Chapter 13

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[Y/n]'s P.O.V

“[Y/n] stop!” Chloe struggled from holding me firmly on my spot as I growled and scowled towards my prey.  “You can't talk to me as if you know me!” 


“Let go of me!!”

“Seems like you're too weak to even get off of your weak friends. Ha! You are all weak!” Yuji, the top of our class, laughed.

Earlier this morning, the top 10 was announced. Yuji being the obvious pretentious being he is, topped the class while one of my friend, Takashi, came second.

Me? Third. I sure hope Captain Keith would also consider one's morale in order for them to achieve the top. 

“[Y/n] enough of this shit!” Chloe was now detaining me by hugging my waist. “Gosh darn it! Where even is Takashi?!”

Well I'm sorry! It's not me who started this fight! I'm just supporting Yuji for his death!

“Even if you did get out of your friend's weak grip, you won't be able to fight me!” he sneered over my struggling friend and just completely pulled the trigger.

“At least I'am not too coward to fight you! Look at yourself, no one's laying hold of you– you have the advantage of hitting me yet you can't bring yourself to do it! ” I slid off of Chloe and lift my clenching fist towards Yuji's face when all of a sudden, someone locked me to the ground.

“Didn't Chloe said to stop this shit?” I calmed at first– deducing it to be an officer or one of the higher ups, but after peeking to see who it was, I continued struggling out of his grip.

“Takashi, let go of me! I'll teach this brat a lesson!”

“Weaklings.” fortunately, after Yuji and his friends left my sight, I suddenly heard a loud thud. Takashi's grip around my arms loosened– allowing me to peek.

My eyes enlarged after seeing an unconscious–nose bleeding Yuji. Despite the shock, my lips stretches into an uncontainable smile.

Damn that was a good hit!

“Commander.” Takashi ascended from my body.

Wait, Commander Keith? C-Commander Keith did that?? That was awesome!!

“Being the top of the class doesn't mean the others are your little puppets, Yuji. And having the rank just second and third under his doesn't mean you have all the rights to fight whatever you prefer is the best time,” his hooded eyes landed on us but soon averted towards the audience, “Having no ranks doesn't mean you have no mouth to speak up and stop an amateur fight. Chloe, Takashi and [Y/n] run laps from the mountain back to the base. ”

He was about to leave the cafeteria, “C-Commander!” he halted after Chloe spoke up. “How many laps, commander?”

He turned his head over his shoulders, the fierce within his glare pierced through our body– leaving us shivering and hair mounting from our skin.

“Stop until I say so.”

And that is how I graduated months of training under Keith. I tried my very best to avoid Yuji whenever he would walk pass me or even would lay an eye on me, nevertheless, he was doing everything on purpose just so he could give people entertainment.

He's a clown.

Luckily, I met Chloe and Takashi.  They were one's who'd keep my mind distracted from Yuji and just basically the stress from the world in general. I assist Takashi with his kills while Chloe's skillful in outrunning and distracting titans.

Chloe being on the talkative side and Takashi possessing that cold and quiet attitude. Mostly, if we're alone, just the three of us, Takashi tends to talk more.

“Tomorrow's the day we will be picking the regiment we want to join.”  I started the laps– unintentionally dragging my two friends whom didn't partook in the argument at all. 

I heard Takashi responded with a hum and soon catching up to me, “[Y/n] what are you going to pick?”

“Survey corps.” I will see Hange again. I missed her so much..

“Really?! I'm going to join MPs !” Chloe catched up beside me, subconsciously I furrowed my brows at her. She tilted her head, “W-Why?”

“Chloe, I'm concerned for you. If you're joining the MPs then I'll join as well.”

“Your eyebrows says otherwise!”

“Yuji's joining MPs, I don't want him to bombard your mind with insulting words that'll live in your head, rent free. Trust me, that'll take effect on your performance ” as I noticed her missing figure beside me, I glance behind only to see her pace slowing down. I halted.


“I can take care of myself. Join Survey corps if that's what you truly prefer, I'll remember you and Takashi.. I promise. ” her walk gradually turned into a run, a fast one.

“I'm joining the Survey corps. ” my head whipped on Takashi– eyes widened. 

“I have my own decision too [Y/n]. Sometimes we can't be in the same page.” her small frame faded in the misty forest.

I'am not babying her, I just more often than not see my child self in her and through her, I want to protect her as a compensate for not protecting myself and my mom whom I dearly cherished.  No offense to Chloe, but she grew up not seeing nor bumping onto a smart titan,  she's apparently oblivious that titan's like the murderer who ate my mom, even exists.

I want to be beside her, guiding her through things. My heart aches whenever I thought about inevitable events such as her facing them one way or another. I've heard rumours MPs lack training in terms of physical combat since they rely on the Survey corps, Chloe won't have any improvements if she's left alone with coward soldiers.

If there are soldiers in the MPs who has the determination to fight and has the heart of a soldier, then this on-going toxic rumour shouldn't be around anymore.

“Hey, you there?” I didn't noticed Takashi stopped from running.  “T-Takashi, you didn't followed behind Chloe? ”

“Well you are completely out of the world, leaving you oblivious of your surrounding would be the stupidest decision I'll make. Chloe's smart, she may not have made it in the top 10, in terms of outrunning dangers, she's the pro.   ”

I was about to run again– desperate to catch up for Chloe when I stepped on a rock, my ankle twisted and before my body contacts with the ground Takashi supported my body.

“Are you alright?”

I froze at my spot.

“How about you go back to the ca–”

“Hey! You love birds hurry up!!” Chloe screamed from the distance. I shook my head and lightly pushed Takashi away, “C-Chloe!!”

“I'm jealous!!” she laughed. “Well then, last to acquire the first lap is ugly!!” her voice gradually became louder as I thought she's coming back to us to officially start the race. But after she ran pass us, I concluded she's already and was about to get her first lap done.

First lap out of infinity.

“It's on!!” I started running with my heart out.

“Seriously you'll believe her?” Takashi spoke beside me. I flinched when he was beside me.. but I was running fast? How come he was just running like it's nothing?

“Well Takashi, try beating me.”


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