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Brigitte's pov
*After everyone helped clean up yesterday, brig decided to apply for the collage she wants to go to* " hey I was wondering if I could apply here for a beauty coarse "I say to the front desk of the collage " ok, do you have a birth certificate and drivers license and certificate of graduation from school " the lady says "yes *hands them to her*"I say "ok, I'll need your phone number and address then I'll see if there's a spot in the coarse for you and we'll go from there " lady says "ok my number is *insert number since 123 etc is boring* and address is 12 Model cove (idk all I could think of)"I say as she types it in her computer "ok, I need to make sure the name is correct, so you're Brigitte agreste heart and you're 18 and live with parents I'm assuming "lady says "yes that's all correct "I say " but it says here you were born in Australia , just checking that's true "lady says "if my accent doesn't say it idk what would, but yes I was born and raised there "I say "ok that's everything sorted and I'll call you if there's a spot in the coarse and if not we can put you on a waiting list for a max of 2 months until then have a nice day "lady says "thanks, have a nice day too "I say walking out to my car and driving home " how did it go "mum says " they'll let me know of there's a spot for me and if not they'll put me on a waiting list for a max of 2 months "I say "that's good, is everyone else applying for something yet "mum says "I think luka is, Felix Idk, soph I think is trying for a designing coarse , Alya is for journalist and nino for music/djing"i say "oh nice, want did you want to do again "mum says "beauty, like makeup and maybe skincare "I say "nice as long as you enjoy it and will you be staying at the dorms there "mum says "dorms so I can be there on time and if I need to be there for anything important "I say " makes sense and aren't all your friends going there " mum says " yeah all of them but I doubt we'll be dormmates with each other "I says "you never know "mum says " true, but I need to go through somethings from school so I'll be back later "I say leaving and walking to my room "ok um u don't need that, I want to keep that, why did I keep that, *after a few hours of that she's done* ok done and I got ride of 2 garbage bags, nice "I say carried them to the wheely bin (idk i call them that but it's a bigger bin like a skip bin I guess) " ok that's done maybe I should call my friends it's been awhile "I say walking back inside and going to my room *calss them* "hey ,brig" faith says "hey, how's it going "I say "good we graduate next week and prom was amazing and the others are fine from want I've heard but there all busy "faith says " I get that, I had the graduation 2 days ago , it was so fun and I applied for a collage but thru have to get back to me since they have to see if there's a spot for me in the coarse I'm wanting to do and if not I'll be on a waiting list for Max 2 months"i say "that's amazing and when are you coming back for awhile "she says " um next month I'll definitely be there since classes don't start until Feb "I say "OK I'll try to get everyone together and I'm guessing you're bringing luka"she says "yeah since I can't fly everyone there and it'll be nice so I can show him around and meet all of you "I say " yeah, I heard shine is all sad still since you left " she says "she's my bff, she'll get there and once I see her she'll be fine "I say "yeah ,well I gotta go since I'm meeting everyone for a final goodbye, I'll make sure to say something about you also"she says "thanks just make sure no one makes fun of me otherwise face time me and I'll have a go at them "I say jokingly "uh huh sure but I will face time so you can talk to the others "she says "ok I'll see you soon then, bye "I say "bye "she says ending the call *phone rings* "hello, yeah this is Brigitte, yes, ok, thanks so much, yes please, ok, bye "I say ending the call "did you get in "Myst says "yes I did "I say going down stairs to tell my parents "hey sweetie, how did you go with cleaning "mum says "good, I called faith and I got in to collage"i say excited "really, that's so good, I'm proud of you "mum says "yeah, you'll enjoy it "dad says "oh and I'm hoping to go to Australia to see my friends before our 10yr reunion thing since everyone will be busy and I wanna show luka where I grew up "I say "ok, when do you plan to go "mum says "sometime next year before college starts "i say "you'll have to book flights early so you can get one "dad says "ok,  can you help me wince I'm no good at booking things "I say walking over to the computer and dad follows "ok so you'll be staying with friends or "dad says "friends I guess,  faith won't mind me saying with her "I say "ok,  ask her before you leave to make sure and how long you planning to stay "he says " a week will do me "I say "ok so two people,  business class because we have points saved up and why not,  to Australia , Jan 3rd to Jan 10th 2021  , flight at 1:00pm Jan 3rd and flight at 3:00pm Jan 10th (this is based in 2020 so)  and done "he says finishing paying "so print out the tickets or "I say " you have to print out the tickets so they can give you the actual one so like a code to print "he says "ok,  cool thanks dad "I say hugging him "you should call luka to tell him "he says "ok I'll do it now *dials phone and walks to room* I'll tell you later ok,  *picks up* hey,  yeah good,  you,  that's good,  now I need to tell you 2 things,  no not that,  I would never,  OK so me and my dad hair booked us flights to Australia and we'll be there for a week staying at faiths or shines depends,  no it's OK,i did tell you,  oh and I got into college , thanks,  what about you,  that's good,  ok,  oh it's Jan 3rd 1:00pm Paris time, 8pm Au time , return Jan 10th 3:00pm au time,  9am paris time I think , ok , a week, I'll show you around,  it'll be fun,  ok see you, love you too bye "I say as he ends the call " so is he happy he's going "Myst says "yeah,  he was worried he would not like it but it's great there,  you'll love Myst just stay out of sight but then again what will I do if there's an akuma "I say "there's a miraculous of teleportation,  the horse so take that,  unify me and Kakki and you can travel to any country "Myst says " cool,  I'll have to talk to master fu but I hope I can use it "I say "he'll let you, I'm sure "she says "OK "I say


Welp you get more aussie slang lessons for the non Aussie's here and I hope you enjoyed this and I might do another book for the collage part since there's no school so no exchange student so yeah look out for that and it'll cut down this one being like 40 odd parts so yeah bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Feb 4/2/2020

May 16th edit: Newer work coming soon I promise just the rest of this book and another then it'll be all new. Anextra23wordsforallthat.

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