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Eren's P.O.V

Just like what she said, she'll let life screw me over. And it did.. but I didn't  expected her to be part in it.  Who cares now though? Her forgetting her memories might be the right play here.

"Hey! Eren! Am I doing it?" She twirled around for me to make sure if she wore the gear correctly, I gave her a thumbs up.

"Now I need to know how to operate this. Do I just– WOAH WHAT THE FU–" she suddenly flew when her grapple hooked on a tree branch.

Oh snap.

“I'm alright, don't you worry! The greatest, if not the best soldier, can handle small casualty like this!!” she was dangling from the branch but she still managed to give me a thumbs up.

I hooked my grapple to the branch, "You look a little.. uhm.. " I reached my hand for her, but she slapped it away. “No, I can do this.”

"You really need to be careful with what you touch."

“No no.. don't worry. I'm a natural. I can just pull myself up–”

“You'll break your gear and fall!”

“Oh don't sweat it! I've done multiple pull-ups in my dream, I should be able to do this– OH SHIT” as she pulled herself to the branch, the gear broke.  Fortunately, I was right on time catching her.

We rolled on the ground and as I stopped, I stood up and rushed to her. Her front was buried on the ground and she gave no signs of consciousness. When I rolled her to the side, she suddenly laughed.

“You have conscious!! Thank goodness!”

“Oh pfft! That fall hardly even bruised me!” I flicked her forehead, “Your cockiness really loves karma.”

“But uhm.. captain's not going to scold me for this broken gear right?”

I smiled, “Of course!” she breath out. “Not.”


“I'll make sure he knows this. You need to get the punishment you deserve”

“Wait, but wasn't that fall enough? Y-You said it yourself, it's karma!!” I could only smirk, “You said that fall hardly even bruised you. So I'm concluding you're looking for a punishment so traumatising, you wish you'd let me save you.”

“Wait a minute..” she sat up, “Aren't you the one who checked if I wore my gear correctly? You gave me a thumbs up afterwards I flew on the branch. And coincidentally, the gear I had you check was the one loose on the branch.  So wasn't this.. partially your fault?”

From the distance, I heard a horse coming towards the Levi squad's camp. I squinted my eyes to see who it was, and it was someone I don't know.

“Oh would you look at that!! Someone's here! Must be for me!”

“Hey, you–”

"Good day Eren, Commander Hange would like you to come to her office. " He bowed and handed me over a letter directly from Hange herself. After reading the letter, I immediately nodded.

“I won't tell captain, but make sure you do the dishes tonight. Commander's summoning me, I'll see you later!”

“What's with the blackmail?!”

T i m e  s k i p

"There you are. " Commander Hange stood up and handed me a notebook. It looks like an old notebook.. was this the notebook I saw when she's locked up behind bars?

"Inside that notebook is [Y/n]'s past. The story of her family and how she got the ability to shift into a titan. Please read it carefully.. I'll give you time."

I-I don't know what to say.. her father's an Eldian..

"Just like what says in the notebook, her father's an Eldian. He has the ability to sense and predict movements. Furthermore, the ability to remember someone when skin contact occured. " I closed the notebook. "I can't confirm anything but it seems like her father got the ability to transform late. As you already know, a titan shifter can only live 13 years max, but her father lived for so long,"

She started scribbling on her paper,   "[Y/n]'s father's ability passed on to [Y/n], keyword: passed. It's not like your situation where you get the whole 13 years to yourself– unless of course you're eaten or you died.” I nodded. “This is where my theory starts, when you died much early than your limiting life, your ability, which was passed on to someone will end to its limitation. "

Huh? I kind of get what she means but how was it processed is what I don't understand.

"Since her father died and used only 5 years of his ability, he passed the 8 years left on [Y/n]. After 8 years, she can no longer use it. Basic math, 8 plus 5 is 13” on the paper, she drew lines connecting [Y/n]'s father and [Y/n] herself. She suddenly grab a ballpen with a red ink.

“However.. doesn't that violates the 13 years life limitation? If she has reached the limit, why.. isn't she dead?” she started drawing a big question mark, “That's the million dollar question. That solves how [Y/n] can't remember us anymore and her sensing ability. However, her still living even after reaching the limitation.. that'll be left unanswered. Nevertheless, we should be glad she's still with us. "

I smiled, "She is really trying her best to remember everything.. " I held the notebook tight. "Will you give that notebook to her? She deserves to know her family background. "

[Y/n]'s P.O.V

"Whoah! Hey, be careful!" I grabbed Armin's arms as a support, to make sure he won't slip and take a bad fall in the water. "Sorry, sorry. " He giggled.

“[Y/n], Eren's here. " Mikasa was staring someone behind Armin and I, we both traced her eyes and it landed on Eren holding something in his hand.

“Hey Eren! Join us!”

“Hey..” Eren removed his shoes and joined in the water with us, now that he's upclose, he was firmly holding a book. An old notebook.

"I believe this is yours. " He handed me the notebook, I gladly took it and opened it.

Shinji [L/n] was what the first page is.

I immediately closed the notebook, “I'll read it later. Takashi, Armin, Mikasa and I were just chilling here.. they found me by the camp– struggling to fix the gear I broke– I mean, you, you broke.”

“Well now that half of the squad is here, I want everyone to know.. that we deserves to smile. Even if we have different ways, different stories and different problems. " He stroke my hair

I held the book tight in my chest and nodded, “We also have a side quest. Takashi wants to find his parents, and I'm down to help him.”

Takashi flinched, “I-I thought this is just between you and me..”

“Wait that was supposed to be a secret?”

“After Takashi's quest, there's another quest waiting for us.. and it's about [Y/n]. Though right now.. let's end the chaos right here and open a new arc tomorrow. How 'bout that?” we exchanged nods.

“Sounds like a plan.”


Omay gush

That was a really hectic story AND chapters. I would like to say my sorry to those chapters wherein you don't understand because I suck at descriptive writing

I really am sorry!

But thank you for reading and supporting this story! I hope to meet you in the future stories

Yura signing out!

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