Chapter 25

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[Y/n]'s P.O.V

“He just asked me about my stay.”

“Is that all?”

“That would be all.” I smiled– trying my best not to show off any suspicious acts.

We left the cabin and in the forest we go.

On our way to the camp, I keep catching Eren steal glances at me. I tried shrugging it off at first but as it went on for a couple of minutes, I couldn't take it.

Everyone's acting really odd this days.

“Do you want me to know about something?”


I looked over my shoulder, “It looks like something's bothering you.”

“I just want you to leave all the job to me. I can get the food by myself and I'll wait for you by the horses.” I furrowed my brows, “Eren–”

“We'll park the horses in a secluded area, if that's fine for you?” upon seeing the gate from the distance, I slowed the pace of my horse to let Eren show me this secluded area.

It might be bizarre of him, but I didn't bother questioning it.

“Alright” we parked our horses inside a spacious alleyway just near the camp. “You can stay here or go meet other people! It has been a day or two that you're gone here.”

“I've got no attachments to this place except that amazing main hall and Hange.”

Eren stepped aside, “Then catch up with her! It's boring inside her office and a little chat with an old friend will help. ” I once again furrowed my brows but walk pass him, “Eren, okay. We're sent to do this mission together, and you insisting me to do things except the job itself is quite odd, not gonna lie,” once I left the alleyway, I turned around and smiled.

“But the job's too simple, even a child can manage it. For that, I won't make such a fuss about it. I'll go catch up with the others– hope this is a warm-up for you after locking yourself up in your room for who knows how many days!” I run off.

To be completely honest, I'm nervous to face Hange. I can't just barge in her office knowing how busy she is! She might just answer me coldly to end the conversation I initiated to continue on with her work– and that would be really awkward!

I should've brought Chloe..

“[Y/n]?” I halted right in front of the camp's closed gates. Two guards opened them to let the commander out. “C-Commander Hange!!” I bowed.

Damn it damn it damn it this is too early for our interaction!! I haven't even planned whether I should approach her formally or casually!

“Right on time!!” she fixed her glasses and like an excited kid receiving a gift from her parents, she hauled me away from the camp and went the opposite way.


“Oh right!” she threw her hands away from me as if she's disgusted of what her parents gifted her. Afterwards, she coughed,  “I heard you've been promoted in Levi's squad. ”

Her change of act prompted me to act and speak formally towards her. Good grief.

I stepped a few meters away from her.   “Y-Yes commander. The members are well-trained and Captain Levi has high expectations from me and my friends.”

“Have you.. been seeing Eren?” I gaze up to her and immediately looked straight ahead, “He's a member of the squad, so there are a few interactions between us. B-But not romantically, commander.”

“What?” I heard a small giggle from her. “I-I mean you did said seeing so I presumed you're asking if we're dating”

“[Y/n]!! You're too smol for that!!” she ruffled my hair. The minute she did that, the tensed atmosphere lifted and perished in thin air. I feel comfortable again.. never felt this in a while, especially when talking to her.

“Let's set that aside.. right now I want to take you somewhere.” she wrapped her hands around my wrist and took the lead. We got around the camp and stopped at a deep tunnel– what I presume our destination is.

“What is this place?” as we entered the tunnel, what greeted me was a long dim hallway. At the very end lies a door which veiled a room soon to be discovered.

Hange took out a key and smiled at me, “You'll get your answers inside.” and opened the door.

Behind the door was a spacious searching-lab– many people walking around with identical white cloaks all stopped as their eyes landed on us.

“Commander Hange!!” I looked at her and unconsciously smiled. “Hello, hello. How is she?” Hange greeted.

“Still stuck sleeping inside.”

Hange sighed and as she look down at me, I immediately looked away. “Hey, I want you to meet someone”

She walked ahead– leading me to a beautiful girl stucked inside a crystal. I anticipated her to be expressive or those last moment pose to determine whether she was frozen by someone, instead I saw a girl peacefully sleeping inside the crystal.

“This is Annie Leonhart,” Hange started.

What a beautiful name.

“She's a titan shifter and an MP soldier.. yet later betrayed everyone. ”

Whoah.. betrayed everyone? Did she fought against Hange and the others?

I touched the ice and stroke the crystal with my thumb. I'm too mesmerized by this scene..

“The day we  caught her, she trapped herself in this crystal and she's in there for how many years.. I..  sometimes see Annie in you [Y/n]” I promptly removed my hand from the crystal out of shock.

“I don't know how to respond to that..” she smiled, “Well it's a compliment! Annie's beautiful and skilled. ”

But a traitor.

I inspected the exquisite beauty Annie has and attempted to imagine her betrayal.. yet nothing sits right with me. Even if Hange herself claimed she's a traitor, it doesn't sit right with me..

It's hard to believe..

“You might ask why I brought you here.. the answer would be because out there, the titan's aren't the only considered enemies. Sometimes, the real enemies are those who are the same with us.. or within us. ” she pats my shoulders, “This is the real world, [Y/n]”

A fellow human, so innocent-looking like Annie would be a traitor. No wonder it doesn't make sense to me, it's because I was trained to perceive the world crumbling because of the titans.

And only because of the titans.

I was too caught up enhancing my abilities to defeat them and the culprit for my mothers death that I set aside the existence of evil mortals in the back of my mind.

I pursed my lips into a thin line as I stare deeply into Annie's state.

Now that I can transform into a titan could I possibly eat Annie and inherit her ability to do that?

I raised my brow as an idea popped and bowed at Hange, “Commander, I need to go back now. Captain Levi might be looking for me. ”

Hange laughed, “might” but then nodded and escorted me outside.

Didn't know the stories Chloe always tell were useful. She was the one whom I heard say that if one titan ate another titan in their human form, then they will inherit the special ability that one titan possesses.

If I can do that later tonight then it will ensure my chance of winning against that titan! I could also use it to help Hange and my squad conquer Wall Maria back! This will go well!! 

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