I'm What now?

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Brigitte's pov
*it's been a few days they went shopping and hung out and they have 3 days left and they want to just relax and go though what they got when shopping* "ok,  just take everything out the bags and we can go from there "I say taking things out bags "ok this yours *holds up a hp shirt* *nods yes* here then "luka says "thanks "I say *after 30mins they finished* "ok is that everything "luka says "yes and now to fit it in our suit cases "I say unzipping mine to only it being half full "how is yours so empty "he says opening his to it being almost full "well I folded my clothes in rolls and I only need a few shirts and pants so I can fit more in here "I say folding my new clothes and placing them in my bag " could you teach me to fold them small "Luka says "sure,  just fold a shirt normally and fold it in half vertically "I say "I think I got it "he says "good job "I say "thanks "he says

*after everything's folded they decide to watch a movie* "ok what haven't you seen " I say "um big hero 6 "he says "ok that's a great one , you want popcorn "I say "yeah "he says as I leave to make it and come back a bit later "here,  now let's start the movie"i say putting the disc in and then pressing play *after the movie they decide to go out for dinner at dome* "ok,  it's not the best restaurant out there but it's the one I like the bst and I'm not spending a lot at hogsbreath which is a steak  house but very pricey , so dome it is "I say walking inside holding Lukas hand and going to the booth sitting area " what did you wanna order "luka says "I usually get a salad but I might get something else"i say looking at the menu "I might get chicken Parma "he says "ok,  that's good but it's a big serving so might have to bring some home,  I might get a salad since its good and I always get it "I say getting up to go order " hey,  let me pay"he says "you always pay so I'm making it up to you "I say walking to order

*after she ordered , she came back and sat back down and placed the number on the table* " it'll be like 20mins ish,  so we might as  well talk for a bit "I say "it must take forever sometimes for things to come "he says "once at took an hour only because we were playing with the table number thing like an electric one that vibrated when the food was coming "I say "oh right , that would've sucked "he says "yeah,  it  was not fun but now I don't touch them so yeah "I say *after more talking there food comes* "was that everything "waiter says "yes,  thank you "I say as they pick up the number and leave "ok this looks amazing "he says "you must really be hungry "I say as i start eating "I guess but this is alot "he says starting to eat *after they eat they chat for a bit then leave and walk on the beach* "it's so lovely here, I forgot how nice the beach was here"i say "yeah it's lovely here,  not as much as you but "he says smirking " really,  you are a dork "I say bopping his nose " I'm your dork "he says with a smirk still on his face "yeah true that "I say holding his hand and then see someone walk over to us "brigitte is that you "chad says "chad? Is that you,  it's been awhile "I say "yeah and I'm really sorry for acting like a complete idiot and now I know that everyone was bulling you for a ridiculous reason "chad says "it's OK,  I gave Chris and Mackenzie and peice of their own mind a few days ago at the meet up thing "I say "I heard about that but I'm proud of you, for doing that and who's this "chad says "this is luka,  my boyfriend and we are here visiting since I wanted to see everyone again after graduation "I say "nice to meet you luka and looks like you didn't play hard to get with him,  you must really like him not to do that "chad says " yes I played hard to get but everyone was stupid and I didn't like anyone hence me never dating anyone then I meet luka and here we are "I say " your making me sound bad and I don't know why "Luka says "I would never,  I just didn't like anyone that much to date them"i say " right~ "he says " well I'll leave you two alone,  I'll see you around if you ever come back otherwise good luck in whatever you want to do "chad says leaving "yeah you too,  see you "I say waving to him as he leaves "he seems nice now "luka says "yeah he changed alot but in a good way "I say "why don't we go back and relax before we leave tomorrow "he says "OK,  what do you have in mind "I say "you'll see "he says walking me to the car and then we drive off back to faiths house

*once at faiths they decide to have a shower then decide to have a movie marathon with Disney princesses* "I love Mulan and all but if he just looked down her shirt when he grapped her,  this movie would've been like 20mins,  but he didn't then again why would you do that "I say " I'm not sure,  I'd never do that to anyone "luka says "that's because you're a sweetheart and a gentleman "I say hugging him tight " I love you,  yes I've said a lot but I really mean it every time "he says kissing my head " I love you too, dork "I say giggling to myself and kissing him softly "get a room you two "faith says walking in "faith! really "I say blushing red "sorry but it's true and I hope you had fun out and I'll be out in the morning but you aren't leaving till 3:00pm which is 9:00am Paris time "she says "yes and it's 12hrs so we won't be home until 9:00pm or 3:00am here "I say " long flight but worth it right "she says "yeah and we saw chad today at the beach after we had dinner "I say "see what did I tell you, he's changed and he's kinda hot "she says "then date him,  he's all yours "I say " brig don't say that,  he likes you but no other guys will date me because they don't like that in friends with you but I'll live "she says "go find chad!, he's perfect for you "I say "I have his number so I guess I could call him,  but if he says no,  it's your fault for making me ask him "she says dialling and walking into another room " why did you make her do that "luka says "I've made every relationship in my friend group happen , Nikki&brandon (hehe dork diaries 😏 ), shine&Shane,  Mackenzie&chris before they hated me and max&arianna (hehe also kinda dork diaries😏😏) "I say "wow,  didn't know you were good at making couples happen "luka says "yeah and I guess I'll be up to 5 if faith goes with Chad "I say as i see her walk out " well "luka says " tell me or us "I say " he said yes and we're going out tomorrow night "she says happy "that's so good,  you call me after r text me since I'll be on the plane still "I say "yes I will ,don't worry otherwise I'll call when it's not weird times "she says "ok,  now you wanna join us watching our movie "I say "sure "she says sitting down on a couch

*later they go to sleep after watching Mulan,  brave and Cinderella*


OK done for now,  yes I had to reference my fav books ships,  leave me alone and Mackenzie is also a dork diaries character but has no Crush unless you count bradon but he's with Nikki so yeah AnYwAyS hope you enjoyed so bye for now 💜

~Bleep out~
Feb 6/2/2020

May 24th edit: Honestly so tempted to just publish the rest of this in one go and then publish 4 parts a week of my other book with 28 parts 😂😅because I'm over it like yes it's an alright book but it's all 3/4 months old so uh yeah. Anextra53wordsforallthat.

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