fall asleep after they had showers etc*

*in the morning they wake up* " brig,  wake up "Luka says slowly waking me up " I'm getting there,  just let me sleep for a bit "I say slept falling back to sleep *he kisses her* "mm *breaks it* I'm up, now "I say with a smirk on my face " I did tell you to wake up bit you didn't listen "he says " well we should get ready since we don't want to be late and you need to get your things "I say getting up and getting dressed in my bathroom wearing a pair of black leggings with an agreste shirt over top like a dress shirt ,  black flats and light makeup with my hair out as normal " come on,  you took long enough "he says wearing his dark blue jeans, white long sleeve blouse, un tucked and black sneakers " you look very professional "I say wrapping my arms around his neck "*kisses her* *breaks after awhile* why thank you,  you're not so bad yourself "he says " not so bad,  that sounds rude,  at least I'm not wearing heels " I say " true now let's go "he says taking my hand and we walk down to the kitchen " morning you two,  sleep well "mum says "yeah,  you enjoy the stir fry we made last night "I say " you made that,  it was great , thanks brig "mum says "it's OK, it gave us something to do "I say *after they eat breakfast they grab brigs things and put them in her car and call soph not pick her up as she has her own car now and they head to Lukas to get his things as brig has room for some more things* "ok,  is that all "I say "yeah,  surprised it fits "he says " yeah,  I only have 3 large ish boxes so I could fit another 2 "I say "we should go now otherwise we'll be late " he says "ok let's go "I say *once they get there they head inside and meet the others at the dorm room list after checking in* " hey,  any of us together "I say " I'm not sure it just says the dorm numbers not who we're with , I'll go ask " Felix says *comes back after awhile* "so,  do we get to choose or " soph says " we get to choose and theres 3 rooms/dorms 2 bedroom , split by a door,  a kitchen,  bathroom and small living space all next to each other " Felix says " oh cool , so we just go in couples or do we want girls/guys with girls/guys  type thing " Alya says " I think couples would be fine since we can all see each other anyway " I say " ok  , nino let's grab a room key and go "Alya says "sure, let's go "nino says leaving with Alya " Coming soph "Felix says "yeah,  have fun you too,  meet back here after classes,  I'll text Alya ok"soph says leaving with Felix " so brig, be my dorm mate? "luka says


To be continued later😏😏😏😏😏 bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Feb 8/2/2020

*Pssssssst go to the next chapter for an announcement*

June 6th 2020 edit: You should totally stat tuned for tomorrows part becoaee they's a surprised announcement regarding that other book that's also like 4 months old 😏. I hope you enjoyed this book, even if not many people read it (as I'm writing this part it's got 64 reads, most for first chapter). Anextra55wordsforallthat.

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