Chapter 20

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[Y/n]'s P.O.V

Jean and I left our horses. He went inside a tunnel to demonstrate how the patrol flows. How Hange explained it earlier was literally just what we need to do– check if there are any menace kids or adults lingering around or if there are any malfunctions.

It was a tunnel heavily guarded by the Survey corps and with the help of some trusted residents to make sure no one comes near nor enter. If ever a random kid snuck passed their eyes, it's certain tomorrow would be an unanticipated war against the titans.

Because each tunnels from all four directions– the north, west, south and east– was a bridge towards Wall Maria. The neighbouring town that has been breached years back. 

If gate was opened, small titans will enter for sure, and they aren't good news considering their speed. Based from real experience yesterday.

“Imagine,” Jean placed his palms on the gate side of Wall Maria, “If this door opened while we're here” He giggled.

“You want that to come true?” I held a rope connected to the gate Jean was holding, one strong pull and Wall Rose's been breached.

“Hey no! I was just imagining!”

I giggled, “Let's go, this gate is clear. ” we hopped on our horses and head our way to the third gate on the west.

As we arrived, Jean told me not to get off my horse and volunteered to check it on his own.  After that, it was the last time Jean spoke as we head to our last gate– the east, the closest to the camp.

Jean's really quiet though.. and I'm not judging him, it's our first time meeting afterall. But somehow, I perceived his silence to be someone collecting his thoughts to find the perfect time to recite them all out.

A gut feeling. Just a gut feeling.

“Well then that seems to be it” I stated, walking pass Jean. “Don't you really remember me?”

“Uhm.. excuse me?” I poke my ears to make sure I was hearing what I thought I'm hearing. “Y-You don't really remember.. well then let me introduce myself to you. I'am Jean Kirstein.” he stretched his palm for me to accept.

I was hesitant at first and admittedly, I'm starting to feel creeped out.  I shivered secretly before breathing out.

He's just.. introducing himself and expecting for a handshake. What could possibly go wrong if I accepted it right?

Upon accepting his handshake, a  thunder flashed before my eyes. It electrocuted me and I see myself digging up memories I never knew I have with Jean.

And those memories weren't good at all.

I held his wrist, twisted them and lifted his body. I threw him hard on the flat ground and immediately stomping on his chest all the while pulling his arms.

“You jerk! You wish I didn't remembered you!” even though I sensed someone approaching us, I didn't stopped. Instead, I pulled his hands more.


I looked in front and saw a girl with a short jet black hair. She left her horse, staring apathetically at  Jean's state before she averted her gaze. “You can go back to the camp now. This is your last gate right?”

“Aghh! Mikasa help me!” he winced. “You can go back now.”

I let go of Jean's arm with a jerk, “Never even dare come near me.” I got on my horse and left the two.

This jerk.. this brave little jerk. This brave littl– why does he wants me to remember such a horrible past with him? Is that how messed up he is now?

Jean Kirstein, what a disgusting attitude. I'm going to have to clean my hands the minute I arrived at the camp.

3rd person's view

Mikasa got on her horse while Jean struggled getting on his.  He was trying not to aggravate the pain on his  arm by supporting it with his opposite hand, and decided to just walk.

“Argh” he groaned.  Mikasa slightly glances over him– finding the perfect time to raise a question. She opened her mouth, about to speak up when Jean's groan dominated over hers.

“Ahh, what a pain!”

“She remembers you?” she finally asked.  “I don't know.. maybe. One moment she acts as if she doesn't know me then the next she threw me to ground as if she's getting her revenge from the day I bullied her.” he groaned again

“Maybe she was too hurt to even remember you and pretended not to know you.”

“I don't think so..”

“Maybe she got annoyed from your presence that she shuts you up by doing that?” she further pressed.

Jean shook his head– looking up to her,  “No Mikasa, you don't know how she reacts before I shook her hand. She was different.. ”

“Different you say.. how?”

“Like, you know how lovey-dovey Captain Levi's fangirls are in front of him but when he turned his back or even talk shit about him, that image crumbles into oblivion as a whole new species that's ready to hunt you down 'till the hitch of your last breath shows up? Yeah, like that.” quite the odd explanation, nevertheless Mikasa achieved her goal.

She witnessed everything, she doesn't need anymore explanation. After the occurrence yesterday, Mikasa already anticipated Hange to start taking actions. But she was mildly shocked Hange chose her.

Even if [Y/n] was a confirmed titan, the three friends– Armin, Eren and Mikasa won't be shocked anymore. Eren holds the strongest proof– and that was having to witness her death. How she perished for years in the mortal world.

It may be the strongest, but not the most solid one. Words alone cannot be reliable to a such strong accusation, but then again, why would Eren expose her?

If anything, he will voluntarily turn a blind eye over the situation. If Eren acts this way, Mikasa can't go against it. She did spent time with [Y/n], and even just a tad bit, Mikasa trusts [Y/n] to control herself.

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