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Daddy said he had to go talk to my momma about something but he didn't want me there so he left me here with Jawsay

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Daddy said he had to go talk to my momma about something but he didn't want me there so he left me here with Jawsay.

"Jawsay!" I called him as I jumped on the couch beside him.

He hummed and played with his hair.

"Why do you always look mean but you are really like a teddy bear?" I asked and he chuckled.

"What do you mean I'm like a teddy bear?" He asked and I shrugged.

"You are always nice to me even though you told my daddy to punish me besides that you are nice like how teddy bears are" I told him and he chuckled again and shrugged.

"If I look mean it makes people leave me alone" he told me making me nod.

"And why do you want people to leave you alone?"

He shrugged "I don't like them."

"You don't know them" I reminded him and he shrugged again.

"Well do you like me?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yay!" I cheered, jumping up and down.

"Lily sit down" he told me and I shook my head at him.

"I don't have to because you aren't my daddy Jawsay and he's not here. I can have fun!" I screamed, running down the hallway.

"Lily!" He yelled chasing after me.

I laughed and moved away so I was running the other way but Jawsay tackled me and his face was close to mine and he had my hands held down.

"You done?" He asked me making me giggle.

"What the fuck are y'all doing?!" Daddy yelled scaring Jawsay but he just rolled his eyes and got up.

"I was trying to get her to sit down" he told daddy and he shook his head.

"Lily tell him" Jawsay turned around making me put my head down.

"It's true daddy I was being bad and running around while you were gone, I'm sorry" I pouted.

"Seriously?" He asked me, grabbing my face.

I nodded "Jawsay wasn't being bad like Dre I would tell you daddy" I told him and he nodded.

He picked me up and carried me to the room, laying me down.

"Daddy what did my momma say?" I asked him and he sighed.

"Nothing" he told me as I looked at his big hand before grabbing it and picking it up.

I held it right in front of my eyes "daddy do you choke people?" I asked him.

I seen it happen in the video on his tv.

"No princess" he told me making me pout.

"But the man choked the girl on the tv, are you going to choke me when we do nasty stuff?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Probably" he told me.

"Will it hurt?" I asked and he chuckled and shook his head.

He took his hand from me and walked over to my boxes, picking up a small one and handing it to me.

"Open it" he told me and I listened.

It was a choker, I seen other littles wear it but I never had my own just like pacis.

It was pink lace and had silver letters that said baby on them with a bell.

"Can you put it on me?" I asked him with a smile and he nodded and but it on me

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"Can you put it on me?" I asked him with a smile and he nodded and but it on me.

"Thanks daddy!" I cheered and Jawsay walked in.

"Is that a choker?" He asked and I nodded and rung the bell.

"Daddy got it for me" I told him and he nodded.

"It's cute, can you get me one daddy?" He pouted to my daddy making me look at daddy and he mad a nasty face at Jawsay.

"Get your gay ass on somewhere" he laughed at him.

Jawsay walked away laughing making me pull daddy's hand "daddy kiss?" I asked him, pointing to my lips.

He chuckled and kissed me making me smile.

"I love you daddy."



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