The date

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*on Saturday the day of the triple date at 10 am half an hour before*
Sophie's pov
" What am I am going to wear, "I say to my kwami "what you usually wear, "sparks says "I guess but I have a dress I wanted to wear, "I say *this is the dress* "oh yes and with some black flats, "sparks says "oh yeah thanks sparks, "I say

"well you better meet brigitte now or she'll never figure out how to get there "sparks says "yeah you're right, come on sparks "I say opening my bag and letting sparks fly in *she meets brig outside the bakery*"hey brig "I say "hey, now show me wh...

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"well you better meet brigitte now or she'll never figure out how to get there "sparks says "yeah you're right, come on sparks "I say opening my bag and letting sparks fly in *she meets brig outside the bakery*"hey brig "I say "hey, now show me where the cafe is and all the gossip on you and Felix~"she says "ok ok well get there but for now what happened with you and luka and let's get walking as we talk"i say "ok so *both start walking* we went to a cafe and we talked about random things and I feel like he was flirting with me during that time but he was being realy sweet and then we walked to my place and talked to my sad since he wanted to make sure luka would protect me and take care of me if we were a couple which we are not so don't get any ideas and then he left and I talked to my mum whose coming back to focus on her fashion in Paris and I learnt that both my parents grew up in Paris and had me in Australia hence me having the accent and them not (Brigitte is based on me but the nationality thing isn't true except the Australian thing since my heritage is confusing I changed a few things so) "she says "oh cool and don't you have other family here in Paris "I say "yeah I have my grandparents on my dads side and my mums , actually my mums parents owned the bakery your parents own now but they had to go into retirement from old age but my granddad on my dads side still owns his fashion company but my mum will be his assistant soon and my dad will take over the company once his dad is ready to but for now he's the mayor of Paris "she says "wait what was your last name again "I say "last name, both or just the one "she says "wait you have two last names "I say "yeah, it's kinda like a middle name but it's my dads last name and my mums maiden last name "she says "what are they "I say curious "agreste and heart , which you know but not many know agreste "she says "wait so your related to Gabriel agreste and your dad was the teen model from my mums school life "I say "yeah , but dad doesn't model much now only for important things "she says "oh cool and we're here now and I think I see the others "I say

Brigitte pov
"ok let's go to then"i say "wait isn't it going to be awkward between you and luka since your date the other day "she says "no, why "I say "oh so nothing important happened "she says "not really, well we should join the others "I say *they walk over to luka, Felix, Alya and nino* "hey girls "Alya says "sup dudettes "nino says "hey "Felix and luka say as we sit down "so what does everyone want to order "I say "um I guess a iced coffee "Alya says "same here "nino says "I'll get a latte "Felix says "same here "luka says "Ok soph"i say "um just a iced chocolate no cream "she says "ok I'll go order then "I say "are you paying "Felix says "yeah is it a problem "I say "no it's just really nice of you "Felix says "ok thanks "I say walking off to order and I come back after 5mins with a number "hey your back, took your time "luka says "wow luka *rolls eyes in a joke way* "I say *after 10mins they arrive* " OK now since we have our drinks, what should we talk about "I say "for starters what drink is that "Sophie says confused "you've never had an English breakfast tea before "I say "oh I thought it was dirty water since most teas here have milk "soph says "well I like tea with no milk and I couldn't be bothered asking for lactose free milk so "I say

Alya pov
"OK now that's out the way, what now "brig says "well why would you usually do at a date with 3 "couples" "nino says "idk I've only ever been on one date since no one ever asked me out then again I never had an interest in any of them "brig says "wow Australian guys sound like jerks "Felix says "the ones I grew up with , yeah "brig says " well since we know a fair bit about you, we should tell you about us more since you've only been here for around 2weeks " I say "ok I'll start then, as you know I'm Felix De Graham , son of Amalie & Chris De graham (the mums last name is de and graham is the dads,similar story to brigs) , my dad a famous designer, my mum his assistant and I only have one aunty&unlcle but I've never met them and a cousin whom I also never met before "Felix says "ok, well I'm nino lahife (idk how to spell his last name) , my parents *insert names here since I don't know there actual names so yeah for now it's whatever you like I guess* Lahife and I have a younger brother and that's it since the rest of my family lives in *insert where originally from* "nino says "I'm Alya cesaire (again Idk how to spell it) , my parents *insert names* cesaire and my mum is a chef at your fathers house, brigitte and dad is a zookeeper at the local zoo"i say "I'm Sophie Fu, my parents Marianne & sang fu , my family's chinese hence the last name and my dads name, my parents own one of the nest bakeries in paris "soph says "I'm luka coefine (again idk how to spell) my mum is anarka and my dad is non existent since he left when I was young and my mum owns a boat which my sister and I live on "luka says

Felix pov
"what was your last name again Brigitte, "I say "agreste heart I've explained it to soph and Luka so if you wanna know ask them for full story but in short, mum maiden name heart, dads agreste, mum wanted heart since it sounds cool and dad didn't mind as long as his name was highfonated (idk how to spell it but it's like agreste-heart) so yeah, "she says "wait agreste as in Gabriel agrestes granddaughter, "I say "yeah why," she says "well my mum has a sister named Emile and she married a Gabriel agreste but I never thought it was him, "I say "oh well I knew I had relieves here like my dad and some other family my grandad never talks about since grandmother is gone and her name was Emile so maybe we're related, "she says "maybe I'll ask father or mother, maybe I could talk to your father, "I say "yeah we can after this, now enough about bake story's, what's some interesting things I should know about Paris, "brig says

No one's pov
*they talk for a few hours then it's 2 pm so they decide to leave and nino goes with Alya, Sophie, Felix, brig and luka go to brigs house*"Ok, I'll go get him, feel free to go to my room, no snooping, soph watch them " brig says "got it "she says "father, you here "she says "yeah coming, brig "he says walking out his office "um come with me "she says "what are you planning "he says "nothing, just come "she says


OK that's enough for now, yes I did a small plot twist since this story is kinda boring, I hope it's interesting to you all. And yeah the next chapter shouldn't be too long I hope anyways bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Jan 26/1/2020

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