Chapter 12

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3rd  person's view

"Come on! You can do it!" Hange clapped her hands– entertained from [Y/n]'s struggle. [Y/n] hanged one of her legs in attempt to search for the ground, she was wiggling her legs too long that she lost balance from the horse and immediately pulled her legs back up.

“I-I can't!! T-The horse! The horse is too tall!”

“Nonsense! If Levi can ride a horse effortlessly, with your height, you can definitely ace that!!” Hange felt a glare piercing through her back, yet she shrugged it off with a smile. Her reassurance– motivation if you will– pushed [Y/n] gawking over the horse.

"Time's ticking kid, you will miss your opportunity to join the others. " Levi frowned at her, though [Y/n] caught his eyes shifting and glaring secretly over the female trainees squealing from his presence and [Y/n] immediately knew he was referring to them– they were too noisy. 

She pulled a deep breath, "You can do it." the fear which riveted her from leaving the horse quickly vanished the second she felt an unfamiliar presence approaching them. Her body acted on their own, and the next thing she knew, her feet are glued on the ground.

Stupefied from herself– she blinked.

"Commander Hange and Captain Levi, fancy seeing you here."

"Ahh commander Keith" trainees both male and female ran inside the camp as soon as they saw Keith's figure.

"We're here because she wants to join you" Levi jerked [Y/n] towards Keith.

Keith's intimidating aura, his dreary hooded eyes and the way he stood with pride in front of her has left [Y/n] petrified.

"And you are?" the gruffness of his voice sent chills down her spine, the fear prompted her to straighten her posture.  She doesn't want to look bad in front of someone who'll train her does she?

"I'm [Y/n] [L/n] sir!"

He responded with a hum, "Well then, go inside and get your uniform. I will bid my farewell to the two of you." Keith walked ahead, [Y/n] following behind– subconsciously immitating Keith's stance.  

"Good luck [Y/n]!" Hange screamed. [Y/n] broke free from her stiff posture and turned around– waving nonchalantly at the two.

"I bet she won't even make it that far."

You died alone in order to save me, now I will ensure I will seize revenge by my own in honor of you, my mother.

M e a n  w h i l e

After watching [Y/n] disappear alongside Keith, Hange gazes up the sky– the sun setting down made her enlarge her eyes.

That took us almost forever to force [Y/n] to get off the horse! 

"Hange, care to spill informations regarding to her way of interacting?"

“What do you mean?” in a split second, Hange's head landed on Levi– the apparent confusion plastered all over her face. “She didn't spilt informations about her background? Except the obvious fact that she survived Wall Maria alongside her mother, and witnessed a bloodshed including her mothers' .”

Hange's head glued on the ground.

The whole time we were talking, all her mouth could spill about was her mother.. and that includes spilling the info about their hug.

I will take care of [Y/n] as best as I could, she's not what I think she is.. that's just absurd. Just a day with you and I felt like I found a sister..

Hange remained silent. The quietness she replied pushed Levi into a conclusion [Y/n] did spoke something about her background.

Soon, they left to attend a meeting alongside Levi's squad.

As Hange ensconced on her seat, her eyes shifted on Eren whose shockingly staring back– it was the stare of someone whose eager to seek for answers, specific answers that could calm them.

"In regards of the damage–”

"C-Commander Hange! The girl you just spoke to.. she's [Y/n] right? [Y/n] [L/n]?" Eren querid before the head of the meeting could even start her opening statement.

Hange saw it coming. She nodded as she crossed her hands. 

He sounded like he knew her.. then again Eren wouldn't want to barge in [Y/n]'s room if there's no relationship between the two.

But if there is.. [Y/n] seems to just disregard him.

"Why Eren,  the way you specifically stated her last name tells me you know her.. very well?"

He nodded, "In fact, Mikasa, Armin and Jean knew her. Since we're just kids we were already friends– except for Jean. "

Hange's lopsided smile threw everyone in the room in utter confusion.  “Care to tell a little story? We wouldn't mind hearing it out~"

"I met her because she was bullied by Jean. I saved her from him and then eventually became my friend. I don't know much about her family but what I do know is that she's like Mikasa– willing to risk her own life to save me, the difference is [Y/n] shows much more expression than Mikasa"

I see.. I've noticed that too. Yesterday, we've been talking about titans and didn't get too personal when she was the one who opened the topic. That's how I came to know about the hug.

All eyes pay heed to Eren– in anticipation for him to speak more. To their dismay, that was his story. Levi, who low-key seems interested in the corner, found his story to be a cliffhanger of some sort.

"Is that all? What happened after the first attack of the titans?" Levi rubbed his thumb and pointing finger. Eren shook his head, "We lost contact of her."

"In what way?"

"We lost her in the middle of the crowded people who were desperate to save themselves rather than fighting back." he spoke through gritted teeth and  clenched his fist.

"Hange were they all true? Did [Y/n] said the same thing? "

I have to keep everything that she told me hidden. I will tell them in the future if I have concrete proofs.

"Meeting dismissed." she pushed her glasses from the tip of her nose. Although everyone followed and left Hange's office, Levi remained in his position– rubbing his fingers together.

Hange stayed quiet since this peculiar yet somehow normal habit of Levi is a sign of him reflecting deeply unto things.

"I'am not going to believe that all you and that unmannered girl spoke to you was about her surviving inside Wall Maria" Hange flinched. "Oh Levi, time will come and everything will reveal itself. "

"I'm not going to wait."

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